Foto del docente

Lorenzo Bertin

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-02/A Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

Short Bio

Lorenzo Bertin was born in Bologna (Italy) in the 1971. He received his M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering in December 1995 at the University of Bologna (Italy). He got the Ph.D. in Industrial Chemistry in the 2003. From 2001 to 2014 he was Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Engineering Faculty of the University of Bologna. From September 2014 he is Associated Professor in “Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Fermentations” and from March 2018 in "sanitary and environmental engineering"

His main research activities focused and focus on the development of non-conventional aerobic and anaerobic biotechnological processes, mainly dedicated to the bioremediation of actual-site contaminated environmental matrices and to the bioconversion of biowaste into biogas, chemicals and biopolymers according to the biorefinery approach.

He is the lead scientist of Research Units in EU and national projects. He published 69 full papers in international journals with IF and 10 book chapters. He got about 2400 citations, with a H-index of 35 (Scopus database, July 2023).

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+39 051 20 9 0317

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Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali
Via Terracini 28, Bologna - Go to map

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