Foto del docente

Giuseppe De Vergottini

Emeritus Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Curriculum vitae

Professor of Constitutional Law in the Law Faculty of Bologna University since 1974.

Honorray President of the International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL). Member of the Italian Association of Constitutional Law and of the

Italian Association of Comparative Law.

Member of the Advisory Council of the Bologna Center of Johns Hopkins University.

Past President of the Class of Moral Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna.

Fields of interest: comparative constitutional law, national security and emergencies, government parliament relations and the role of the opposition,

constitutional reform, federalism.

Vice President of the “Consiglio della Magistratura Militare” (2005).

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Author of many books and publications concerning Constitutional Law, Public Law and Economics, Comparative Law, Military and Foreign Law.

Among others: 

- Diritto costituzionale comparato, Padova, Cedam, 2007 (seventh edition);

- Diritto costituzionale, Padova, Cedam, 2008 (sixt edition);

- Le transizioni costituzionali, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1998;

- Guerra e costituzione, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2004;

- Il bilanciamento fra sicurezza e libertà civili nella stagione del terrorismo, in “Sicurezza: le nuove frontiere”, CSGE, Milano, F.Angeli, 2005;

- Derecho Constitucional Comparado, UNAM, Mexico, 2005.


Fields of interest: comparative constitutional law, national security and emergencies, government parliament relations and role of the opposition,

constitutional reform, federalism.

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