Foto del docente

Giorgio Olmi

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-03/A Mechanical Design and Machine Construction


G. Olmi; G. Vassura, Modelling pneumatic circuits with variable-geometry nozzles: a hybrid approach, in: 2006 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition, s.l, Society for Experimental Mechanics, 2006, pp. 1 - 11 (atti di: 2006 SEM Annual Conference & Exposition, St. Louis (USA), 4th – 7th June, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

G. Olmi; A. Freddi, Shot peening technique for fatigue improvement of high strength steel gears, in: Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of Croatian Society of Mechanics, ZAGREB, Franjo Matejicek, Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2006(atti di: 5th ICCSM, Trgir/Split (HR), 21st – 23rd September, 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

G. Olmi; A. Freddi; D. Croccolo; G. Ferrazzo, Un approccio ibrido per la valutazione delle inflessioni in esercizio del retrotreno di un motociclo, in: Atti del XXXV Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana per l'Analisi delle Sollecitazioni, PERUGIA, CRACE/Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2006, pp. 233 - 234 (atti di: AIAS 2006, Ancona, 13-16 Settembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

G. Olmi; L. Bertolini, Utilizzo di tecniche D.O.E. per la caratterizzazione del comportamento all’attrito di film plastici, in: Atti del XXXV Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana per l'Analisi delle Sollecitazioni, PERUGIA, CRACE/Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2006, pp. 11 - 12 (atti di: AIAS 2006, Ancona, 13-16 Settembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

G. Olmi; A. Freddi, Crack initiation and propagation in a press column under compressive load, «ARCHIWUM BUDOWY MASZYN», 2005, 52, pp. 323 - 340 [Scientific article]

G. Olmi; G. Mazzotti; G. Vassura, Design for safety: applicazione ad un automa per torneo storico cavalleresco, in: Atti dell'ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA PER L’ANALISI DELLE SOLLECITAZIONI - XXXIV CONVEGNO NAZIONALE, ARZAGO D'ADDA (BG), Grafiche g.s.s., 2005, pp. 39 - 40 (atti di: XXXIV Convegno Nazionale AIAS, Milano, 14 – 17 Settembre 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

G. Olmi; A. Freddi, Estimation of opening mode stress intensity factor KI by photoelastic and strain gage methods: a comparison, in: 4th YSESM, Castrocaro Terme (Italia) May, 4th – 7th, 2005, BOLOGNA, DIEM, 2005, 1, pp. 117 - 118 (atti di: 4th YSESM, Castrocaro Terme (Italia), May, 4th – 7th, 2005) [Abstract]

G. Olmi; A. Freddi, The influence of shot-peening on the fatigue life of high strength steel gears, in: Experimental Methods of Solid Mechanics, PARMA, Università di Parma, 2005, 1, pp. 210 - 211 (atti di: 22nd Danubia-Adria Symposium, Monticelli Terme / Parma, September 28th – October 1st, 2005) [Abstract]

L. Bartoli; G. Olmi; R.A. Shenoi;, “Mechanical characterization of a GFRP at high strain rate”,, in: Experimental Mechanics, BOLOGNA, DIEM, 2005, 1(atti di: YSESM, Castrocaro Terme (Italia), May, 4th – 7th, 2005) [Abstract]

G. Olmi; G. Vassura, A test bench for pneumatic components testing: set up and experimental results, in: Third Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, BOLOGNA, Università degli studi di Bologna, 2004(atti di: Third Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, Porretta Terme (I), May, 12th – 15th, 2004) [Abstract]

G. Olmi; A. Freddi, Crack initiation and propagation in a press column under compressive load, in: Experimental Methods in Solid Mechanics, BRIJUNI, Croatian Society of Mechanics, 2004, 1, pp. 218 - 219 (atti di: 21st Danubia-Adria Symposium, Brijuni (Croatia), September 29th – October 2nd, 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

G. Olmi; A. Freddi, Crack propagation in compression: a case study, in: Proceedings of the 3rd YSESM, BOLOGNA, DIEM, 2004, 1, pp. 153 - 154 (atti di: 3rd YSESM, Porretta Terme, 12-15 May 2004) [Abstract]

G. Olmi; A. Lucchi; G. Vassura; G.C. Modugno, Design and experimentation of a pneumatically actuated vestibular stimulator for diagnostic medical tests, in: Advances in Experimental Mechanics, MILANO, McGraw-Hill, 2004(atti di: 12th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Bari (I), August 29th – September 2nd, 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

TANI G.; BEDINI R.; FORTUNATO A.; ORAZI L.; OLMI G., Model validation of a machining centre for high speed milling, in: W. ELMARAGHY, Proceedings of the 14th International CIRP Design Seminar 2004, WINDSOR, ONTARIO, W. ElMaraghy, 2004(atti di: 14th International CIRP Design Seminar - Cairo, Egypt, Cairo, Egitto, 16-18 Maggio 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]