Foto del docente

Jorge Eduardo Fernandez

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Adjunct professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Head of Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Representación en la Republica Argentina — Centro de Altos Estudios de la Universidad de Bologna

Curriculum vitae

Jorge Eduardo Fernandez Invitti has completed his studies at the Faculty of Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics of the State University of Córdoba, Argentina, earning the Licentiate Degree in Physics (1977), and the Ph.D. in Physics (1985). He obtained the acknowledgement for his Licentiate Degree in Physics earning the corresponding Italian Degree “Laurea in Physics” at the University of Bologna (1991). He started his academic career in Argentina in 1985 as research staff of CONICET and Adjunct Professor of Physics at the State University of Cordoba, Argentina. In 1987 he moved to the University of Bologna in Italy for a postdoc. He became Assistant Professor of Nuclear Measurements and Instrumentation in 1994 and Associate Professor of Nuclear Reactor Physics in 2001. In 2012 got the national acknowledgement for the full professorship on Nuclear Reactor Physics.
He was appointed as Head of the Buenos Aires Campus of the University of Bologna (Centro de Altos Estudios de la Universidad de Bologna) for the term 2016-2022. After his retirement in 2023, he was nominated Professor Alma Mater.
Professor Fernandez is President of the International Radiation Physics Society (IRPS).
He is an Affiliated Researcher of the Italian Interuniversity Consortium on Structure of Matter CNISM (CNR) and Associate Researcher of the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN).

Teaching activities have included lectures in MSc and PhD courses on applied nuclear technologies and supervising of MSc and PhD theses. At present he teaches Transport of particles and radiation, at the University of Bologna.
His main research interests are: X-ray interactions, X- and Gamma-Ray photon transport, multiple scattering of photons, polarization effects, detailed description of the X-ray spectrum, detailed description of the detector response function, and spectrum unfolding from detector influence.
Jorge has published some 130 articles in scientific journals, several as invited contributions.
Editor of two topical books (Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (Bononia University Press, Bologna, 1999) and Radiation Physics for Preservation of the Cultural Heritage (Clueb, Bologna, 2002).
As well, Professor Fernandez is Editor of two scientific journals, Applied Radiation and Isotopes (Elsevier)  and X-Ray Spectrometry (John Wiley & Sons) .
He has been Guest Editor of Special Issues for several journals
• Nuclear Instruments and Methods A (Elsevier),
• Nuclear Instruments and Methods B (Elsevier),
• Radiation in Physics and Chemistry (Elsevier),
• Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali (Springer),
• X-Ray Spectrometry (John Wiley).
He serves as a referee in his expertise areas for different scientific journals.
He chaired/co-chaired several international conferences, some co-organized with IRPS:
• 1998 European Conference on Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (EDXRS-98),
• 2002 International Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement
Applications (IRRMA-5), Bologna.
• 2006 ISRP-10 and Workshop “Use of Monte Carlo Techniques for Design and Analysis of Radiation Detectors”, Coimbra.
• 2014 European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry (EXRS-2014), Bologna.
• 2017 International Forum on Advances in Radiation Physics (FORUM-BA 2017) Buenos
• 2019 Forum Italia-Argentina 2019: Nuclear and Digital Technologies for Cultural Heritage and Applied Physics, Buenos Aires.
• 2023 11th International Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications (IRRMA-11), Bologna.
Jorge is a member of the International Advisory Committee of the European Conferences on X-Ray Spectrometry (EXRS).

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