Foto del docente

Giuseppe Notarstefano

Full Professor

Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering "Guglielmo Marconi"

Academic discipline: IINF-04/A Systems and Control Engineering

Director of First Cycle Degree in Automation Engineering


Recent dissertations supervised by the teacher.

First cycle degree programmes dissertations

  • Identificazione di Dinamiche Biologiche Cellulari tramite SINDy
  • Implementazione di un Algoritmo di Riconoscimento e Tracciamento di Cellule Tumorali
  • Implementazione di un sistema di localizzazione per robot mobili tramite antenne ultra wide band
  • Simulazione di magazzini intelligenti in Unity - ROS 2
  • Simulazione di un modello matematico di crescita tumorale basato su equazioni alle derivate parziali
  • Studio di reti neurali per la soluzione di problemi di ottimizzazione e controllo
  • Sviluppo di un’interfaccia video per la visualizzazione di esprimenti robotici

Second cycle degree programmes dissertations

  • A Deep Learning Approach for Distributed Aggregative Optimization with Users' Feedback
  • CAD modeling of a JetRacer Minicar and Webots Simulation of SLAM algorithms
  • Control architecture for the deployment of data-driven MPC schemes on a JetRacer autonomous racecar
  • Control of an autonomous aerodynamic airshield for training Olympic 100m sprint athletes
  • Design of music choreographies for multi-robot fleets via Machine Learning Language Models
  • Development of a sequential learning and control scheme for a quadrotor altitude model
  • Distributed control and real-engine simulators for choreographies of nano-quadrotors
  • Distributed mpc method for collaborative aerial transportation: from design to experimental validation
  • Fail Safe control for automated driving: Design and Experimental Validation
  • Implementation of Neural Network-based Real-time SLAM Algorithms in a Robotic Simulator for Aerial Robots
  • Modeling and Modal Control for Adaptive Optics of Ground-based Telescopes
  • Recurrent Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) Models for Synthetic Biological Cell Dynamics
  • ROS 2 development of an Extended Kalman Filter for state estimation of nano-quadrotors
  • System Identification for a Self-balancing Autonomous E-scooter

PhD programmes thesis

  • Learning-driven and distributed optimal control methods for large-scale and multi-agent systems

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