1. Children’s and adolescants’ literature and translating it.
Prof. Bazzocchi is currently dedicating the majority of her time to this area of research, specifically between Spanish and Italian (she is currently writing on this subject). She has already edited publications dedicated to the same argument (in collaboration with R. Tonin and P. Capanaga) and published several articles on this subject, as well as the teaching of this subject.
2. Literary translation with particular attention on the translation of poetry (including children’s poetry) and the translation of terminology used by young people, as well as the translation of colloquial terminology from Spanish to Italian in narratives (in particular the work of J.Á. Mañas).
3. The teaching of translation on both a general level, as well as for the publishing industry.
4. The language of communication in tourism between Italian and Spanish, an argument deepened during the PRIN Project (2007).
5. The language and translation of wine between Spanish and Italian.