Born on 08/15/1974, resident in Bologna, mom of two.
Academic position.
Researcher in Zoology, Dept. of Veterinary Medical
Sciences, University of Bologna, Veterinary Medicine, Via Tolara di
Sopra, 50 - 40064 Ozzano dell'Emilia (BO). Tel +39 051 2097002 -
fax +39 051 2097039 e-mail:
2004: PhD in Conservation and Management of Natural Resources
(Curriculum: marine resources) at the University of Bologna with
the research project “Identification of Population Units in
Mediterranean fishery resources by means of genetic structure
2000: degree in Environmental Sciences
(Curriculum: Marine Habitat) with the research project
“Biotechnology applied to a fishery resource: Arnoglossus
2001- today: research activities focused on the definition of micro- and macro-evolutionary patterns on Mediterranean marine species; definition of spatial and temporal patterns of intraspecific genetic diversity, assessment of population units, geographic boundaries and genetic parameters in shared stocks of the Adriatic Sea; assessment of population structure with particular emphasis to demersal resources (common sole Solea solea, red mullet Mullus barbatus, common pandora Pagellus erythrinus, cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, squid Loligo vulgaris, Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus and others); development of DNA sequence markers for multiple taxonomic levels, arrays of species-specific microsatellite and SNP loci
2006-today: research activities focused on the characterization of captive fish broodstocks of wild origin to implement aquaculture in flatfish (common sole) and restocking by ex-situ reproduction of endangered species (European eel Anguilla anguilla and Adriatic sturgeon Acipenser naccarii). Evaluation of reproductive performance and parental contribution to F1 by means of specie-specific microsatellite loci and parentage assignment.
2019-today: population genetics of lung parasites of brown hares, as indirect marker of host isolation, development of specific molecular markers based on DNA polymorphism for Protostrongylidae.
Reviewer for: Zoology, Aquaculture, Marine Ecology Progress Series (MEPS), Conservation Genetics (COGE), Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (JMBAUK), Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, Chinese journal of Oceanology and Limnology