Foto del docente

Jorge Eduardo Fernandez

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Adjunct professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Head of Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna Representación en la Republica Argentina — Centro de Altos Estudios de la Universidad de Bologna

Short Bio

Jorge Eduardo Fernandez is professor of Radiation Transfer and Particle Transport. He obtained his PhD in Physics at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina in 1985, with a theoretical–experimental dissertation on a spectroscopic absolute method of analysis with nuclear techniques. He has authored some 120 publications in high-ranked scientific journals, several of them as invited contributions and numerous invited talks worldwide. His main research interests are: X-ray interactions, X- and Gamma-Ray photon transport with deterministic and Monte Carlo methods, multiple scattering of photons, polarization effects, detailed description the detector response function, and X-ray spectrum unfolding. Formerly, 2016-2022, Director of the Argentinian branch of the University of Bologna. He is Editor of "Applied Radiation and Isotopes" and "X-Ray Spectrometry", serves as President of the International Radiation Physics Society (IRPS) and is a member of many relevant committees and panels. Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 2087718

Other contacts


Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Via Zamboni 33, Bologna - Go to map

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna - Go to map

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Important news: student reception is performed online via Teams or at office
When: every Monday, 15:00-17:30.
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