Normative Logic
Transcendental Semantics
Constructive Theory of Science
Action Theory
Transcendental Pragmatics
The philosophy of the Erlangen School and the current of thought
known as "methodical constructivism", which aims to highlight the
material genesis of the cognitive structures. Development of
research: 1) The Platonic notions of "idea" and "matter" in
relation to the operational concept of science in Kant, Husserl,
Becker and Dingler. 2) The action-theory from Fichte to the New
neokantianism. 3) The birth and development of the operational
logic and dialogue. 4) The theory of constructive knowledge. 5) The
transcendental semantics and pragmatic. 6) The rehabilitation of
practical philosophy .
Biology and ethics in Hans Jonas. The new philosophy of nature in
relation to ethical issues and scientifical research. The role of
technology in relation to living being and ethics.
Picture and symbol in Hans Jonas and Ludwig Klages. Anthropology of
the picture in relation to the living being.
The theoretical biology of Jakob von Uexküll. Environment and
internal world of animals. The zoosemiotics.
The concepts of "possibility", "necessity" and "reality" in the
Western philosophical thought.