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Giulio Cazzoli

Assistant professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-06/A Fluid Machinery


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

  1. Bianchi, G. M., Pelloni, P., Cazzoli, G., Corcione, F. E., "Numerical Study Towards Smoke-Less and Nox-Less Hsdi Diesel Engine Combustion ", SAE 2002-01-1115, Detroit, March 2002
  2. Bianchi, G. M., Cazzoli, G., Costa, M., Corcione, F. E., "Multidimensional Modeling of the Combustion Process in a Diesel Engine Equipped with a Fully Flexible Common Rail Injection System", 12th International Multidimensional Engine Modeling User's Group Meeting, Detroit, March 2002
  3. Bianchi, G. M., Pelloni, P., Cazzoli, G., Costa, M., Corcione, F. E., "Multidimensional Modeling of The Combustion Process In A Common Rail Diesel Engine", IASTED Paper 363-331, IASTED International Conference on Multidimensional Modeling, Cretea, June 2002
  4. A. Ali, G. Cazzoli, S.-C. Kong, R. D. Reitz, C.J. Montgomery, "Improvement in Computational Efficiency for HCCI Engine Modeling by Using Reduced Mechanisms and Parallel Computing", 13th International Multidimensional Engine Modeling User's Group Meeting, Detroit, March 2003
  5. Bianchi, G. M., Pelloni, P., Cazzoli, G., Mauss F., Merola S.S., Vaglieco B.M., Mancaruso E. "Assessment of Flamelet Soot Library Approach in Diesel Engine Simulations: A Comparison with Experiments", SAE_NA 2003-01-77, Capri, September 2003

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