Foto del docente

Gioacchino Amato

PhD Student

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: L-LIN/02 Educational Linguistics

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 224KB )


High school diploma at Liceo Scientifico "E. Medi" in 2011. In 2015 Bachelor's degree in Lingue e Culture Straniere (L-11) with vote 110/110 cum laude at University of Salerno. In 2018 Master's Degree in Lingue e Letterature Moderne (LM-37) with vote 110/110 cum laude at the University of Salerno.


Research experiences

09/2022 – 06/2023

Erasmus+ as PhD Student at the University of Graz (Austria). Main research objectives: development of a metacognitive training on the reading and comprehension final exam of Italian in the Austrian secondary school and data collection.

02/2022 – 07/2022

Research period abroad at the Chair of Didactics of Romance Languages and Literatures at the Faculty of Philology and History at the University of Augsburg, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Christiane Fäcke. Main topic: Design of a Metacognitive and Motivational Strategy Training on Reading and Comprehension Tasks.

11/2020 - on going

Research activity for the XXXVI cycle of the PhD Programme in Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures: Diversity and Inclusion at the LILEC of the University of Bologna. The provisional title of the final dissertation is: Metacognition and Motivation in the study of text comprehension in Italian as FL.

03/2017 - 11/2018

Data collection and digitalization for the project "Le competenze linguistiche e metalinguistiche nella formazione dei docenti", in the research team FARB 2017-2020.

04/2019 – 09/2019

Oral and written data collection of Italian as L1 and L2, for the project "Dai percorsi acquisizionali alle strategie didattiche", in the research team FARB 2019-2022.


Academic teaching experiences

06/2018 - 11/2018

Help teaching tutoring at the DISPSC of the University of Salerno. Teaching goals: development of students' literacy skills, including reading and comprehension, writing with a comparative methodology.


04/2019 - 05/2019

Expert tutor of the DIPSUM (University of Salerno), for the project ASL (Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro) "Creative Advertising Lab". Teaching goals: promotion of the bilingualism and improvement of the communicative skills in the area of advertisment. Language of teaching: German.


06/2019 - 07/2019

Qualified trainer of the DIPSUM (University of Salerno), in collaboration with I Lincei per la scuola. Teaching goal: training program for teachers of Italian as L1 in the area of Literacy development.


Seminars as guest speaker

15/11/2022 - Designing metacognitive training for the reading comprehension test in Italian at the Italian Master Course Ital. FD, Proposals for integrative didactics between language, film and comic novels, scientific responsible Prof. Simona Bartoli-Kucher, University of Graz.

10/09/2021 - Motivazione verso la disciplina ed efficacia del CLIL – in collaboration with Professor Fabiana Rosi, for the workshop Ancora CLIL? Un dialogo aperto tra innovazione didattica e sperimentazione. Inviting institution: University of Trento.

20/11/2020 - CLIL Approach and Motivation: Some Implications on Content Retention - in collaboration with PhD, Alessandra Zappoli, for the cycle of seminars Conversazioni Linguistiche at the University of Trento.

25/10/2017 - L’apprendimento del contenuto nel CLIL – l’insegnamento della fisica e della chimica applicata in lingua inglese with the professors Fabiana Rosi, Tullia Aquila, Rosa Labadia for the cycle of seminars: La didattica della lingua: dalla teoria alla pratica at the University of Salerno.




Planning a metacognitive training within Italian reading and comprehension testing at the DGFF-Nachwuchstagung 2023 – Findungs Phasen organised by the department of English Studies at the WWU Münster.


Diversity and Inclusion in the Design of a Reading and Comprehension Training for Italian as FL at the International Conference Re-construction and Responsibility: An Itinerary through Diversities and Inclusion, for the DIVE-IN (Diversity and Inclusion) Project of Excellence, at the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bologna


E-learning: un approccio metacognitivo – for the international online conference: Insegnare (e imparare) l'italiano in contesti germanofoni: ricerca scientifica ed esperienze didattiche a confronto (University of Bochum).



Other academic experiences


Moderation of the seminar "Scritture in Viaggio: Takoua Ben Mohamed" for the course Ital. FD, Proposals for integrative didactics between language, film and comic novels, scientific responsible Prof. Simona Bartoli-Kucher, University of Graz (Austria).

06/2022 - ongoing

Assistant site manager of the Inter-University Centre LinE - Language in Education promoted by the Centre of Excellence CeASUm of the University of Trento.


Organisational assistant for the day study convention La traduzione audiovisiva per apprendere le lingue, Project Dive-in and sponsorship GISCEL - MIUR under the scientific responsibility of Prof. Catia Nannoni, Prof. Marina Manfredi, Prof. Rosa Pugliese (Bologna University).

03/2021 -05/2023

Editor of the PhD website for LILEC at University of Bologna, data compilation, translation and organisation.

01/2018 - 04/2019

Organisational assistant for the training courses organised by the foundation I Lincei per la scuola, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei - Polo di Salerno, in collaboration with the University of Salerno in the teaching area of Italian as L1. The training courses are part of the project: I Lincei per una nuova didattica nella scuola: una rete nazionale.

01/2018 - 05/2018

Member of the secretaryship of the XX National Convention G.I.S.C.E.L. held at the University of Salerno.

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