Foto del docente

Lorenzo Breschi

Full Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-16/A Oral Diseases and Dentistry


Giannetti, Luca; Apponi, Roberto; Mordini, Lorenzo; Presti, Sara; Breschi, Lorenzo; Mintrone, Francesco, The occlusal precision of milled versus printed provisional crowns, «JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY», 2022, 117, Article number: 103924 , pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]

Josic U.; Mazzitelli C.; Maravic T.; Ragazzini N.; Jacimovic J.; Mancuso E.; Mazzoni A.; Breschi L., Universal adhesives and non-carious cervical lesions. A systematic review and meta-analysis, «DENTAL CADMOS», 2022, 90, pp. 188 - 197 [Scientific article]

Simone Bagattoni, Isabella Gozzi, Lisa Lardani, Federica Florenzano, Gabriela Piana, Annalisa Mazzoni, Lorenzo Breschi, Claudia Mazzitelli, Abstracts of the 10th Virtual Conseuro 2021 Congress Prevention of Early Post-Eruptive Enamel Breakdown in MIH- Affected Molars: A Conservative Approach, «CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS», 2021, 25, pp. 4185 - 4238 [Abstract]

Florenzano F, Del Bianco F, Mazzitelli C, Maravic T, Mancuso E, Comba A, Mazzoni A, Breschi L, Aesthetic Adhesive Full-Mouth Rehabilitation Of A Severe Tooth Wear Case, in: 10th CONSEURO, 2021(atti di: 10 th Conseuro digital Congress, online, 22/04/2021 fino 24/04/2021) [Poster]

Del Bianco F, Florenzano F, Mazzitelli C, Maravic T, Mancuso E, Comba A, Mazzoni A, Breschi L, Aesthetic restoration of severely worn dentition, in: 10 th Conseuro digital Congress, 2021(atti di: 10 th Conseuro digital Congress, ONLINE, 22/04/2021 fino 24/04/2021) [Poster]

Gobbi, Pietro; Maravic, Tatjana; Comba, Allegra; Mazzitelli, Claudia; Mancuso, Edoardo; Falconi, Mirella; Breschi, Lorenzo; Mazzoni, Annalisa, Biochemical and immunohistochemical analysis of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 in human sound dentin, «CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS», 2021, 25, pp. 5067 - 5075 [Scientific article]Open Access

Wang, C. -Y.; Jiao, K.; Yan, J. -F.; Wan, M. -C.; Wan, Q. -Q.; Breschi, L.; Chen, J. -H.; Tay, F. R.; Niu, L. -N., Biological and synthetic template-directed syntheses of mineralized hybrid and inorganic materials, «PROGRESS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE», 2021, 116, Article number: 100712 , pp. 100712 - 100763 [Scientific article]

Mancuso, Edoardo; Comba, Allegra; Mazzitelli, Claudia; Maravic, Tatjana; Josic, Uros; Del Bianco, Federico; Tay, Franklin R; Breschi, Lorenzo; Mazzoni, Annalisa, Bonding to dentin using an experimental zirconium oxynitrate etchant, «JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY», 2021, 108, Article number: 103641 , pp. 103641 - 103649 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bagattoni S.; Gozzi I.; Lardani L.; Piana G.; Mazzoni A.; Breschi L.; Mazzitelli C., Case report of a novel interim approach to prevent early posteruptive enamel breakdown of molar-incisor hypomineralization–affected molars, «THE JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION», 2021, 152, pp. 560 - 566 [Scientific article]

Sebold M.; Andre C.B.; Sahadi B.O.; Breschi L.; Giannini M., Chronological history and current advancements of dental adhesive systems development: a narrative review, «JOURNAL OF ADHESION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY», 2021, 35, pp. 1941 - 1967 [Scientific article]

Vichi A.; Fabian Fonzar R.; Carrabba M.; Louca C.; Scotti N.; Mazzitelli C.; Breschi L.; Goracci C., Comparison between hydrofluoric acid and single-component primer as conditioners on resin cement adhesion to lithium silicate and lithium disilicate glass ceramics, «MATERIALS», 2021, 14, Article number: 6776 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access

Maravic T.; Mancuso E.; Comba A.; Checchi V.; Generali L.; Mazzitelli C.; Josic U.; Hass V.; Reis A.; Loguercio A.D.; Tay F.R.; Breschi L.; Mazzoni A., Dentin Cross-linking Effect of Carbodiimide After 5 Years, «JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH», 2021, 100, Article number: 00220345211014799 , pp. 1090 - 1098 [Scientific article]Open Access

Fanfoni, Lidia; Marsich, Eleonora; Turco, Gianluca; Breschi, Lorenzo; Cadenaro, Milena, Development of di-methacrylate quaternary ammonium monomers with antibacterial activity, «ACTA BIOMATERIALIA», 2021, 129, pp. 138 - 147 [Scientific article]

Josic U.; Sebold M.; Lins R.B.E.; Savovic J.; Mazzitelli C.; Maravic T.; Mazzoni A.; Breschi L., Does immediate dentin sealing influence postoperative sensitivity in teeth restored with indirect restorations? A systematic review and meta-analysis, «JOURNAL OF ESTHETIC AND RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY», 2021, 34, pp. 55 - 64 [Scientific article]Open Access

Makvandi P.; Josic U.; Delfi M.; Pinelli F.; Jahed V.; Kaya E.; Ashrafizadeh M.; Zarepour A.; Rossi F.; Zarrabi A.; Agarwal T.; Zare E.N.; Ghomi M.; Kumar Maiti T.; Breschi L.; Tay F.R., Drug Delivery (Nano)Platforms for Oral and Dental Applications: Tissue Regeneration, Infection Control, and Cancer Management, «ADVANCED SCIENCE», 2021, 8, Article number: 2004014 , pp. 2004014 - 2004041 [Scientific article]Open Access

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