Foto del docente

Ivan Rivalta

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari"

Director of First Cycle Degree in Materials Science

Curriculum vitae

Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry at Università di Bologna since 2018, he works in the field of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry. His research is concerned with development and application of theoretical methods and computational techniques for the study of chemical and photo-chemical phenomena, with a focus on biological and bio-mimetic systems. The simulations aim at direct comparisons with experiments, in order to obtain detailed interpretations of physico-chemical and spectroscopic properties and to provide accurate predictions for in silico design of innovative molecules and materials.



He obtained the “Laurea in Chimica” (with full marks) in 2003 at the “Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali” of “Università della Calabria”, where he also got the PhD in Inorganic Chemistry Methodologies in 2007.

Academic career

In 2007, he started his first postdoctoral fellowship (two years) at the “Dipartimento di Chimica” of “Università della Calabria”, working with Prof. Emilia Sicilia and Prof. Nino Russo. In 2009, he was Postdoctoral Researcher in the Prof. Michele Parrinello’s research group at the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences of ETH Zurich (Switzerland). From 2010 to 2012 he was appointed as Associate Research Scientist in the Prof. Victor Batista’s research group at the Chemistry Department of Yale University (USA). In 2012, he returned temporarily in Italy as Senior Post-doc in the group of Prof. Marco Garavelli at the “Dipartimento di Chimica G. Ciamician” of “Università di Bologna” until 2014, when he was appointed as CNRS permanent Researcher (“Chargé de Recherche”) at the “Laboratoire de Chimie (UMR-5182)” of the “École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS Lyon)”. In December 2014 he obtained the Italian Habilitation as Associate Professor in the area 03/A2 (Models and methodologies for chemical science). In August 2018 he obtained the Habilitation as Full Professor in both areas 03/A2 e 03/B1 (Fundaments of chemical science and inorganic systems)”. In September 2018 he obtained the French ”Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” from the ENS Lyon. Since November 2018 he is Associate Professor at the “Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale Toso Montanari” of “Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna”.

Teaching activities

From 2016 to 2018 he lectured the course of Computational Photochemistry at the ENS Lyon (Master “Sciences de la Matière”). Since 2018 he lectures the course “Chimica Fisica dei Materiali e Laboratorio di Chimica Fisica” for the “Corso di Laurea in Chimica e Tecnologie per l'Ambiente e per i Materiali” at “Università di Bologna (Campus of Ravenna)” and he teaches in the course “Physical Chemistry of Materials for Energy and Environment” for the “Laurea Magistrale” in Low Carbon Technologies and Sustainable Chemistry.

Research activities

He participated (as PI or co-PI) to various national and international research projects/programs, including: “Projet émergent” (Fonds recherche 2014 – ENS Lyon), “Équipements mi-lourds” (Fonds recherche 2015 – ENS Lyon) and “FEMTO-2DNA” (ANR - PRC, APG 2015) projects for the development of multidimensional electronic spectroscopy; “SELPHY” project (Laboratoire d'Excellence iMUST - Univ. Lyon) on the study of nano-hybrid systems for bio-imaging and photocatalysis; “PHOTOCHROMICS” project (ANR - PRC, APG 2018) on the photochemistry of transition metal complexes.

International mobility programs: “STSM – COST Action PERSPECT-H2O (Supramolecular Photocatalytic Water Splitting)” and “Short Term Mobility Program – CNR” hosted at ISTM-CNR, Perugia (Prof. F. De Angelis); “APR IXXI/MSH-LSE/BioSyL 2018” at “Institut Rhônalpin des Systèmes Complexes - Lyon” (Dr. C. Lesieur).

Since 2010 he advises Master and PhD students and post-doctoral researchers. He is peer-reviewer for international journals in the field of Chemistry including editions from ACS, Springer, Springer Nature, Wiley and for the evaluation of proposals and scientific productions at both national and international levels (PRACE, VQR).

Bibliometrics (Source: ISI Web of Knowledge, 02/2019): 62 publications (peer-reviewed journals), 1359 citations (without self-citations), h-index 20.

Other institutional activities

Member of the “Conseil de Laboratoire” of “Laboratoire de Chimie” of ENS Lyon from 2015 to 2018. Since 2016 is Member of the “Comité de Pilotage” of “Laboratoire d'Excellence (Labex) iMUST” of “Université de Lyon”. “Rapporteur de stages” for the “Sciences de la Matière” Master and the program Erasmus Mundus "AtoSiM" of ENS Lyon from 2014 to 2018.


2015 – “Prime d'Encadrement Doctoral et de Recherche (PEDR)” – CNRS

2014 – “European Young Chemist Award” – 5th EuCheMS Finalist – Istanbul, Turkey

2008 – “Young Scientist Award” – 14th International Congress of Catalysis – Seoul, Korea

Most recent Invited Lectures

2019 – “Network analysis to elucidate natural system dynamics, diversity and performance” CECAM-FR-RA, Lyon, France, May 2-4

2018 – “Frontiers and challenges of computing metals for biochemical, medical and technological applications” CECAM-FR-MOSER, Paris, France, Jul 11-13

2017 – “4th International Workshop on Nano- and Bio-photonics”, Vogüé, France, Sep 24-29

2017 – “PASC17, In-Silico Biochemistry: From Quantum Mechanics to Coarse-Grained High-Performance Computing Simulations”, Lugano, Switzerland, Jun 26-28

2017 – “Computational approaches to investigating allostery” CECAM-HQ-EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, Oct 30 - Nov 1

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