Foto del docente

Giovanna Pezzi

Assistant professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIO/03 Environmental and Applied Botany

Curriculum vitae

Current position

Assistant professor in Environmental and applied Botany (BIO/03) at the University of Bologna. My research activities concern Vegetation ecology and Landscape ecology, with a special focus on: land cover changes and the consequences on plant species diversity; use of written sources to reconstruct historical landscape and its habitats. Target of my research are mainly the agro-forestry systems (e.g., chestnut orchards)



1997 Degree in Natural Sciences (University of Bologna)

2002 achievement of the Ph.D. degree in Environmental Sciences: Protection and Handling of Natural Resources (University of Bologna)


Teaching activity

Since the Academic year 2004-2005 responsible of various courses or the Degree Courses of the University of Bologna: First cycle degree programme (L) in Environmental Sciences; Second cycle degree programme (LS) in Conservation and Management of Natural Heritage; Second cycle degree programme (LS) in Biodiversity and Evolution; Second cycle degree programme (LS) in Environmental and Territorial Sciences; Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Environmental Sciences; Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Sciences and Management of Nature; Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and management of agro-territorial, forest and landscape; First cycle degree programme (L) in Sciences and Culture of Gastronomy

Supervisor of bachelor’s and master’s degree students

Supervisor of research fellows


Scientific activity

The most recent research programs:

Project COMBI (COnoscere e Monitorare la BIodiversità 2022-24) Programma regionale di Sviluppo rurale - PSR 2014/2020, Operazione 7.6.01 (scientific coordinator for Dept. BiGeA, UNIBO)

Project LIFE Drylands - LIFE18 NAT/IT/000803 (member of UNIBO unit)

Accordo di collaborazione per la sperimentazione di una metodologia di valorizzazione dei dati storici presenti nella Banca-Dati della Flora della Regione Emilia-Romagna (protocol no. IBACN RPI/2020/63) between the former Istituto per i Beni Artistici, Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia-Romagna (now Servizio Patrimonio culturale dell’Assessorato alla Cultura e Paesaggio) and the Dept. BiGeA, UNIBO (person in charge G. Pezzi). Closed project

Project LIFE14 NAT/IT/000759 WetFlyAmphybia (scientific coordinator of UNIBO unit). Closed project


Scientific dissemination

Pezzi G., Buldrini F., Alessandrini A., 2021. Dal libro alla mappa. La Flora storica della Provincia di Bologna, Bologna, Regione Emilia-Romagna

Ferrari C. & Pezzi G., 2013. L'Ecologia del Paesaggio. Universale Paperbacks, il Mulino, Bologna

Ferrari C. & Pezzi G., 2012. Ambiente, spazio, luogo, memoria. Diabasis Reggio Emilia 

Viggiani P. & Pezzi G., 2002. Le piante dell'uomo, Il Sole 24Ore Edagricole