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Giovanna Alvoni

Associate Professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Academic discipline: HELL-01/B Greek Language and Literature


Keywords: Greek tragedy and satyr play textual criticism Greek comedy databases teaching of greek language and literature digital resources Chrysippus of Soli and paremiography

- Greek tragedy and satiric drama: study of the dramatic pseudo-Euripidean fragments attributed to Critias.

- Greek comedy: the fragments of Aristophanes' Old Age.

- Computer science and teaching of greek language and literature.

- History of Classical studies.  

- The dramatic works of Critias, ‘the tyrant': textual and exegetical analysis of a pseudo-euripidean tetralogy, probably written by Critias. His memory, after the end of the government of the ‘thirty tyrants' (403 a. C.) in Athens, suffered a true damnatio. According to Wilamowitz's likely hypothesis - accepted by several authoritative scholars (Snell e Kannicht, for example), but argued by others (see Page, for example) - the author of the tragedies Pirithous, Tennes and Radamanthus, regarded as spurious in the Life of Euripides, and of the satyr play Sisyphus shoud be recognised not as the great tragic poet Euripides, as most of the ancient sources say, but as the politician and learned man Critias, as Athenaeus (XI 496b) and Sextus Empyricus (Adv. Math. 9,54) attest. Supervisor of this research project (wissenschaftlicher Mentor) is Prof. Dr. Heinz-Günther Nesselrath of the University of Göttingen: its result will be a critical edition with a commentary of the dramatic fragments ascribed to Critias. A first essay – about the argumentum of Peirithoos – was published in the journal “Hermes”: G. Alvoni, Nur Theseus oder auch Peirithoos? Zur Hypothesis des Pseudo-Euripideischen „Peirithoos“, „Hermes“ CXXXIV (2006) 290-300. As far as the fr. 1, 3 and 4 Sn.-K. of Peirithoos is concerned, see the article Eracle ed Eaco alle porte dell'Ade (Critias fr. 1 Sn.-K.) , "Philologus" CLII/1 (2008) 40-48, and Autogenerazione della divinità. Da Crizia (frammenti 3 e 4 Snell-Kannicht) al dio cristiano, “ZAC” XVI/3 (2012) 477-486. As far as the Sisyphus fragment (19 Sn.-K.) is concerned, see Die Rhesis des Sisyphos über den Ursprung der Religion (Kritias, Fr. 19 Sn.-K.), “Paideia” LXXII (2017), 467-481. About the Peirithoosfrage see the essay Ist Critias fr. 1 Sn.-K. Teil des «Peirithoos»-Prologs? Zu Wilamowitzens Memorandum über die ,Peirithoosfrage' , „Hermes“ CXXXIX (2011) 120-130.

- Aristophanes' comedy, with a special attention to its relationship with the Greek tragedy: allusions to and parodies of tragedy in Aristophanes' works. To this research field belong the following reviews: C. Brockmann, Aristophanes und die Freiheit der Komödie. Untersuchungen zu den frühen Stücken unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Acharner (“Gymnasium” CXII/4, 2005, 387-389), F. Casolari, Die Mythentravestie in der griechischen Komödie (“Gymnasium” CXIIII/5, 2007, 495-497), M. Revermann, Comic Business (2006), “Gnomon” LXXXI/4 (2009) 291-294, B. Zimmermann, La commedia greca. Dalle origini all’età ellenistica. Edizione italiana a cura di Sotera Fornaro (2010), “Gymnasium” CXX/2 (2013) 193-194.

- The language of the Greek epigram: employ of ‘zoe biou' in an epigram written by Julianus, Prefect of Egypt (AP VI 68, 10). A thorough study of the expression ‘biou zoe / zoe biou' in the Greek literary language allows us to understand better its employ – as only Dübner did in the past time - in Julianus' epigram: see G. Alvoni, Die Lebensbahn (AP VI 68, 10), “Hermes” CXXXIII/2 (2005) 243f.

- The role of the computer tools for researching and teaching in the field of Greek language and literature. Bibliographic and textual databases, and other electronic resources, can be very helpful - besides the traditional tools - both for researching and for teaching in the field of classics. In this regard see G. Alvoni, Strumenti elettronici nella didattica della letteratura greca: qualche esperienza (“Aufidus” XVII n. 50, 2003, 105-115), and the following reviews: T. Bechthold-Hengelhaupt, Alte Sprachen und neue Medien (“Gymnasium” CX/4, 2003, 408s.), Tra ‘volumen' e byte. Per una didattica sostenibile della cultura latina. Una guida a più di 50 siti web (seri, divertenti, kitsch) che ospitano il latino, a c. di Roberto M. Danese. Testi di Andrea Bacianini e Alessio Torino (“Maia” LVII/1, 2005, 234-236), Kybernetes. Il greco classico in rete. Una guida ai siti internet che ospitano il greco classico. Con aggiornamenti di Tra ‘Volumen' e byte, a c. di Roberto M. Danese, testi di Valentina Millozzi, Andrea Bacianini e Alessio Torino (2004) ( “Maia” LVIII/3, 2006, 590-592); see also the online updating of the book Scienze dell'antichità per via informatica. Banche dati, Internet e risorse elettroniche nello studio dell'antichità classica, con contributi di U. Rausch e un'introduzione di F. Montanari, Bologna 2002: (webpages edited together with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schmitzer, Humboldt Universität Berlin) and of Altertumswissenschaften digital. Datenbanken, Internet und e-Ressourcen in der altertumswissenschaftlichen Forschung. Mit Beiträgen von U. Rausch, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York 2001: About distance learning see DaD: un’esperienza nell’àmbito della didattica del greco antico, “NS” XXXVIII/3 (2020) 53-62.

- History of classical scholarship. Giovanna Alvoni is a member of the editorial board of the journal „Eikasmós - Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica“, which devotes a whole section to the history of classical scholarship; see also the Bibliografia di Enzo Degani, in Filologia e storia. Scritti di Enzo Degani, a c. di Maria Grazia Albiani, Giovanna Alvoni, A. Barbieri, F. Bossi, G. Burzacchini, F. Citti, F. Condello, Elena Esposito, Alberta Lorenzoni, M. Magnani, Ornella Montanari, Simonetta Nannini, C. Neri, V. Tammaro, R. Tosi, Hildesheim-Zürich-New York 2004, XVII-XXXV, and Enzo Degani, in Magistri et discipuli. Kapitel zur Geschichte der Altertumswissenschaften im 20. Jahrhundert, hrsg. von W. Appel (“Xenia Toruniensia VII”), Torunii MMII, 221-236.