Foto del docente

Iolanda Ventura

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Academic discipline: FLMR-01/A Medieval and Humanistic Latin Literature


News concering the course "Latin Paleography" (CdS Cultural Heritage)

All students who still have to pass the exam in "Latin Paleography" (CdS Cultural Heritage) are kindly requested to contact Prof. Iolanda Ventura, who will be responsible for the next sessions, replacing Prof. Paola Degni.

With respect to that, students are kindly requested to note that the last exams session held by Prof. Ventura is the one scheduled for November, 24th, 2023, and already published on AlmaEsami. After that, all exams sessions will be held by the new Professor for Paleography appointed by the University of Bologna.

Published on: February 02 2023