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Iolanda Ventura

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Academic discipline: L-FIL-LET/08 Medieval and Humanistic Latin Literature


ventura, iolanda; boudet, jean-patrice; véronèse, julien, Honorius Thebarum magister, in: Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (C.A.L.M.A.). Vol. VI/2, Firenze, SISMEL, 2018, pp. 242 - 244 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]

Iolanda Ventura, Les recueils de distinctions bibliques et leur structure : quelques réflexions, in: La pensée sérielle du Moyen Age aux Lumières, Leiden -Boston, Brill - Rodopi, 2018, pp. 71 - 107 (atti di: La pensée sérielle du Moyen Age aux Lumières, Groningen, 7-8 giugno 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Iolanda Ventura, Lo sviluppo della farmacopea salernitana ed il ruolo del corpus constantinianum: per una mise au point, «MEDICINA NEI SECOLI», 2018, 30, pp. 641 - 686 [Scientific article]

Iolanda Ventura, L’oeil et la vision entre anatomie, pharmacopée et chirurgie au Moyen Age: un dialogue difficile entre savoirs en développement, in: Towards the Authority of Vesalius. Studies on Medicine and the Human Body from Antiquity to the Renaissance and beyond, Turnhout, Brepols, 2018, pp. 1 - 229 (atti di: Towards the Authority of Vesalius: Representation of the Human Body in the Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance, Leuven, 3-5 dicembre 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

ventura iolanda, Medicina e farmacologia «scolastica» nei commenti all’Antidotarium Nicolai, in: Vedere nell’ombra. Studi su natura, spiritualità e scienze operative offerti a Michela Pereira, Firenze, SISMEL, 2018, pp. 277 - 297 (MICROLOGUS' LIBRARY) [Chapter or essay]

Iolanda Ventura, Wie beherrscht man die Kenntnis der medicamina? Fehler und Normierung in der universitären Pharmakologie’, in: Kölner Mediävistentagung 40: Irrtum – Error – Erreur, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2018, pp. 123 - 148 (atti di: Kölner Mediävistentagung 40: Irrtum – Error – Erreur, Köln, 13-16 settembre 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Ventura,, Auf der Suche nach einem Phantom: Dioscorides im Verweissystem naturkundlicher und medizinischer Werke des 13. Jahrhunderts, «ROMANCE PHILOLOGY», 2017, 71, pp. 697 - 728 [Scientific article]

Iolanda Ventura, Classification Systems and Pharmacological Theory in Medieval Collections of Materia Medica: A Short History from the Antiquity to the End of the 12th Century, in: Classification from Antiquity to Modern Times, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2017, pp. 101 - 166 (atti di: Von der Klassifizierung zum Konzept: Interdisziplinäre Heuristiken zur Konzeptualisierung von Flora, Fauna, Mensch und Landschaft, Mainz, 21-22 novembre 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Iolanda Ventura, Curiosità, insegnamento e piacere nelle enciclopedie del Tardo Medioevo: il caso del Responsorium curiosorum attribuito a Corrado di Halberstadt, «LUDICA», 2017, 23, pp. 127 - 142 [Scientific article]

ventura, iolanda, Henricus de Unna, in: Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (C.A.L.M.A.). Vol. V/5, Firenze, SISMEL, 2017, pp. 538 - 538 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]

iolanda ventura, Hermannus de Wartberge, in: Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (C.A.L.M.A.). Vol. V/6, Firenze, SISMEL, 2017, pp. 621 - 622 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]

Iolanda Ventura, La structure du corps humain et ses lecteurs : le discours savant sur les humeurs dans les encyclopédies du XIIIe siècle, «COMPAR(A)ISON», 2017, 1, pp. 15 - 35 [Scientific article]

IOlanda Ventura, Ps. Galenus, De medicinis expertis: per un état des lieux, in: Summa doctrina et certa experientia. Studi su medicina e filosofia per Chiara Crisciani, Firenze, SISMEL, 2017, pp. 161 - 193 (MICROLOGUS' LIBRARY) [Chapter or essay]

Iolanda Ventura, Un best-seller farmaceutico medioevale tra produzione di libri e pratiche di lettura: il Circa instans attribuito a «Platearius», in: Orbis disciplinae. Hommages en l’honneur de Patrick Gautier Dalché, Turnhout, Brepols, 2017, pp. 625 - 647 [Chapter or essay]

Iolanda Ventura, Gerard of Cremona and the ‘Liber Albenguesim medicinarum simplicium et ciborum, in: Ex oriente Lux. Translating Words, Scripts and Styles in Medieval Mediterranean Society, Cordoba-London, UCOPress. Cordoba University Press – CNERU (Córdoba Near Eastern Research Unit) – The Warburg Institute, 2016, pp. 107 - 132 (atti di: Ex oriente lux. Transmission of Scientific Knowledge from the Near East to Europe, Cordoba, 26-27 maggio 2015) [Contribution to conference proceedings]