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Giuseppina Paola Viscardi

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Curriculum vitae

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  • Senior assistant professor (fixed-term), Academic discipline: M-STO/06 History of Religions, Research Area 11/A4, at the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures, since November 2018 


  • National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as Associate Professor in History of Religions (M-STO/06) - Research Area 11/A4, since April 2018


  • Post-Doc Research Fellow in History of Religions at the University of Salerno, Department of Humanistic Studies/ DIPSUM – FILSAM Section (Academic Years 2016-2017 and 2017-2018)


  • Organization of the International Conference Interdisciplinary paths of historical-religious research on the Ancient World: themes, concepts, perspectives - First Exploratory workshop UNAEuropa Project: LARES. Language and Religion - SF2019011. DISCI - Department of History Cultures Civilization, Ancient History Section, University of Bologna (18-19/05/2021)

  • Ciclo di Incontri di Storia Antica Malattie, medici e cure nel mondo antico. Seminari avanzati di dottorato in Scienze Storiche e Archeologiche. Memoria, Civiltà e Patrimonio, DISCI - Department of History Cultures Civilization, Ancient History Section, University of Bologna. Conference: Malattia, contagio, autorità: riflessioni sui concetti di purificazione, contaminazione e colpa nel sistema religioso antico (18/02/2021)

  • Participation in the PRIN 2020 Call - Project Coordinator: FACCHINI Cristiana; Chair of Research Unit: FACCHINI Cristiana, University of Bologna. Title of the Research Project: Belonging & Mobilities: Religions, Urban Diversity, Spaces, and Memories from Antiquity to Contemporary Times (17/01/2021)

  • Graduate Career Workshop, The borders within, the borders without. Frontiers in the Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean: Permeabilities and Connectivities. Workshop organized as part of the International project: International Career Development for History Graduates, DISCI - Department of History Cultures Civilization, Ancient History Section, University of Bologna (13-15/01/2021)

  • Ciclo di Conferenze Immaginare l’altrove. Rappresentazioni dell’aldilà nelle culture religiose, Centro Studi Religiosi, Fondazione Collegio San Carlo di Modena. Conference: Hades. La geografia dell’aldilà nella Grecia classica (12/01/2021)

  •  Seminar activity in the Master "Storia e cultura dell'alimentazione" (Coordinator: Massimo Montanari), academic year 2019-2020, DISCI - Department of History Cultures Civilization, University of Bologna. Teaching module: Il cibo “pensato”, analisi di un campo primario di sedimentazione culturale. A proposito della stirpe dei «mangiatori di pane» (12/12/2020)

  • Winner of the loan granted by the UNA Europa network with Seed Funding 2019 for the LARES Project - Language and Religion: Lexical Change and Variation in Ancient Religious Enculturation / Acculturation Phenomena - SF2019011 ( Project Coordinator: Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna; Project partner: Helsingin Yliopisto; Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie; Complutense University of Madrid (14/05/2020)

  • Participation in Mondo antico e sensibilità contemporanee. Laboratori con gli insegnanti delle scuole secondarie. Piattaforma SOFIA - 24 Gennaio-3 Aprile 2020, Department of History and Culture, Ancient History Section, University of Bologna. Teaching module: (Non) avrai altro dio all'infuori di me. Esercizi di traducibilità inter-culturale: la lezione degli antichi (31/01/2020)

  • Full member of the Evaluation Commission ordered for the public defense of the doctoral thesis entitled: "Medicine and magic in Marcello Empirico. Analysis of the formular therapeutic indications in a medical treatise of the Late Antiquity" presented by dr. Arduino Maiuri. Tutor: Alessandro Saggioro, Co-Tutor: Giulia Piccaluga, La Sapienza, University of Rome (23/09/2019)

  • Graduate Career Workshop, "Relevance of the Ancient World. Contrasting models and transformations". Workshop organized as part of the International project: International Career Development for History Graduates, DISCI - Department of History Cultures Civilization, Ancient History Section, University of Bologna (12-13/06/2019)

  • Organization of the seminar on the theme: "Salvific bodies", Degree Course in Anthropology, Religions, Oriental Civilizations and Degree Course in History, DISCI - Department of History, Cultures, Civilization, Ancient History Section. Invited speaker: Giorgio Camassa (15-16/05/2019)

  • Full member of the Evaluation Commission ordered for the public defense of the doctoral thesis entitled: "Πτωχός. For a theory of begging in ancient Greece" presented by dr. Pietro Giammellaro. Tutor: Laura Faranda, Co-Tutor: Anna Maria Gloria Capomacchia, La Sapienza, University of Rome (15/02/2019)

  •  Member of the Examining Commission for the historico-religious curriculum of the doctorate in History, Anthropology, Religions of Sapienza, University of Rome, throughout the year 2019

  •  Supplementary teaching activity held for the Chair of Religions of the Classical World (1) (LM), School of Literature and Cultural Heritage, DISCI - Department of History Cultures Civilization, Ancient History Section, University of Bologna. Program/Contents: Ancient mystery cults. The cult of Mithra (December 2018)

  •  Supplementary teaching activity held for the Chair of History of Relilgions and Religions of the Classical World at the University of Salerno, Department of Humanistic Studies/ DIPSUM (from 2013 to 2018)

  •  Member of the Graduation Committee and Supervisor for several Bachelor and MA Degree Thesis in History of Religions and Cultural Anthropology at University of Salerno, Department of Humanistic Studies/ DIPSUM (from 2013 to 2018)

  •  Instructor and Teaching Assistant in History of Religions at University of Salerno, Department of Humanistic Studies/ DIPSUM (from 2013 to 2018)

  •  Instructor in History of Religions at “Federico II” University of Naples, Department of Humanities (from 2011 to 2014)

  •  Tutor in Classics (Annual Grant, B Typology) at “Federico II” University of Naples (Academic Year 2009-2010)


  • Since 2021: Editor of the Editorial Series «LARES - I linguaggi delle religioni». Collana di Studi sulle Religioni dell’Antichità e della Tarda Antichità. Strumenti, Storia, Tradizioni. Pàtron Editore, Bologna
  • Since 2017: Member of the Consejo de Asesor de «‘Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones», Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Directora: Ana Isabel Jiménez San Cristóbal
  • Since 2016: Referee in peer-review Journals «Numen. International Review for the History of Religions» (Brill); «Historia Religionum. An International Journal» (Fabrizio Serra Editore); «Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni» (Morcelliana); «Mnemosyne. A Journal of Classical Studies» (Brill); Pelargòs. Rivista di Studi sul Mondo Classico pubblicata per le cure della Fondazione Paestum» (Edizioni Quasar)
  • Since 2013: Reviewer for Scientific Journals «Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni» (Morcelliana) and «Kernos. Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique» (CIERGA - Presses Universitaires de Liège)
  • June 2019: Chair of the Panel Session Shifting Ontologies and Religious Meaning Systems’ Processing: Practical Events and Mental Fallout, held at the 17th EASR Annual Conference on: Religion – Continuations and Disruptions, Estonian Society for the Study of Religions, Tartu (Estonia) (25-29 June)
  • June 2019: Chair of the Panel Session Axial religion and the breakdown in communication: from the practical reason of sacrificial violence to the discursive rhetoric of religious violence. Ancient reflections and modern perspectives, held at the 17th EASR Annual Conference on: Religion – Continuations and Disruptions, Estonian Society for the Study of Religions, Tartu (Estonia) (25-29 June)
  • September 2017: Chair of the Panel Session The Work of Culture. Making Sense in/of Religion as a Communication System between Ancient Traditions and Modern Spiritualities held at the 15th EASR Annual Conference on: Communicating Religion, KU Leuven - Belgium (18-21 September)
  • February 2013: Chair of the Panel Session Corpi velati/ corpi svelati: funzionalità e simbolismo del velo e della veste nella antichità greco-romana, held at the VI Congress of SIS - Società Italiana delle Storiche, Universities of Padua and Venice (14–16 February)
  • June 2011: Organizing Staff Member in the International Meeting Aurum, Funzioni e simbologie dell’oro nelle culture del Mediterraneo antico, held at the “Federico II” University of Naples (20–22 June)


  • Member of the CUSGR - Consulta Universitaria di Storia Greca e Romana (since 2020)

  • Member of the CUSR - Consulta Universitaria di Storia delle Religioni (since 2019)

  • Member of the IAHR - International Association for the History of Religions (since 2017)

  • Member of the EASR - European Association for the Study of Religions (since 2017)

  • Member of the AIFR - Associazione Italiana di Filosofia della Religione (since 2017)

  • Member of the AICC - Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica - Delegazione di Salerno (since 2016)

  • Member of the OGEPO - Osservatorio interdipartimentale per gli studi di Genere e le Pari Opportunità, University of Salerno (since 2016)

  • Member of the International Networking Project Interdisciplinary Innovations in the Study of Religion and Gender: Postcolonial, Post-secular and Queer Perspectives - IARG - International Association for the study of Religion and Gender - "Religion, Gender and Body Politics" Expert Meeting, Utrecht University, The Netherlands (between 2012 and 2015)

  • Member of the SIS - Società Italiana delle Storiche (since 2013)

  • Member of the SISR - Società Italiana di Storia delle Religioni (since 2011)

  • Member of the GRIMM - Gruppo triestino di Ricerca sul Mito e la Mitografia (since 2011)


  • Configuration and perception of sacred spaces and religious landscapes in the functional structuring of ancient polytheisms
  • Discursive rhetorics and performative practices linked to the anthropopoietic dynamics of identity definition in classical cultures
  • Agency divine (dealing particularly with the theme of knowledge): the cosmos of Hades
  • Collective memory and cultural memory, mnemotechnics and semiotization of history
  • Religious knowledge and the priestly figures in ancient Greek religion
  • Role of the feminine in ancient divination
  • Cultural value and animal symbolism in Greek religiosity: from sacrifices (carnival offer) to initiations (symbolic theriomorphism)
  • Use of the veil in the 'culture of invisibility'
  • Definition of the concept of 'religion': heuristic paths and hermeneutical perspectives
  • Application of theoretical models borrowed from discursive studies, theory of linguistic acts and performance theory to specific case studies of ancient religions
  • Sociological and cognitive approaches to the study of religious experiences


  • 19/01/2011: PhD Degree in History of Religions from “Federico II” University of Naples (Italy)
  • June 2009: FaHCE-UNLP Advanced training of thirty hours in Cultural Studies, Methodology and Classical Tradition, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina)
  • November 2007-January 2008: Attendance for EHESS and EPHE seminar activities, Centre AnHiMA – ex- Centre Louis Gernet de Recherches Comparées sur les Sociétés Anciennes, Paris (France)
  • 16/07/2003: MA Degree in Classics from “Federico II” University of Naples (Italy)


  • 18/09/2017 al 21/09/2017: EASR Bursary for the attendance to the 15th EASR - European Association for the Study of Religions Annual Conference in Leuven - Belgium
  • 28/06/2016 al 01/07/2016: EASR Bursary for the attendance to the 14th EASR - European Association for the Study of Religions Annual Conference in Helsinki - Finland
  • 01/07/2017-30/06/2018: Postdoctoral research grant in History of Religions from University of Salerno. Research Project: Definire la religione: percorsi euristici e prospettive ermeneutiche. Per un’analisi definitoria del concetto di “religione” a partire dalla prima Età moderna / Defining Religion: Heuristic Paths and Hermeneutical Perspectives. A Definitional Analysis of the Concept of “Religion” by the Early Modern Period (Second Annuity)
  • 01/07/2016-30/06/2017: Postdoctoral research grant in History of Religions from University of Salerno. Research Project: Definire la religione: percorsi euristici e prospettive ermeneutiche. Per un’analisi definitoria del concetto di “religione” a partire dalla prima Età moderna / Defining Religion: Heuristic Paths and Hermeneutical Perspectives. A Definitional Analysis of the Concept of “Religion” by the Early Modern Period (First Annuity)
  • 16/03/2015-15/05/2015: Post-doctoral research grant from “Federico II” University of Naples (rif. BS/05/2015). Research Project: Dinamiche culturali e identità religiose nel Mediterraneo antico: il caso della Campania
  •  29/09/2011-02/10/2011: Participation as ISAMG grant-holder in Proceedings of the 51mo Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Da Italìa a Italia: le radici di un’identità, Istituto per la Storia e l’Archeologia della Magna Grecia di Taranto
  • 20/09/2011-23/09/2011: Participation as CESPEC grant-holder in Summer School 4th Edition, Libertà religiosa e trasformazioni democratiche. Dalle “rivoluzioni” nell’area mediterranea ai problemi globali, Centro Studi sul Pensiero Contemporaneo di Cuneo
  • 2007-2009: Three years research grant from the “Federico II” University of Naples
  • 2005-2006: Annual scholarship for Research Program from IISF – Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici di Napoli. Topic of the study: Sacrifice and atonement. Some religious-historical considerations on the concept of blood sacrifice in the Greek and Judeo-Christian traditions 



  • Paper presented at the International Conference Le emozioni nelle poleis. Dinamiche storiche, interpretazioni storiografiche, esperienze religiose e culturali in Grecia 'propria' e nell’Oriente greco, Università degli Studi di Bologna, 28-30 October. Paper title: La città delle emozioni: thymoeides vs philomathes. Retoriche discorsive e costruzioni identitarie nella riflessione sui "pericoli" della connettività nella polis classica
  • Participation in the 18th EASR Annual Conference Resillient Religion, as co-Chair (with Alice Bencivenni e Beatrice Girotti) of the Workshop (closed) Session "Coping with the Krisis. Patterns and Policies of Religious Resilience from the Hellenistic-Roman period and Late Antiquity", Pisa, 30 August - 03 September
  • Paper presented at the International Conference in Classics and Ancient History, CECH - Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos, Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Coimbra), Panel 12: Imagining the world: mythology in human cultures in a comparative perspective, 22-25 June. Paper title: Counter-intuitive inference of Mythical representations in two cases of study: the cosmos of Hades and the triple partition of the soul in Greek religion
  • Paper presented at the Religione e scienze cognitive – Workshop. Dialoghi interdisciplinari intorno al volume di Armin Geertz, Approcci cognitivi ed evoluzionistici alla religione, trad. it. G.P. Viscardi (collana di Antropologia delle Religioni, diretta da F. Dei e F. Sbardella), Pàtron, Bologna 2020, organized by Laura Carnevale, Università degli Studi di Bari, 17 and 24 March. Paper title: Evoluzione, agency, creazione: la rivoluzione darwiniana


  • Paper presented at the Seminar Per ricominciare. Incontri salernitani di Storia greca, organized by the University of Salerno, Department of Humanistic Studies, 20 June. Paper title: Incontri di culture: percorsi plutarchei


  • Participation in the 17th EASR Annual Conference Religion – Continuations and Disruptions, organized by Estonian Society for the Study of Religions, as Panel Chair of the Open Session: Shifting ontologies and religious meaning systems’ processing: practical events and mental fallout. Tartu - Estonia, 25-29 June
  • Participation in the 17th EASR Annual Conference Religion – Continuations and Disruptions, organized by Estonian Society for the Study of Religions, as Panel Chair of the Open Session: Axial religion and the breakdown in communication: from the practical reason of sacrificial violence to the discursive rhetoric of religious violence. Ancient reflections and modern perspectives. Tartu - Estonia, 25-29 June


  • Paper presented at the Conference MONSTRA II. Simbologie e Funzionalità degli Esseri Mostruosi, Museo delle Religioni "Raffaele Pettazzoni", Velletri (Rome), 10-14 July. Paper title: Il mostro nell’Anima. Ibridismo simbolico nella Repubblica di Platone
  • Paper presented at the 16th EASR Annual Conference Multiple Religious Identities - Panel Session: Wild and Monstrous Identities, Chair: Laura Feldt, Universität Bern - Switzerland, 17-21 June. Paper title: The wilderness experience: The Mountain Cave and the Birth of the God in Ancient Greek Narratives
  • Paper presented at the Copnference Piante degli Uomini, Piante degli Dèi. Miti, Credenze e Simbologie dell'Antichità Classica, Accademia Vivarium novum - Frascati (Rome), 27-28 April. Paper title: Il fiore dello zafferano e il simbolismo del croco nel mito e nel rito greco


  • Paper presented at the 6th IKSRS – International Kraków Study of Religions Symposium Religion and Cultural Shifts. From Axial Age to (Post)Secular Age, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, 13-15 November. Paper title: A Matter of Communication. From Sacrificial Violence as a Result of Orthopraxis to Religious Violence and the Establishment of Orthodoxy
  • Participation at the 15th EASR Annual Conference Communicating Religion as Panel Chair of the Session: The Work of Culture. Making Sense in/of Religion as a Communication System between Ancient Traditions and Modern Spiritualities, KU Leuven - Belgium, 18-21 September. Convenors: Gregory Alles, Francesco Amatruda, Mariella De Simone, Massimo Leone, Svetlana Ryazanova, Jesper Sørensen, Alessandro Testa
  • Paper presented at the 15th EASR Annual Conference Communicating Religion - Panel Session: The Work of Culture. Making Sense in/of Religion as a Communication System between Ancient Traditions and Modern Spiritualities, Chairs: Giuseppina Paola Viscardi and Alessandro Testa, KU Leuven - Belgium, 18-21 September. Paper title: Commun(icat)ing Images: Processing Religious Contents between Social Imagery and Mythical Discourse
  • Paper presented at the 10ème Édition du Congrès Celtique en Études Classiques – Celtic Conference in Classics - Panel Session: Self, Consciousness and Conscience in Late Antiquity: Sources and Legacy, Chairs: Diana Stanciu and Jérôme Lagouanère, Montréal (Quebec), 19-22 July. Paper title: Behind The Mirror. Splitting, Memory and Un-self-consciousness: The Working of the ‘Reflective’ Mind in the Enneads by Plotinus
  • Paper presented at the Conference Storia delle religioni e Archeologia II. I luoghi del culto, Museo delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni”, Velletri (Rome), 11-15 July. Paper title: Topografia dello spazio sacro nel paesaggio religioso della Campania antica: il caso di Marica
  • Paper presented at the EUARE - European Academy of Religion 2017 - Ex Nihilo Zero Conference – Hosted by Fscire, Bologna - Panel Session: L'Europa e le religioni. Etica e violenza, Chair: Pierfrancesco Stagi, 18-22 June. Paper title: The Founding Violence. The epistemological paradigm of violence between religion, identity and culture
  • Paper presented at the Conference Religioni e violenza. Ideologie, riti, conflitti, Museo delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni”, Velletri (Rome), 13-17 June. Paper title: Il peso della violenza: la 'mano pesante' è la mano che uccide. Sul valore epistemico dell’atto violento nella prassi sacrificale
  • Paper presented in the Seminar Mitologia Greca ed Esseri Mostruosi – Giornata di Studi a margine del libro di Igor Baglioni, Echidna e i suoi discendenti. Studio sulle entità mostruose della Teogonia esiodea, CNR Roma, 19 May. Paper title: Morfotipi mostruosi tra acosmia strutturale e multidimensionalità funzionale
  • Paper presented at the Colloque International Héros fondateurs et identités communautaires dans l’Antiquité, entre mythe, rite et politique, Université Grenoble Alpes, 03-05 May. Paper title: Modellare identità, tramandare memoria, riformare la polis. A proposito di Munico: un eroe eponimo tra mito e storia
  • Participation in the Cycle of Conferences of the A.I.C.C. - Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica - Pane e alimentazione nel mondo antico, at the Liceo Classico Statale “Torquato Tasso”, Salerno, 30 March. Paper title: Memoria, identità e cultura alimentare dalla poesia omerica alla riflessione platonica
  • Paper presented at the II International Conference Mythical Cosmos. Creation of the World, Institute for the Study of Religions, Faculty of Humanities and Centre for Comparative Study of Civilizations, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 16-17 March. Paper title: Beyond The Yawning Chasm. The Dark Side of Creation in the Mythical Imagery of the Hesiodean Cosmogony 


  • Paper presented at the 5th IKSRS – International Kraków Study of Religions Symposium Understanding and Explanation in the Study of Religions. In Memory of Walter Burkert (1931-2015), Jagiellonian University in Kraków, 07-09 November. Paper title: Understanding to Explain. Shifting Ontologies and Meaning-Making Processes: Categorization, Explanation, and Meta-Representations in the Study of Religions
  • Paper presented at the International Conference RELIGIO. Costruzione e definizione del concetto di religione / Shaping and Defining the Notion of Religion, Museo delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni”, Velletri (Rome), 12–16 July. Paper title: Definire la religione: dall’evoluzionismo darwiniano al cognitivismo di McNamara. Osservazioni a margine di un recente contributo di Peter Struck sul caso della antica divinazione greca
  • Paper presented at EASR Annual Conference Relocating Religion, Session: Relocating Sacrifice in the History of Religions: Rethinking the Relationship between Theory and Practice (Part II), Chair of the Session: Dr. Marianna Ferrara, Helsinki, 28 June–1 July. Paper title: Violence and Irrationality: The “Constitutive Rhetoric” of Sacrifice in the Communities of Practice
  • Participation as authoress of the volume Munichia: la dea, il mare, la polis. Configurazioni di uno spazio artemideo, Rome: Aracne editrice, 2015 at the PhD RAMUS – Curriculum 1 Lessons for the Chair of History of Religions: Testi e monumenti per l’ermeneutica delle religioni antiche, Department of Humanistic Studies – DIPSUM, University of Salerno, 23 June
  • Participation at the International Conference MAGIA. Costruzione e percezione del mondo magico dall’antichità all’età contemporanea as authoress of the volume Munichia: la dea, il mare, la polis. Configurazioni di uno spazio artemideo, Rome: Aracne editrice, 2015, presented by Marco Galli e Rachele Dubbini, Museo delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni”, Velletri (Rome), 16 June
  • Paper presented at SISR 1st Annual Conference – Primo Convegno della Società Italiana di Storia delle Religioni La storia delle religioni e la sfida dei pluralismi, Panel Session: A Matter of Class: definizioni, denominazioni e tassonomie religiose in Età moderna, Chair of the Session: S. Botta, Sapienza University of Rome, 8–9 April. Paper title: Voci dissonanti: la sfida epistemica del pluralismo religioso. Prospettive ermeneutiche su alcuni termini chiave a partire dalla prima Età moderna


  • Paper presented at 9th Chicago-Paris Workshop on Ancient Religions / 9ème Atelier Paris-Chicago sur les religions anciennes Topographies of Power in the Ancient World: Placing the Gods / Topographies du pouvoir dans l’Antiquité: situer les dieux, Paris Center (University of Chicago), 21–22 September. Paper title: Sacred Topography and Policies of Acculturation in the Ancient Campania Religious-Historical Setting
  •  Paper presented at International Conference Il cibo e il sacro. Tradizioni e simbologie, Museo delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni”, Velletri (Rome), 7–11 July. Paper title: Mangiatori di pane. Il cibo come strumento di fondazione, ri-fondazione e consolidamento dell’identità civica da Omero a Platone
  •  Paper presented at V Incontro sulle Religioni del Mediterraneo Antico MYTHOS. Costruzione e Percezione dei Racconti Tradizionali nel Mediterraneo Antico, Museo delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni”, Velletri (Rome), 9–13 June. Paper title: Mito e tragedia. Le finalità antropopoietiche del discorso mitico nel contesto Drammatico
  •  Lecture held at University of Bologna, within the seminar on I santuari di Artemide in Attica. Nuove considerazioni storico-religiose, Chair of History of Religions, Department of History, Cultures and Societies, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, 1 April. Title: Da Brauron a Munichia. Gli inganni della tradizione
  •  Paper presented at International Conference on behalf of the International Research Project Interdisciplinary Innovations in the Study of Religion and Gender: Postcolonial, Post-secular and Queer Perspectives, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 12–14 February. Paper title: The “Veil-System” in the Practices of Invisibility (Panel 4 – Embodied Communication: Religion, Sounds, and Gendered Voices)


  • Paper presented at International Conference SAECULUM AUREUM. Tradizione e innovazione nella religione romana di epoca augustea, Museo delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni”, Velletri (Rome), 8–12 July. Paper title: Tra autorità e rappresentazione. Mutazioni religiose nella Roma del Principato: il ‘caso’ della Sibilla da Platone a Virgilio, ovvero dalla parola ispirata al libro di profezia
  •  Paper presented at IV Incontro sulle Religioni del Mediterraneo Antico, Il Politeismo. Costruzione e percezione delle divinità nelle religioni del Mediterraneo antico, Museo delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni”, Velletri (Rome), 10–14 June. Paper title: Tra “esseri supremi”, “iddii supremi” e “iddii unici”. Qualche osservazione a margine della riflessione pettazzoniana sulla natura e gli attributi della divinità tra pensiero mitico e pensiero logico-causale
  •  Lecture held at “Sapienza” University of Rome, Department of History, Cultures, and Religions, Neg/Otia Nostra, seminar activity: Le religioni e le arti, organized by Sergio Botta and Tessa Canella, 31 January, h. 15.00-17.00. Title: Il problema della scelta in “The Believer” di Henry Bean (2001). La ricerca della verità e le radici dell’odio tra religione e ideologia


  • Paper presented at International Conference Tierreich der Himmel / Animal Kingdom of Heaven. Anthropozoologische Aspekte in Kult und Kultur der spätantiken Welt / Anthropozoological Aspects in Cult and Culture of the Late Antique World, University of Konstanz, 12–14 December. Paper title: Redirecting Meanings. From Divine ‘Signs’ to Animal ‘Metaphors’: The Snake and the Dove as Aspects of God’s Wisdom in Late Antiquity
  •  Participation in the Round Table at the Meeting on Antropologia, Archeologia, Storia delle Religioni - Temi, problemi, prospettive. Riflessioni a margine della Collana di Studi “Antropologia e Archeologia a confronto” diretta da Valentino Nizzo, held by Museo delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni” and Fondazione Dià Cultura, Palazzo Comunale – Città di Velletri (Rome), 7 December
  • Paper presented at III Incontro sulle Religioni del Mediterraneo Antico Ascoltare gli Dèi / Divos Audire. Costruzione e percezione della dimensione sonora nelle religioni del Mediterraneo antico, Museo delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni” and Eikonikos, Laboratorio di Iconografia e Iconologia del Mondo Classico, Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici Università di Cagliari, Velletri (Rome), 11–15 June. Paper title: L’astuzia mimetica della «ragione rituale». Il suono della nascita di Febo nelle urla penetranti di Ortigia
  •  Paper presented at Nineteenth Annual Symposium Cumanum The Role of Animals in Ancient Myth and Religion, organized by Brandeis University (Boston), Università di Verona (Dipartimento TeSIS), Università di Salerno, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Grumento Nova (Salerno), 5–7 June. Paper title: Lessico animale e ruolo del femminile nella divinazione. Dalle ‘colombe nere’ di Dodona alle ‘pitonesse’ di Delfi, due casi esemplari / Animal Lexicon and the Role of Women in Divination
  •  Paper presented at SIS Annual Congress – VI Congresso della Società Italiana delle Storiche, Padua and Venice, 14–16 February. Paper title: Usi letterari e significati culturali del kredemnon in Grecia antica. La retorica del velo tra lutto e matrimonio, protezione e difesa (Panel Session: Corpi velati/ corpi svelati: funzionalità e simbolismo del velo e della veste nella antichità greco-romana)


  • Paper presented at 6ème Atelier Paris-Chicago sur les religions anciennes / 6th Chicago-Paris Workshop on Ancient Religions Savoirs religieux/ Religious Knowledge, Paris (INHA), 24–25 September. Paper title: L’insoutenable ‘lourdeur’ de la sagesse. À propos du baros / émbaros de Mounychie ou sur le savoir sacerdotal de l'homme doué du noûs et de la phrónesis
  •  Paper presented at GiMeD, Giornate Messinesi dei Dottorandi e dei Giovani Ricercatori in Scienze dell’Antichità, MNHMHΣ ENEKEN. I segni della memoria, Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze Archeologiche e Storiche, Università degli Studi di Messina (Facoltà di Lettere Polo Annunziata, Auditorium), 5–7 July. Paper title: La profezia epimenidea su Munichia: stigmatizzazione di un «mnemotopo». Forme culturali di strumentalizzazione della memoria tra retorica e antiretorica di regime
  •  Paper presented at Symposium Cumanum Diana, Artemis and Related Cults in Ancient Greece and Italy, organized by The Vergilian Society, the Cumae Foundation, and Brandeis University, Cumae, 20–23 June. Paper title: Artemide, l’orsa e le madri di Engyon. Ricezione del modello della kourotrophos ionica tra suggestioni mitiche e rielaborazioni cultuali / Artemis, the Bear and the Mothers of Engyon. Reception of the Ionic Kourotrophos’ Model in Ancient Sicily between Mythic Survivals and Cultic Revivals
  •  Paper presented at II Incontro sulle Religioni del Mediterraneo Antico Sulle Rive dell’Acheronte. Costruzione e percezione della sfera del post mortem nel Mediterraneo antico, organized by Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Religioni, Sapienza Università di Roma and Museo delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni” – Theme Session, Geografia Infera (FIRB Project Sacred Spaces and Identity Paths), Velletri (Rome), 13 June. Paper title: “Erro lungo la casa dall’ampia porta di Ade”. Viaggio al termine della notte


  • Paper presented at I Incontro sulle Religioni del Mediterraneo Antico MONSTRA. Costruzione e percezione delle entità ibride e mostruose nel Mediterraneo antico, organized by Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Religioni (sezione di Studi Storico-Religiosi), Sapienza Università di Roma e Museo delle Religioni “Raffaele Pettazzoni”, Velletri (Rome), 8–11 June. Paper title: L’ibrido addosso. Il mostruoso come contrassegno plastico dell’attributo vestimentario del dio: l’aspetto terastico del ‘portatore di egida
  • Participation as a member of the Organizing Secretariat of the AURUM Funzioni e simboli dell'oro nelle culture del Mediterraneo antico, organized by Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Università di Napoli "Federico II", 20–22 June
  • Participation in the works of the 51st Congress of Studies on Magna Graecia Da Italìa a Italia: le radici di un'identità, organized by ISAMG - Istituto per la Storia e l'Archeologia della Magna Grecia di Taranto, 29 September–02 October


  • Paper presented at Sixth Celtic Conference in Classics, Animals in the Greek and Roman Worlds’ Panel, University of Edinburgh, 28–31 July. Paper title: Between Human and God: The Animal at the Crossroads of Identity and Alterity. The Goat Example in Greek Religion
  • Paper presented at International Conference Dining Divinely: Banqueting in Honour of the Gods, organized by College of Arts, Department of Classics, School of Humanities, University of Canterbury, Christchurch (New Zealand), 8–10 July. Paper title: Hekate’s deîpnon: tà kathármata tôn nekrôn – Portrait of a Goddess
  •   Paper presented at International Colloquium Cultural Memory and Religion in the Ancient City, Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity, University of Birmingham, 5–6 July. Paper title: Religious Speech, Sea-Power and Institutional Change: Athenian Identity Foundation and Cultural Memory in the Ephebic Naumachia at Piraeus


  • Paper presented at Colloquium La rationalité tragique, organized by ZETESIS, Association des doctorants et de jeunes chercheurs en Philosophie Ancienne et en Sciences de l’Antiquité, Paris (Université Paris Ouest – Nanterre et Université Paris 1, Panthéon – Sorbonne), 19–20 June. Paper title: Il sóphisma e l’arte dell’inganno
  •  Paper presented at Quinto Coloquio Internacional Mito y Performance. De Grecia a la Modernidad, organized by Centro de Estudios de Lenguas Clásicas, Área Filología Griega, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional La Plata (Argentina), 16–19 June. Paper title: Munichia. Radici storiche e funzioni mitiche del culto di Artemide al Pireo


  • Paper presented at Colloquio PARSA – Pôle Alpin de Recherche sur les Sociétés Anciennes – Linguaggi del potere, poteri del linguaggio / Langages du pouvoir, pouvoirs du langage, University of Turin, 6–8 November. Paper title: Strategie di sostituzione e dinamiche sacrificali nel mito dell’arkteûsai: émbaros eimí
  • Paper presented at Colloque International CELIS, Expositions, sacrifices et ragoûts d’enfants, Cadre du programme «Filiations mythiques: hostilité, violence, perversion», Université Blaise Pascal, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Clermont-Ferrand II, 15–17 October. Paper title: La consécration des jeunes filles à Ártemis: le retour d’Iphigénie de la Tauride à Brauron