Foto del docente

Giovanni Sartor

Full Professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-17/A Philosophy of Law


C. Cevenini; G. Contissa; M. Laukyte; G. Sartor; R. Rubino, Legal Issues of Software Agents, in: Exploiting the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, AMSTERDAM, IOS Press, 2006, pp. 99 - 107 [Chapter or essay]

Marco Alberti ; Evelina Lamma ; Marco Gavanelli ; Paola Mello ; Giovanni Sartor ; Paolo Torroni, Mapping Deontic Operators to Abductive Expectations, «COMPUTATIONAL AND MATHEMATICAL ORGANIZATION THEORY», 2006, 12(2-3), pp. 205 - 225 [Scientific article]

G. Sartor; H. Prakken, Presumptions and Burdens of Proof, in: Proceedings of Jurix 2006, AMSTERDAM, IOS, 2006, pp. 21 - 31 (atti di: Jurix 2006, Parigi, 7-9/12/2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

G. Sartor, Privacy, Reputation, and Trust: Some Implications for Data Protection., in: Trust Management, BERLIN, Springer, 2006, pp. 354 - 366 (atti di: The Fourth International Conference on Trust Management, Pisa, Italy, 16-19 May 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

G. Sartor, The ONE-LEX (ONtologies for European Laws in EXecutable format) Project and the Informational Unification of the Laws of Europe., in: Proceedings of the Klagenfurter Legistik Gesprache, Klagenfurt, Kartner Verwaltungsakademie, 2006, pp. 193 - 202 [Chapter or essay]

A. Artosi; A. Rotolo; G. Sartor; S. Vida, Appendix. Elements for a Formalisation of the Theory of Norms Developed in this Volume, in: E. PATTARO, The Law and the Right: A Reappraisal of the Reality That Ought to Be, BERLIN, Springer, 2005, pp. 413 - 423 [Chapter or essay]

G. Sartor; R. Rubino, Computational Institutions: an Analysis of Trust, in: The Law of Electronic Agents, NIJMEGEN, Wolf Legal Publisher, 2005, 5, pp. 57 - 64 (atti di: The Law of Electronic Agents, Bologna, 10 giugno 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

A. Rotolo; G. Sartor; C. Smith, Formalization of a ‘Normative Version’ of Good Faith, in: The Law of Electronic Agents (LEA 2005), NIJMEGEN, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2005, pp. 65 - 76 (atti di: LEA 2005, Bologna, June 10, 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

A. Rotolo; G. Sartor; C. Smith, Good Faith in Contract Negotiation and Performance, in: CTIT Workshop Proceedings, Twente, University of Twente, 2005, pp. . - . (TWLT) [Chapter or essay]

G. Sartor; G. Borsari; C. Cevenini; G. Contissa; S. Morini; P. Still, Hare An Italian Application of SoftLaw's STATUTE Expert Technology., in: Tenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, NEW YORK, ACM, 2005, pp. 225 - 229 (atti di: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL), Bologna, 6-10 giugno) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

G. Sartor, Legal Reasoning: A Cognitive Approach to the Law, BERLIN, Springer, 2005, pp. 844 . [Research monograph]

M. Alberti; M. Gavanelli; E. Lamma; P. Mello; G. Sartor; P. Torroni, Mapping Deontic Operators to Abductive Expectations, in: AA.VV., roceedings of 1st International Symposium on Normative Multiagent Systems (NorMAS 2005), HERTFORDSHIRE, HATFIELD, AISB, 2005, pp. 126 - 136 [Contribution to conference proceedings]

G. Governatori; M. Palmirani; R. Riveret; A. Rotolo; G. Sartor, Norm Modifications in Defeasible Logic., in: The 18th Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems: Proceedings, AMSTERDAM, IOS Press, 2005, 134, pp. 13 - 22 (atti di: The 18th Annual Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2005), Brussels, Belgium, 8-10 December, 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

G. Sartor, Privacy, reputazione, e affidamento: dialettica e implicazioni per il trattamento dei dati personali., in: Privacy digitale: Giuristi e informatici a confronto, TORINO, Giappichelli, 2005, pp. 81 - 97 (Digitalica) [Chapter or essay]

G. Sartor, Reasoning with Factors, «ARGUMENTATION», 2005, 19, pp. 417 - 432 [Scientific article]