Jorge Eduardo, Fernandez, Multiple Scattering of Photons Using the Boltzmann Transport Equation, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS», 2007, 263, pp. 7 - 21 [Scientific article]
Fernandez Jorge Eduardo; Dunn W.L.; Lopes M.I.; Costa M.M.R. (a cura di): AA.VV., Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Radiation Physics. Coimbra Portugal, September 17-22, 2006., AMSTERDAM, Elsevier, 2007, pp. 855 (Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A). [Editorship]
Jorge Eduardo Fernandez; Viviana Scot, Unbiased Monte Carlo Simulation of the Compton profile, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS», 2007, 263, pp. 209 - 213 [Scientific article]
Viviana Scot; Jorge Eduardo Fernandez; L. Vincze; K. Janssens, 3D extension of the Monte Carlo code MCSHAPE for photon-matter interactions in heterogeneous media, «NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH. SECTION B, BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS», 2007, 263, pp. 204 - 208 [Scientific article]
Jorge Eduardo Fernandez, Applications of MCSHAPE and MCSHAPE3D to polarization and imaging experiments, and to detector response computations, in: Presentations, COIMBRA, sine nomine, 2006(atti di: Workshop on Use of Monte Carlo Techniques for Design and Analysis of Radiation Detectors, Coimbra, 15-17 September 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Jorge E. Fernandez; Viviana Scot, BENCHMARKING THE MCSHAPE3D CODE WITH 1D, 2D AND 3D IMAGING EXPERIMENTS, in: Manuscripts for 8th Workshop on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets and Irradiation Facilities, POHANG, POSTECH, 2006, pp. 1 - 13 (atti di: SATIF-8, Pohang, Korea, 22-24 May 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
fernandez jorge eduardo, Information Technology (IT) for teaching X- and gamma-ray transport: the computer codes MUPLOT and SHAPE, and the web site devoted to photon transport, in: CHERNE-2005. Proceedings, VALENCIA, Martìn Impresores, 2006, pp. 77 - 83 (atti di: 1st Workshop on European Collaboration for Higher Education and Research in Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Protection, Valencia, Spain, 4-6 May 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
François Tondeur; Tomas Cechak ; Jorge E. Fernandez; Friedrich Hoyler; Herwig Janssens; Domiziano Mostacci; Ladislav Musilek;
Jose Rodenas; Ulrich Scherer, Organisation of Education in Nuclear and Radiological Engineering in the Member Institutions of the CHERNE Network, in: CHERNE-2006. Proceedings, VALENCIA, Martìn Impresores, 2006, pp. 73 - 77 (atti di: 2nd Workshop on European Collaboration for Higher Education and Research in Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Protection, Valencia, 13-15 March 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Jorge Eduardo Fernandez, Photon transport, including polarization effects, in: Presentations, COIMBRA, sine nomine, 2006(atti di: Workshop on Use of Monte Carlo Techniques for Design and Analysis of Radiation Detectors, Coimbra, 15-17 September 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Dunn W.L.; Jorge E. Fernandez; Lopes M. I., Workshop on Use of Monte Carlo Techniques for Design and Analysis of Radiation Detectors, COIMBRA, University of Coimbra, 2006. [Editorship]
W.L. Dunn; J.E. Fernandez; M.I. Lopes, Workshop on Use of Monte Carlo techniques for Design and Analysis of Radiation detectors, 2006. [Exhibition]
J.E. Fernandez; I. Lopes, 10th International Symposium on Radiation Physics (ISRP-10), 2006. [Exhibition]
M. Sumini; F. Teodori; J. E. Fernandez; V. Molinari, A Multiple Collision and Finite Volume Code for Photon Transport Simulation, in: , «MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS», 2005, 11 (Suppl 2), pp. 1314 - 1315 (atti di: Physical Sciences Symposia - Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, July 31--August 4, 2005) [Abstract]
FERNANDEZ J.E; MOLINARI V.G; TEODORI F, Analysis of the Effects of Geometry on the Fluorescence Radiation Field in the Frame of the Transport Theory, «X-RAY SPECTROMETRY», 2005, 34, pp. 7 - 10 [Scientific article]