Foto del docente

Licia Reggiani

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae

Associate professor at the University of Bologna since 2010, researches in French language, culture and literature with particular reference to translation in both literary (especially, French-language literature, post-colonial studies and theatre translation) and specialist (food and wine) contexts, to translation sciences and dissemination practice, and to linguistic variation. At present working on the translation of universal declarations or rights.


Following successful completion of secondary education (classical studies) at the Liceo L. Gavani in 1985, graduated in Modern Languages and Literatures (French) in 1990 with a thesis on 'Women in the narrative work of Marie Gevers' (110 cum laude) and completed a PhD in French-language Literature in 1997 with a thesis on 'Identity constellations in the post-colonial novel of French-speaking Belgium'.

Academic career

Following a number of years as a contract lecturer, appointed researcher in 2000 in the academic field L-LIN/04, French Language and Translation, at the School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators – SSLMIT (University of Bologna, Forlì site), attached to the Department SITLEC. In 2010, passed the national academic examination for the position of Associate Professor. On 1 November 2010, appointed Associate Professor at the University of Bologna, receiving tenure in 2014.

Teaching activities

Since 2000, lecturer responsible for various courses on the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes at the School of Languages and Literatures, Translation and Interpretation (DIT) in Forlì. Currently, lecturer in Translation from French to Italian and French Literature on the Bachelor's programme in Intercultural Linguistic Mediation and for the joint course in Multimedia translation on the Master's programme in Specialised Translation.

From 2000-10, lecturer on the postgraduate specialisation course in 'Multimedia Translation for the Cinema and Television' at the SSLMIT, on the Master's course in Translation and Multilingual Editions of audiovisual and multimedia works, and on the Master's course in Print and Multimedia Publishing, organised by the Advanced School of Humanistic Studies, University of Bologna.

Academic work

From 1995, numerous papers at Italian and international conferences, member of the organising committees of various international conferences, most recently: Médias et Bien-être, Forlì, October 2014 (in collaboration with the Université de Bordeaux 3 and the Università di Roma 3) and Voci della traduzione, Forli 15/16 October 2016, in collaboration with Crix, Centre de Recherches Italiennes, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense.

Institutional and academic roles

From November 2015, coordinator of the degree course in Intercultural Linguistic Mediation.

Member of the Doctoral School board in "Translation, Interpretation and Intercultural Communication". Supervisor of the PhD thesis in Paremiology by Vicenzo Lambertini (degree awarded in 2016, examining board: Prof Enrica Galazzi, Prof Michele Prandi, Prof Licia Reggiani), and co-supervisor with Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense of the the thesis by Chiara Denti.

From 2000 to 2015, elected faculty counselling delegate and member of the University Counselling Committee.

Tutor to Yannick Hamon, holder of a research grant for multimedia teaching of translation.

In charge of numerous Erasmus exchanges with French universities (Paris 3, - Sorbonne Nouvelle, ESIT, Inalco, Paris-Diderot, Lille, Mulhouse).

From 2010 to 2013, involved in various editions of the 'Face à Face. 'Paroles de France pour scènes d'Italie' project, promoted by the French Embassy in Italy, first as supervisor of Chiara Guanlupi's thesis (translation and performance of the play Stabat Mater Furiosa), then in the coordination and revision (together with Prof. Chiara Elefante and Prof Marie-Line Zucchiatti) of the translation of the play for young people, Il destino di Celestino by Irina Dalle, performed on 9 May 2011 by 'Compagnia Bella' and 'Rosaspina Un Teatro' at the Testori theatre in Forlì, and the play L'inatteso by Fabrice Melquiot, performed on 21 June 2012 under the direction of Anna Amadori at the Deposito della Carta CBRC in Bologna. After the Face à Face project, further work in theatre translation in the project led by Elena Di Gioia dedicated to the writings of Michel Azama and contemporary French theatre, promoted by the Alliance Française Bologna. Coordination and revision (again with Chiara Elefante and Marie-Line Zucchiatti) of the translation of the play La soglia (in French Le Sas) by Michel Azama, performed on 20 May 2014 under the direction of Silvia Lamboglia at the Teatro DOM La Cupola del Pilastro (Bologna). In 2015, coordination and revision (with Chiara Elefante and Marie-Line Zucchiatti) of the translation of the play 'Si ça va, bravo', performed by the actress Sabina Spazzoli.

Membership of academic and editorial boards

From 2013, member of the administrative board of SUSLLF (University Association for the study of French Language and Literature)

From 2010, member of the administrative board of the Alliance Française Bologna