Foto del docente

Jorge Eduardo Fernandez

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Adjunct professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Head of Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Representación en la Republica Argentina — Centro de Altos Estudios de la Universidad de Bologna


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004


A. Tartari, C. Baraldi, E. Casnati, A. Da Re, J.E. Fernandez, S. Taioli. On the angular dependence of L x-ray production cross sections following photoionization at an energy of 59.54 keV. Journal of Physics B36 (2003) 843-851.

J.E. Fernandez, V. Molinari, M. Bastiano and V. Scot. MCSHAPE: a Monte Carlo code for simulation of polarized photon transport. Adv. X-Ray Anal. 46 (2003) 363-368

J.E. Fernandez, Modelling of Photon Transport (Design Considerations and How Monte Carlo and Deterministic Simulations are Useful Before Cutting Metal), in Proceedings of Workshop 2003 (A. Barletta and M. Sumini, Eds.), 183-214, Tecnoprint, Bologna (2003).


J.E. Fernandez and A. Tartari (Eds.) IRRMA-V Abstracts Book (pp. 1-398). Editrice Compositori (Bologna, 2002). ISBN: 88-7794-332-7.


F. Teodori, J.E. Fernandez and V. Molinari. The effect of geometry on the fluorescence radiation field. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 61 (2001) 353-354.

M. Gombia, D. Bollini, J.E. Fernandez, M. Gambaccini and V. Molinari. Improving tomographic images with a filtered projection in real space. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 61 (2001) 451-453.


J.E. Fernández, V.G. Molinari and F. Teodori, Mathematical Modelling of 3D electron-photon transport in microbeam analysis. Mikrochimica Acta 132, 219-224 (2000).

J.E. Fernández, CHAPTER II: INTERACTION OF X-RAYS WITH MATTER, [Invited chapter] In Microscopical X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis, (Eds. K. Janssens, F. Adams and A. Rindby) p. 17-62. John Wiley and Sons (New York, 2000). ISBN 0-471-97426-9.

A. Tartari, C. Bonifazzi, J.E. Fernández, M. Bastiano, E. Casnati, C. Baraldi and G. Di Domenico, Molecular coherent scattering data for tissue in photon transport Monte Carlo codes, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 53 (2000) 901-906.


J.E. Fernández and A. Tartari (Eds.) Proceedings of the European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry 1998 (EDXRS-98). Bononia University Press-Compositori (Bologna, 1999). ISBN 88-7794-195-2. Il volume è stato indicizzato dall' Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) nei seguenti indici: Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings, Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings in CDROM e Current Contents Proceedings - Engineering & Physical Sciences.

J.E. Fernández, Polarization effects in multiple scattering photon calculations using the Boltzmann vector equation [invited article for the special issue Elastic Photon-Atom Scattering: Fundamentals and Applications]. Radiation in Physics and Chemistry, 56, 27-59 (1999).

J.E. Fernández, Guest Editorial to the special issue: Papers from the European Conference on EDXRS, Bologna, Italy, 7-12 June 1998 (1st part). X-Ray Spectrometry 28, 207-208 (1999).

A. Tartari, E. Casnati, C. Baraldi, J.E. Fernández and J. Felsteiner, Comments on the paper “Monte Carlo simulation of source-excited in vivo X-ray fluorescence measurements of heavy metals”. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 44, L3 (1999).

J.E. Fernández, V. Molinari and F. Teodori, Diffusion of photons in the frame of the integral form of the transport equation, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry 1998 (EDXRS-98). (Eds. J.E. Fernández and A. Tartari) p. 37-43. Bononia University Press-Compositori (Bologna, 1999).

J.E. Fernández, V. Molinari and F. Teodori, 3D Modelling of Unpolarised Photon Diffusion Using the Integral Form of the Transport Equation.. X-Ray Spectrometry 28 (1999) 327-334.

J.E. Fernández, Guest Editorial to the special issue: Papers from the European Conference on EDXRS, Bologna, Italy, 7-12 June 1998. (2nd part) X-Ray Spectrometry 28 (1999) 307-308.


J.E. Fernández, Non-linear effects in polarized photon transport [Invited conference at the International Scientific Conference Mathematical models of non-linear excitation, transport, dynamics, control in condensed systems and other mediums, Tver, Russia, July 2-6 1996]. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 49, 83-87 (1998).

V.G. Molinari and J.E. Fernández, Slowing down and range of a beam of particles, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 51, 387-388 (1998).

J.E. Fernández, Non-linear photon transport due to polarization effects. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 51, 383-385 (1998).

J.E. Fernández, M. Bastiano and A. Tartari, Vector Monte Carlo for simulation of polarized photons. X-Ray Spectrometry 27, 325-331 (1998).

J.E. Fernández (Ed.) Abstracts Book of the European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry 1998 (EDXRS-98). Compositori (Bologna, 1998). ISBN 88-7794-150-2.


M. Bastiano, J.E. Fernández and V.G. Molinari, Range and stopping power of slow particles, Proceedings of the Yugoslav Nuclear Society Conference (YUNC'96). Dragoljub P.Antic Ed. Belgrade (1997).

J.E. Fernández, Monte Carlo simulation of linearly polarized photons. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 48, 1635-1646 (1997).


M. Bastiano and J.E. Fernández, A Monte Carlo simulation for polarized photon transport. In Radiations: from theory to multidisciplinary applications, pp. 124-126 (P.A. Salvadori Ed.) Felici (Pisa, 1996).

J.E. Fernández, Polarization effects in X-ray/matter interactions, Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques 14, 489-516 (1996). [invited article]


J.E. Fernández, M. Sumini and R. Sartori, Correction for Multiple Scattering of Unpolarized Photons in Attenuation Coefficient Measurements. Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 24, 263-286 (1995).

J.E. Fernández and M. Sumini, Comments on polarization effects in photon transport. In Advanced Monte Carlo Computer Programs for Radiation Transport (OECD Documents 6695011) 347-351. Nuclear Energy Agency, Paris (1995).

J.E. Fernández, Polarization Effects and Gamma Transport [Invited conference in the 6th International Symposium on Radiation Physics (ISRP-6), Rabat, Marocco, July 1994] Applied Radiation and Isotopes 46, 383-400 (1995).

A.Tartari, E. Casnati J.E. Fernández, C. Baraldi and M. Gambaccini, X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Cd and Tissue Characterization via Scattered Radiation Evaluation: a Feasibility Study for in vivo Applications, Applied Radiation and Isotopes 46, 605-606 (1995).

J.E. Fernández, Polarization in Compton scattering. in European Concerted Action on PET instrumentation & Crystal Clear Collaboration. Task Group Meeting. (Eds. S. Tavernier and C. Morel) p. 183-214. CERN, Geneva (1995).

A. Tartari, J.E. Fernández, E. Casnati and C. Baraldi, New EDXRS Exploitation of Compton Scattering Properties, X-Ray Spectrometry 24, 167-171 (1995).

J.E. Fernández, Monte Carlo simulation of polarized photons (in the right way). [Invited conference in the Eleventh National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-11), Patiala, India, October 1995] Proc. Nat. Sym. Rad. Phys. 11, 39-55 (1995).

J.E. Fernández, Polarization Effects and Photon Transport in X-ray Spectrometry, X-Ray Spectrometry 24, 283-292 (1995).

J.E. Fernández and A. Tartari, EDXRF Procedure for Quantitative Analysis Matching Theoretically Generated Reference Spectra to Measured Spectra., X-Ray Spectrometry 24, 277-282 (1995).

R. Pani, F. de Notaristefani, F. Scopinaro, G.J. Royle, J.E. Fernández, R.D. Speller, T. Malatesta, F. Vittori, R. Pellegrini, A. Soluri and G. De Vincentis, Compton camera based upon Yap:Ce multi-crystal detector. in Proceedings of the International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and Their Applications (SCINT95), pp. 48-51 (P. Dorenbos and C.W.E. Van Eijk, Eds.), Delft University Press (Delft, 1995).


A. Tartari, E. Casnati, J.E. Fernández, J. Felsteiner and C. Baraldi, Photon Backscattering Tissue Characterization by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy Evaluations. Physics in Medicine and Biology 39,  219-230 (1994).


J.E. Fernández and V.G. Molinari, Diffusion of polarized photons in the frame of the transport theory. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B73, 341-351 (1993).

J.E. Fernández, J.H. Hubbell, A.L. Hanson and L.V. Spencer. (REVIEW) Polarization effects on multiple scattering gamma transport. Radiation Physics and Chemistry (International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation, Part C) 41, 579-630 (1993).

J.E. Fernández, Polarization effects in X-ray photon diffusion. X-Ray Spectrometry 22, 286-292 (1993).

A. Tartari, J.E. Fernández, E. Casnati, C. Baraldi and J. Felsteiner, EDXRS modelling for In Vivo trace element analysis by using the SHAPE code. X-Ray Spectrometry 22, 323-327 (1993).

A. Tartari, E. Casnati, C. Baraldi and J.E. Fernández, In vivo fat and soft tissue evaluation by photon scattering measurements. Physica Medica 9, 16-18 (1993).


J.E. Fernández, Rayleigh and Compton scattering contributions to the XRF intensity, X-Ray Spectrometry 21, 57-68 (1992).

J.E. Fernández and V.G. Molinari, Systematic Calculations of Scattering Corrections with the code SHAPE, Advances in X-Ray Analysis 35, 757-766 (1992).

J.E. Fernández and R. Sartori, Multiple Scattering Contributions of Thin Films in Reflection Geometry, Advances in X-Ray Analysis 35, 835-842 (1992).

M. Sumini and J.E. Fernández, Multi-layer XRF calculations, Advances in X-Ray Analysis 35,  829-834 (1992).

J.E. Fernández and M. Sumini, Adjoint calculations for multiple scattering of Compton and Rayleigh effects. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B71, 111-115 (1992).

R. Sartori and J.E. Fernández, High-order multiple scattering contributions in X-ray spectrometry. X-Ray Spectrometry 21, 299-302 (1992).


J.E. Fernández, M. Rubio and J.H. Sánchez, Dependence of XRF intensity on the tilt of the propagation plane: experimental, X-Ray Spectrometry 20, 163-169 (1991).

J.E. Fernández and M. Sumini, SHAPE: a computer simulation of energy dispersive X-ray spectra, X-Ray Spectrometry 20, 315-319 (1991).

J.E. Fernández and V.G. Molinari, X-Ray Photon spectroscopy calculations, Invited Review Chapter in Advances in Nuclear Science and Technology (J. Lewins and M. Becker, eds.) Vol 22, 45-104 Plenum Press, New York, (1991).

J.E. Fernández, Rayleigh and Compton Double Scattering of Unpolarized X-Rays Physical Review A44, 4232-4248 (1991).


J.E. Fernández and V.G. Molinari, Theoretical estimation of the fourth-order XRF intensity, Advances in X-Ray Analysis 33, 573-580 (1990).

J.E. Fernández, XRFPC: A program and data base for XRF computations, Advances in X-Ray Analysis 33, 567-572 (1990).

J.E. Fernández, V.G. Molinari and M. Sumini, Corrections for the effect of scattering on XRF intensity, Advances in X-Ray Analysis 33, 553-566 (1990).

J.E. Fernández, V.G. Molinari and M. Sumini, Equilibrium state analysis of a non-neutral plasma under a uniform magnetic field, in Proceedings of the IV Latin American Workshop in Plasma Physics, CNEA, Buenos Aires, (1990).

J.E. Fernández, M. Rubio and J.H. Sánchez, Dependence of XRF intensity on the tilt of the propagation plane: experimental, Report LIN-1008, Università di Bologna, Bologna (1990).

J.E. Fernández and M. Sumini, SHAPE: a computer simulation of energy dispersive X-ray spectra, Report LIN-1009, Università di Bologna, Bologna (1990).

J.E. Fernández and V.G. Molinari, X-Ray Photon spectroscopy calculations, Report LIN-1015, Università di Bologna, Bologna (1990).

J.E. Fernández, Rayleigh and Compton Double Scattering of Unpolarized X-Rays Report LIN-1014, Università di Bologna, Bologna (1990).

J.E. Fernández, Rayleigh and Compton scattering contributions to the XRF intensity, Report LIN-1010, Università di Bologna, Bologna (1990)


J.E. Fernández, M. Rubio and H.J. Sánchez, Influence of the propagation plane tilt on the fluorescent intensity: I. Monte Carlo Simulation (in Spanish), in Avances en análisis por técnicas en rayos X (J.A. Riveros et al., eds.) Vol VI, pp. 189-201, UNC, Córdoba (1989).

J.E. Fernández, M. Rubio and H.J. Sánchez, Influence of the propagation plane tilt on the fluorescent intensity: II. Study of the layer emission (in Spanish), in Avances en análisis por técnicas en rayos X (J.A. Riveros et al., eds.) Vol VI, pp. 203-221, UNC, Córdoba (1989).

J.E. Fernández, M. Rubio and H.J. Sánchez, Influence of the propagation plane tilt on the fluorescent intensity: III. Experimental (in Spanish), in Avances en análisis por técnicas en rayos X (J.A. Riveros et al., eds.) Vol VI, pp. 223-233, UNC, Córdoba (1989).

J.E. Fernández, V. Molinari and M. Sumini, Effect of the x-ray scattering anisotropy on the diffusion of photons in the frame of the transport theory, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A280, 212-221 (1989).

J.E. Fernández and M. Rubio, Influence of the propagation-plane inclination angle on the fluorescent intensity: Study of the emission of small-thickness samples and determination of the maximum emission angle, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A280, 539-545 (1989).

J.E. Fernández, M. Rubio and H.J. Sánchez, A method of spectrochemical analysis based on some geometrical properties of the x-ray fluorescent intensity, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A280, 546-551 (1989).

J.E. Fernández, Monte Carlo computer simulation on the XRF intensity dependence on the propagation plane inclination, Computer Physics Communications 54, 211-220 (1989).

J.E. Fernández and M. Rubio, Dependence of XRF intensity on the tilt of the propagation plane, X-Ray Spectrometry 18, 281-290 (1989).

J.E. Fernández, XRF intensity in the frame of the transport theory, X-Ray Spectrometry 18, 271-279 (1989).



J.E. Fernández and R.T. Mainardi, X-ray fluorescence analysis procedure by successive attenuation of the excitation beam, Nuclear Instruments and Methods A225, 397-402 (1987).

J.E. Fernández and R.T. Mainardi, Thin Film Thickness Calculation to Maximize X-Ray Fluorescence Intensity in Transmission Arrangements, X-Ray Spectrometry 15, 103-105 (1986).

J.E. Fernández and M. Rubio, Principles of the propagation plane tilt influence on the fluorescent intensity (in spanish), in Análisis por Técnicas de Rayos X (J.A. Riveros et al., eds.) Vol. V (2), pp. 65-75, UNC, Córdoba (1986).

J.E. Fernández, An absolute method of x-ray fluorescence analysis based in successive modifications of the irradiation spectrum (in Spanish), PhD Dissertation, UNC, Córdoba (1985).

J.E. Fernández and R.T. Mainardi, General shape of the calibration curve in x-ray fluorescence analysis (in Spanish), in Seminario de Análisis por Técnicas de Rayos X (A.G. Alvarez et al., eds.) Vol. IV, pp. 152-163, CIC, Buenos Aires (1983).

R. T. Mainardi and J.E. Fernández, Utilization of different spectral shapes as internal standards in x-ray fluorescence analysis of multi-component samples (in Spanish), in Seminario de Análisis por Técnicas de Rayos X (A.G. Alvarez et al., eds.) Vol IV, pp. 164-171, CIC, Buenos Aires (1983).

R.T. Mainardi, J.E. Fernández and M. Nores, Influence of Interelements Effects on XRF Calibration Curves Coefficients for Binary Mixtures, X-Ray Spectrometry 11, 70-78 (1982)

J.E. Fernández and M. Rubio, Computers in x-ray fluorescence analysis: microprocessor based systems and applications (in Spanish), in Seminario de Análisis por Técnicas de Rayos X (A.G. Alvarez et al., eds.) Vol III, pp. 207-224 CIC, Buenos Aires (1982)

J.E. Fernández and R.T. Mainardi, Influence of the source-sample-detector geometrical arrangement in XRF analysis of samples excited with radioisotopes (in Spanish), in Seminario de Análisis por Técnicas de Rayos X (A.G. Alvarez et al., eds.) Vol. III, pp. 225-246, CIC, Buenos Aires (1982).

M. Nores, R.T. Mainardi and J.E. Fernández, Absorption and enhancement processes and its manifestation in XRF analysis calibration curves (in Spanish), in Seminario de Análisis por Técnicas de Rayos X (A.G. Alvarez et al., eds.) Vol. III, pp. 153-172, CIC, Buenos Aires (1982).

R.T. Mainardi, J.E. Fernández, R.D. Bonetto and J.A. Riveros, A Theoretical Procedure to Determine Coefficients from Rasberry-Heinrich Calibration Curve in XRF Spectroscopy, X-Ray Spectrometry10, 74-77 (1981)

R.T. Mainardi, J.E. Fernández, J.A. Riveros and R.D. Bonetto, Relation between theoretical and empirical equations in x-ray fluorescence analysis (in Spanish), in Análisis por Fluorescencia de Rayos X (R.T. Mainardi et al., eds.) Vol. II, pp. 76-82, UNC, Córdoba (1979).

J.A. Riveros, R.D. Bonetto, J.E. Fernández and R.T. Mainardi, Empirical formulas for the x-ray fluorescence analysis (in Spanish), in Análisis por Fluorescencia de Rayos X (R.T. Mainardi et al., eds.) Vol II, pp. 97-110, UNC, Córdoba (1979).

R.T. Mainardi and J.E. Fernández, Automatic analysis of x-ray spectra from proportional counters (in Spanish), in Análisis por Fluorescencia de Rayos X (J.A. Riveros and R.T. Mainardi, eds.) Vol. I, pp. 163-185, UNC, Córdoba (1978).


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