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Jorge Eduardo Fernandez is professor of Radiation Transfer and Particle Transport. He obtained his PhD in Physics at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina in 1985, with a theoretical–experimental dissertation on a spectroscopic absolute method of analysis with nuclear techniques. He has authored some 120 publications in high-ranked scientific journals, several of them as invited contributions and numerous invited talks worldwide. His main research interests are: X-ray interactions, X- and Gamma-Ray photon transport with deterministic and Monte Carlo methods, multiple scattering of photons, polarization effects, detailed description the detector response function, and X-ray spectrum unfolding. Formerly, 2016-2022, Director of the Argentinian branch of the University of Bologna. He is Editor of "Applied Radiation and Isotopes" and "X-Ray Spectrometry", serves as President of the International Radiation Physics Society (IRPS) and is a member of many relevant committees and panels.
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