Foto del docente

Giovanni Dinelli

Full Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-02/A Agronomy and Field Crops

Head of Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences


Dissertation topics suggested by the teacher.

Topic: Use of human/murine cell cultures / bi- and tri-dimensional  for the study of: a) cytotoxic effects of glyphosate formulated pesticides; b) effects of different natural substances in relation to oxidative stress.

Experimental theses, to be held at the "Laboratory of Biology and Plant Physiology", (Department of Agricultural  Sciences - Viale Fanin, 44-VIth floor, Bologna) lasting 10-12 months.

Preferably, students of the courses of Biological Sciences / Natural / Biomedical and Agricultural Sciences. For more details send an email to Dr. Francesca Truzzi: