Dissertation topics suggested by the teacher.
I'm interested in the following research topics: wellbeing culture and wellness pratices; sport and PActivies as active lifestyles, as tools of integration and inclusion of migrants, disabled people; sport as a gender cultural field; social and cultural transformation of smart tecnologies in sporting field.
In addition, I'm avaible to deep the consumption and communication aspects of global narrative sporting communication through: brand, celebrity athletes (as influencer or political activist)
Recent dissertations supervised by the teacher.
First cycle degree programmes dissertations
- Il ruolo delle donne nei processi migratori
Esperienza Caritas tra Italia e Marocco
- L'animazione giapponese. Strategie mediali, ricezione in Italia e traiettorie educative
Second cycle degree programmes dissertations
- Between Volunteering and Employment in the Sports World: a Sociological Approach to Understanding the Transformation of Sports Labour Market in Europe
- Lo Sport come vettore di promozione socioculturale ed economica
nelle città, che si trasformano attraverso i luoghi dello sport; caso
studio dell’Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari di Imola
- Oltre i confini della disabilità: il caso "Esplora", quando lo sport e l'attività fisica promuovono inclusione e partecipazione