Foto del docente

Giuseppe Fornasari

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari"

Academic discipline: CHEM-04/A Industrial Chemistry


F. Basile; P. Benito; G. Fornasari; M. Monti; E. Scavetta; D. Tonelli; A. Vaccari, A novel electrochemical route for the catalytic coating of metallic supports, in: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2010, 175, pp. 51 - 58 (atti di: Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 11-15 july) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Patent n. EP 2153894 A1, Catalyst for the reduction of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas.

S. Albertazzi; F. Basile; G. Fornasari; F. Trifirò; A. Vaccari, Chapter 21. Structured Catalysts for the Reforming of Methane from a Biomass Generated Gas, in: Handbook of Environmental Research, NEW YORK, Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2010, pp. 539 - 548 (Environmental Research Advances Series) [Chapter or essay]

F. Basile; P. Benito; S. Bugani; W. De Nolf; G. Fornasari; K. Janssens; L. Morselli; E. Scavetta; D. Tonelli; A. Vaccari, Combined Use of Synchrotron-Radiation-Based Imaging Techniques for the Characterization of Structured Catalysts, «ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS», 2010, 20 (23), pp. 4117 - 4126 [Scientific article]

F. Basile; P. Benito; G. Fornasari; A. Vaccari, Hydrotalcite-type precursors of active catalysts for hydrogen production, «APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE», 2010, 48, pp. 250 - 259 [Scientific article]

F. Basile; P. Benito; G. Fornasari; M. Monti; E. Scavetta; D. Tonelli; A. Vaccari, Novel Rh-based structured catalysts for the catalytic partial oxidation of methane, «CATALYSIS TODAY», 2010, 157, pp. 183 - 190 [Scientific article]

F. Basile; G. Brenna; G. Fornasari; P. Del Gallo; D. Gary; A. Vaccari, Perovskite-type catalysts for the water-gas-shift reaction, in: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2010, 175, pp. 471 - 474 (atti di: Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 11-15 july) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

D. Barbera; F. Cavani; T. D’Alessandro; G. Fornasari; S. Guidetti; A. Aloise; G. Giordano; M. Piumetti; B. Bonelli; C. Zanzottera, The control of selectivity in benzene hydroxylation catalyzed by TS-1: The solvent effect and the role of crystallite size, «JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS», 2010, 275, pp. 158 - 169 [Scientific article]

F. Basile; P. Benito; G. Fornasari; V. Rosetti; E. Scavetta; D. Tonelli; A. Vaccari, Electrochemical synthesis of novel structured catalysts for H2 production, «APPLIED CATALYSIS. B, ENVIRONMENTAL», 2009, 91, pp. 563 - 572 [Scientific article]

F. Basile; P. Benito; G. Fornasari; D. Gazzoli; I. Pettiti; V. Rosetti; A. Vaccari, Ni-catalysts obtained from silicate intercalated HTlcs active in the catalytic partial oxidation of methane: Influence of the silicate content, «CATALYSIS TODAY», 2009, 142, pp. 78 - 84 [Scientific article]

S. Albertazzi; F. Basile; J. Brandin; J. Einvall; G. Fornasari; C. Hulteberg; M. Sanati; F. Trifirò; A. Vaccari;, Pt-Rh/MgAl(O) catalyst for the upgrading of biomass-generated synthesis gases, «ENERGY & FUELS», 2009, 23, pp. 573 - 579 [Scientific article]

S. Albertazzi; F. Basile; P. Benito; G. Fornasari; F. Trifirò; A. Vaccari, Technologies of Syngas Production from Biomass Generated Gases, in: A. KURUCZ I. BENCIK, Syngas: Production Methods, Post Treatment and Economics, NEW YORK, Nova Science Publishers, 2009, pp. 409 - 416 [Chapter or essay]

S. Albertazzi; F. Basile; G. Fornasari; F. Trifirò; A. Vaccari, Upgrading of a biomass generated gas with commercial-like and home-made catalysts, in: J.-P. BADEAU A. LEVI, Biomass Gasification: Chemistry, Processes and Applications, NEW YORK, Nova Science Publishers, 2009, pp. 323 - 333 (Renewable Energy: Research, Development and Policies) [Chapter or essay]

Patent n. European Patent Application 08014006.4, Catalyst for the reduction of nitrogen oxides in exhaust gas.

S. Albertazzi; F. Basile; J. Brandin; J. Einwall; G. Fornasari; C. Hulteberg; M. Sanati; F. Trifirò; A. Vaccari, Effect of fly ash and H2S on a Ni-based catalyst for the upgrading of a biomass-generated gas, «BIOMASS & BIOENERGY», 2008, 32, pp. 345 - 353 [Scientific article]

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