Foto del docente

Gilberta Golinelli

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: ANGL-01/A English Literature

Curriculum vitae

Academic qualifications:

March 1996, B.A.: Degree in Languages and Modern Foreign Literature with a comparative thesis between German and English literature entitled “Retorica, politica e figure femminili in G. Büchner e W. Shakespeare”, gained at the Department of Languages and modern Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, with 110/110 marks.

 March 2001 (1996/1997- 2000/2001): PhD in Comparative Literature (Department of Languages and modern Foreign Literature, University of Bologna), with a dissertation on: Il dibattito sulla formazione del canone shakespeariano nell'Inghilterra e nella Germania del Settecento (1700-1770).

 November 2002:

Nominated research Scholar (Comparative Literature) in the session of the Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, of 28 November 2002.

 2001/2002 – 2002/2003:

Post-doctoral grant lasting 24 months (disciplinary area Humanistic Sciences) at the Department of Languages and modern Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, with a research project on Il significato del “genio” e le sue metamorfosi nella cultura inglese e tedesca del Settecento.

 January 2004:

Awarded research grant, Il primitivismo e le sue metamorfosi: archeologia di un discorso culturale, financed by the Department of Languages and modern Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, lasting 48 months, from 7 January 2004 to 7 January 2008.

30 September 2013, Ricercatore a tempo determinato (junior) Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Moderne, Bologna

 Teaching and tutorial experience:

2001/2002: Adjunct Professor (Faculty of Letters and philosophy, University of Ferrara), for integrative course of Comparative Literature entitled Reception's Studies: La ricezione della Literature inglese in Germania (first semester).

2002/2003: Tutor for the interfaculty and interdisciplinary course, University of Bologna, Metodologie degli studi di Genere con prospettive multiculturali.

2006/2007: Tutor for the Specialist degree course (Comparative Literature and Postcolonial Cultures, Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Bologna)  Utopia,Dystopia, Heterotopy: issues of gender, ‘race', interculturality in critical theories. Utopie, distopie, eterotopie: questioni di genere, 'razza' e interculturalità nelle teorie critiche, course held by Prof. Rita Monticelli

a.a 2007/2008: Tutor for the Specialist degree course (Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, Gemma, Erasmus Mundus Master in Women's and Gender Studies), Feminist Theory between Diversity and Difference; for the Specialist degree course (Comparative Literature and Postcolonial Cultures, Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Bologna first module, first semester), Sexual/Textual Politics and Re-Writings of the Body in Critical Theories and Literary Texts, course held by Prof. Rita Monticelli

2007/2008: Tutor for the Specialist degree course (Comparative Literature and Culture Postcolonial Cultures, Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Bologna second module, first semester) Trauma, Postmemories and (Im)Possible Reconciliations: ‘Race', Gender, and the Ethics of Memory, course held by Prof. Rita Monticelli

2007/2008: Adjunct Professor for the Specialist degree course (Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, Gemma, Erasmus Mundus Master in Women's and Gender Studies) “English Women's Literature-Literature inglese delle donne”, ssd L-LIN/10 (first module, second semester, Study course Modern European Philologies).

2008/2009: Adjunct Professor for the Master degree course (Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, Gemma, Erasmus Mundus Master in Women's and Gender Studies) “English Women's Literature”, ssd L-LIN/10.

2008/2009:Tutor for the Master degree course (Comparative Literature and Postcolonial Cultures, Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, first module, first semester), Gender troubles”: Fear and Belonging, Memory and Healing in Postcolonial Re-Writings of Trauma,‘Race' and Gender,course held by Prof. Rita Monticelli

25-5-2009 to 24-9-2009: Engaged in the context of the project Acume2, Thematic Network of European Studies, for the preparation of the Teaching Module of Sub-project 3, Travelling the World Scientific Discoveries and Narrative Discourses: Mapping the Land and Naming the New.

2009/2010: Tutor for the interdisciplinary Masters degree course Gemma (Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, Erasmus Mundus Master in Women's and Gender Studies), Feminist Methodology: Interdisciplinary Methods in Women' s and Gender Studies - Metodologie femministe: interdisciplinarità negli studi di genere e delle donne, (first semester), course held by Prof. Rita Monticelli.

2009/2010: Adjunct Professor for the Masters degree course (Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, Gemma, Erasmus Mundus Master in Women's and Gender Studies) “English Women's Literature-Literature inglese delle donne”, ssd L-LIN/10 (second semester, degree course in Comparative Literature and Postcolonial Cultures), and English Literature LM 1.

2010/2011: Adjunct Professor for the Master degree course (Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, Gemma, Erasmus Mundus Master in Women's and Gender Studies) “English Women's Literature-Literature inglese delle donne”, ssd L-LIN/10 (second semester, degree course in Comparative Literature and Postcolonial Cultures), and English Literature LM 1.

2011/2012: Adjunct Professor for the Master degree course (Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, Gemma, Erasmus Mundus Master in Women's and Gender Studies) “Feminist Methodology: Interdisciplinary Method in Women and Gender Studies, (first semester) ssd L-LIN/10

2011/1012: Adjunct Professor for English Literature 1 (second semester)

2012/2013: Adjunct Professor for the Master degree course (Faculty of Languages and Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, Gemma, Erasmus Mundus Master in Women's and Gender Studies) “Feminist Methodology: Interdisciplinary Method in Women and Gender Studies" (first semester), ssd L-LIN/10

2012/1013: Adjunct Professor for English Literature 1 (second semester)

Since 2007, Member of the academic staff for the European M.A GEMMA (Women's and Gender Study), International Program Erasmus Mundus Master's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies, Director Prof. Adelina Sanchez Espinoza, University of Granada. GEMMA is the first Erasmus Mundus Master in Women's and Gender Studies in Europe. It is a Master of excellence supported by the European Commission that involves the following University: Granada, Bologna, Budapest, Hull, Lodz, Oviedo, Utrecht.

Since 2002 Tutor and co-tutor for dissertations in English Literature, Comparative Literature and Gender and Women's Studies:

- Shakespeare, the theatre and renaissance culture

- Travel literature of the 16th and 17th century

- Canon and Literary Genres

- Gender and Women's Studies with particular reference to contemporary critical theories and postmodern rewritings of the canon.

Participation in associations and scientific committees:

Since 2001: Member of AIA, Associazione Italiana di Anglistica

Since 2007: Member of editorial board of the journal Nuova Informazione Bibliografica, il Mulino, Bologna. (ISBN 1824-0771).

Since 2008: Member of the editorial board of the series Interfacing Science, Literature, and the Humanities /“Acume2”, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht V&R (Göttingen) unipress. (ISBN 978-3-89971)

Since 2009: member of the Italian association of Shakespearian studies IASEMS (Italian Association of Shakespearean and Early Modern Studies).

Since 2010: member of the scientific committee of the series Studi e Incontri tra Discipline, Odoya, Bologna. (ISBN: 978-88-96026-59-5)

 Participation in national and international research groups

2002-2005: Participation in the Thematic Network of European Studies : Cultural Memory in European Countries: Difference and Identity in United Europe.( ). In particular, Gilberta Golinelli dealt with the construction of the myth of Shakespeare as bard in Germany and England between the 18th and 19th century, in the sub-project “Foundation texts and Mythology”.

2002/2003:Participation in the sub-project “Memoria culturale e oblio negli studi delle donne e di genere” for the European thematic network project: Cultural Memory in European Countries: Difference and Identity in United Europe.

( )

2003/2005: Participation in the fundamental oriented research group (RFO, ex 60%) entitled “Scrivere e Rappresentare i Conflitti nel novecento: Volontà di testimoniare e Difficoltà del Dire”.


2006/2010: Participation in the project of the Thematic Network of European Studies,  ACUME2, Interfacing Sciences, Literature and Humanities, dealing with sub-project 3 “Traveling the World, Scientific Discoveries and Narrative Discourses”, the part relative to the discovery of the New World and the diffusion of travel reports as proto-ethnographic and scientific manuals that diffuse at a popular level the theories on the origins and differentiations of the various races.


2008/2010: Participation in the project Sent, Thematic Network of European Studies, University of Rome Tor Vergata. (

Participation and presenting papers at conferences and seminars:

19-21 March 1999: Conference COTEPRA, A European Thematic Network on Comparatism, in the Centro Residenziale Universitario of Bertinoro (Forlì) . Presentation for sub-project 1 (Theory, Praxis, Methodology of Research in Comparative Literature), of the teaching module on “La ricezione di Shakespeare in Europa”.

19-20 October 2001: Participation in the conference Shakespeare and the Law , organized by the University of Verona, with a paper written in collaborazion with prof. Vita Fortunati “Interpreting Utopia: the Debate Between Mutiny and Dynastic Law in The Tempest”, of which Gilberta Golinelli dealt with the part dedicated to the role of the masque in relation to the dynastic law and to the writings of James I Stuart.

 18-20 May 2002: Participation in the conference Shakespeare in Europa, organized by the Istituto Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples, with a paper entitled “Il Giulio Cesare e il dibattito sull'istituzione del canone teatrale tedesco: J. C. Gottsched e J. E. Schlegel”.

14-15 February 2003: Participation in the conference, Europa, la repubblica delle lettere. Literature e identità. Per una Literature europea , organized by the Society for the study of the Theory and History of Comparative Literature, University of Florence, Department of modern Philology, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Centro Linguistico di Ateneo, with a paper entitled, “Il Genio e l'identità nazionale: Shakespeare e l'Europa”.

 17-19 November 2005: Participation in the conference Il Primitivismo e le sue metamorfosi archeologia di un discorso culturale, organized by the Department of Languages and modern Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, with a paper entitled: “Orrore e meraviglia: percezioni europee del selvaggio antropofago”.

26-28 November 2006: Participation in the Brainstorming Meeting organized by the European thematic network project Acume2 in Villa Vigoni (Centro Italo-Tedesco, Menaggio – Como). the candidate presented her research in course: “Race, Contamination and Gender: the European Canonisation of Diversity in 16th Century Travel Writings”.

5 October 2007: Participation in the Study day, The Origins of Modernity: Sorcerers and Cannibals, organized during the European thematic network project Acume2, held in the Centro Residenziale Universitario of Bertinoro (Forlì), with a paper entitled “Medical Cannibalism in Early Modern European Literature”.

 7 December 2007: Participation in the seminar organized for the European thematic network project Acume2, Race and Evolution, with the presentation of her research projec “Le teorizzazioni sulla razza nei documenti a larga diffusione durante la prima età moderna”, held in the Centre of Genetics Foundation (Eremo di Ronzano, Bologna).

 8-9 February 2008: Participation in the conference L'ambiguità dell'amazzone in una prospettiva di genere: decostruzione e riappropriazione di un mito, organized at the Department of Languages and modern Foreign Literature, University of Bologna, with a paper entitled: “Tamora regina dei goti: contaminazioni nel Titus Andronicus di W. Shakespeare”.

 28-29 February 2008: Participation in the conference Shakespeare and Rome: Questioning Bodies, Geographies, and Cosmographies, organized at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Roma tre (Rome), cwith a paper entitled “Floating borders: Dislocating Otherness in the Female Body and the Question of Miscegenation in Titus Andronicus

 21-22 June 2008: Participation in the conference Race, Racism and Antiracism: Models, Representations and Ideologies, organized for the European thematic network project Acume2 at the Centre of Genetics Foundation (Eremo di Ronzano, Bologna) with a paper entitled “Race, Contamination and Gender the Canonization of Diversity in 16th Century European Culture”.

 13-14 September 2008: Participation in the presentation, during the European thematic network project Acume2, of the teaching module for PhD European students and students of the specialist degree course entitled Travelling the World. Scientific Discoveries and Narrative Discourses: Mapping the Land and Naming the “Other”, at the Centre of Genetics Foundations (Eremo di Ronzano, Bologna).

Teaching module available at the site:

 15 May 2009: Participation in the conference during the European thematic network project Sent, “Questioning the European Identity/ies: Deconstructing Old Stereotypes and Envisioning New Models of Representation”.

 22-26 Settembre 2009: Participation in the Round table Gli studi di genere a Bologna: esperienze, problemi e prospettive during the VII International Conference Christine de Pizan (University of Bologna, in the Aula Magna di Santa Cristina) with a speech on “La rappresentazione del corpo della sovrana nell'Inghilterra elisabettiana”.

 1-3 July 2010: Participation in the Final Assembly of the Project SENT: Thematic Network on European Studies.(

 Organization of conferences, scientific events:

 Organization of the Conference Studi di Genere e Memoria Culturale. Women and Cultural Memory (scientific committee: Rita Monticelli and Vita Fortunati) patronized by the Department of Languages and modern Foreign Literature, University of Bologna and by the European thematic network (ACUME), held in Bologna on 13 and 14 June 2003.

 Organization of the Conference Il primitivismo e le sue Metamorfosi: archeologia di un discorso culturale (scientific committee: Maurizio Ascari, Vita Fortunati, Rita Monticelli and Gilberta Golinelli) at the Department of Languages and modern Foreign  Literature, University of Bologna, held in Bologna on 17-19 November 2005.

 Organization of the Conference L'ambiguità dell'amazzone in una prospettiva di genere: decostruzione e riappropriazione di un mito (scientific committee: Mireille Calle-Gruber, Vita Fortunati, Elena Maramotti and Gilberta Golinelli), organized at the Department of  Languages and modern Foreign Literature, University of Bologna held on 8 and 9 February 2008.

 Organization of the Conference Questioning the European Identity/ies: Deconstructing Old Stereotypes and Envisioning New Models of Representation in the context of the European project Sent, Thematic Network of European Studies, (Universiy of Rome Tor Vergata), held in Bologna on 15 May 2009.

  Universities and foreign institutes where the candidate spent periods of research and specialization:

April-June 1997: Period of study and collaboration at the Institut für Englische Philologie, Freie Universität Berlin (tutor: Prof. Manfred Pfister, Professor of English Literature). In this period the candidate attended the seminars on Shakespeare held for PhD students by Prof. M. Pfister and discussed the research project for her PhD thesis.

October 1998: Period of study and research at the Shakespeare Institute, Stratford upon Avon. (University of Birmingham) to further investigate research areas linked to the writing of the PhD thesis, in particular the part on Shakespeare.

November-December 1998: Centre for Comparative and Literary Studies, University of Warwick (Tutor: Prof. Susan Bassnett).

April-May 1999: Period of study and research at the Niedersächsische Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, (University Library in Göttingen, Germany) to further investigate research areas linked to the writing of the PhD thesis, especially for the part regarding the study of English and German literary journals of the 18th century.

 January 2000: Period of study and research at the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford, Balliol College. During this stay the candidate was followed by Prof. Diego Zancani, Balliol College.




La formazione del canone shakespeariano tra identità nazionale ed estetica (Inghilterra e Germania 1700-1770), Bologna, Pàtron, 2003.

Il testo shakespeariano dialoga con i nuovi storicismi, il materialismo culturale e gli studi di genere, Bologna, I libri di Emil, 2012.


Studi di genere e memoria culturale, Women and Cultural Memory, Vita Fortunati, Gilberta Golinelli, Rita Monticelli (a cura di), Introduzione di Vita Fortunati, Gilberta Golinelli, Rita Monticelli, Bologna, Clueb, 2004.

Il primitivismo e le sue metamorfosi: archeologia di un discorso culturale, Gilberta Golinelli (a cura di), Bologna, Clueb, 2007.

L'ambiguità dell'amazzone in una prospettiva di genere: decostruzione e riappropriazione di un mito, Gilberta Golinelli (a cura di), Odoya, Bologna, 2009.

Travelling and Mapping the World. Scientific Discoveries and Narrative Discourses, Adriana Corrado, Vita Fortunati, Gilberta Golinelli (eds.), Bologna, Odoya, 2010.

Saggi e capitoli in volumi collettanei e riviste scientifiche:

“Il ruolo del contingente nell'universo metaforico del Coriolanus di W. Shakespeare e del Dantons Tod di G. Büchner”, Il Lettore di Provincia, N° 96, 1996, pp. 63-84.

“Shakespeare e la ridefinizione del teatro tedesco nella Germania del XVIII secolo: Gerstenberg e Herder”, Merope N°23, 1998, pp. 19-49.

“Representations of the Material and the Political Body in Shakespeare's Roman Republic and in G. Büchner's Revolutionary France”, Textus N° XIII, 2000, pp. 33-56.

“Genio ed identità nazionale: Shakespeare e l'Europa”, Bolettino Novecento, n°1, 2003,

“Interpreting Utopia: the Debate between Mutiny and Dynastic Law in The Tempest” in Daniela Carpi (ed.), Shakespeare and the Law, Ravenna, Longo, 2003, pp. 91-102, scritto in collaborazione con la Prof.ssa Vita Fortunati di cui la candidata ha curato la parte dedicata al ruolo del “masque” in relazione alla legge dinastica ed agli scritti di James I Stuart.

“Il Julius Caesar e il dibattito tedesco sul canone tedesco nazionale: J. C. Gottsched e J. E. Schlegel”, in Antonella Piazza (a cura di), Shakespeare in Europa, Napoli, Cuen, 2004, pp. 33-53.

“Introduzione” con Vita Fortunati e Rita Monticelli, in Vita Fortunati, Gilberta Golinelli, Rita Monticelli (a cura di), Studi di genere e memoria culturale, Women and Cultural Memory, Bologna, Clueb, 2004, pp. 9-34.

“The Genius of Shakespeare and Eighteenth Century Europe”, Revista de Filología , abril 2005, pp. 139-154.

The Concept of Genius and its Metamorphoses in Eighteenth Century English Criticism”, Textus, vol. XVIII, 2005, pp. 189-203.

“Classicismo e modernità: il selvaggio antropofago nel canone letterario del Cinquecento europeo, H. Staden, J. de Léry e W. Ralegh”, in Mirella Billi (a cura di), Studi sul Canone, Viterbo, Sette Città, 2007, pp. 103-122.

“Orrore e Meraviglia: percezioni europee del selvaggio antropofago”, in Gilberta Golinelli (a cura di) Il primitivismo e le sue metamorfosi: archeologia di un discorso culturale, Bologna, Clueb, 2007, pp. 83-98.

“Introduzione” con Vita Fortunati, in Gilberta Golinelli (a cura di) Il primitivismo e le sue metamorfosi: archeologia di un discorso culturale , Bologna, Clueb, 2007, pp. 9-23

“Specchio del primitivo e ombra della civiltà” in Gilberta Golinelli (a cura di), Il primitivismo e le sue metamorfosi: archeologia di un discorso culturale , Bologna, Clueb, 2007, pp. 117-120.

“In Dialogue with the New: Theorizations on the New World in Titus Andronicus”, in Maria del Sapio Garbero (ed.), Identity, Otherness and  Empire in Shakespeare' s Rome, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2009, pp. 131-144.

“L'ambiguità dell'amazzone in una prospettiva di genere: decostruzione e riappropriazione di un mito”, in Gilberta Golinelli (a cura di), L'ambiguità dell'amazzone in una prospettiva di genere: decostruzione e riappropriazione di un mito, Bologna, Odoya, 2009, pp.7-35.

“Tamora regina dei goti: contaminazioni amazzoniche nel Titus Andronicus di W. Shakespeare” in Gilberta Golinelli (a cura di), L'ambiguità dell'amazzone in una prospettiva di genere: decostruzione e riappropriazione di un mito, Bologna, Odoya, 2009, pp. 83-101.

 “Floating Borders: Dis-locating Otherness in the Female Body and the Question of Miscegenation in Titus Andronicus”, in Maria del Sapio, Nancy Isenberg, Maddalena Pennacchia (eds.), Questioning Bodies in Shakespeare's Rome, Göttingen, V&R unipress (Vandenhoek and Ruprecht), 2010, pp. 275-286.

 “ Gender and Race: the Re-shaping of the Self in 16th Century English Travel Reports ”, in Travelling and Mapping the World. Scientific Discoveries and Narrative Discourses, Adriana Corrado, Vita Fortunati, Gilberta Golinelli (eds), Bologna, Odoya, 2010, pp. 65-83.

“Travelling and Mapping the World. Scientific Discoveries and Narrative Discourses” with Adriana Corrado and Vita Fortunati (Introduction), in Travelling and Mapping the World. Scientific Discoveries and Narrative Discourses, Adriana Corrado, Vita Fortunati, Gilberta Golinelli (eds), Bologna, Odoya, 2010, pp. 7-31

 “La canonizzazione della diversità nella cultura inglese della prima età moderna”, in Zelda Alice Franceschi (a cura di), Razza, Razzismo e Antirazzismo: Modelli, Rappresentazioni e Ideologie, Bologna, Odoya, 2011, pp. 69-86.

“Blurring boundaries and the idea of Europe in the Age of the Great Discoveries” in Questioning the European Identity/ies: Deconstructing Old Stereotypes and Envisioning New Models of Representation, Vita Fortunati and Francesco Cattani (eds), Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, pp. 23-41.

Attraversamenti di genere nella prima Età moderna: un caso studio”, in Cristine de Pizan. La scrittrice e la città, a cura di Patrizia Caraffi, Firenze Alinea, 2013, pp. 229-236

“Metodologie degli studi di genere: alcuni esempi nella letteratura inglese della prima età moderna tra letteratura di viaggio, teatro e utopia” in Transpostcross, Nuove prospettive degli studi di genere in Italia e in Europa, Anno 3 N. 2 (2013):