Foto del docente

Giulio Cazzoli

Assistant professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-06/A Fluid Machinery


Brusiani F.; Pelloni P.; Cazzoli G., Definition of a LES Numerical Methodology for the Simulation of Engine Flows on Fixed Grids, in: Proceedings of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division 2008 Spring Technical Conference, CHICAGO, IL, ASME, 2008, pp. 1 - 16 (atti di: ASME 2008 Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference, Chicago, Illinois (USA), April, 27-30, 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

E. Corti; G. Cazzoli; M. Rinaldi; L. Solieri, Fast Prototyping of a Racing Diesel Engine Control System, in: 2008 SAE MOTORSPORTS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, WARRENDALE, PA, SAE International, 2008, 1, pp. 1 - 11 (atti di: 2008 SAE MOTORSPORTS ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, Concord, North Carolina, USA, 2-9 Dicembre 2008) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Cazzoli G.; Forte C., Development of a Model for the Wall Film Formed by Impinging Spray Based on a Fully Explicit Integration Method, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Engines for Automobile (ICE2005), s.l, SAE NA, 2005, pp. 1 - 11 (atti di: SAENA - ICE2005 - 7th International Conference on Engines for Automobile, Capri, Napoli, 11-16 Settembre 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Bianchi G.M.; Pelloni P.; Vitali C.; Cazzoli G.; Forte C., Modeling of Wall Film Formed by Impinging Spray Using a Fully Explicit Integration Method, in: ICES 2005, s.l, ASME, 2005, pp. 1 - 10 (atti di: 2005 Spring Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division, Chicago - USA, Aprile 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Bianchi, G. M.; Cazzoli, G.; Pelloni, P.; Corcione, F. E., Numerical study towards smoke-less and NOx-less HSDI diesel engine combustion, in: Modeling of SI Engines and Multi-Dimensional Engine Modeling, SAE International, «SAE TECHNICAL PAPER», 2002, 1, pp. 1 - 19 (atti di: SAE 2002 World Congress, Detroit, MI, usa, 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

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