Foto del docente

Giampaolo Zuccheri

Assistant professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Academic discipline: CHEM-05/A Organic Chemistry


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

Edited Books

1. "DNA Nanotechnology, Methods and Protocols" by Giampaolo Zuccheri and Bruno Samorì (Eds.). Springer 2011. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 749, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-61779-142-0. ISBN 978-1-61779-141-3 (Print) 978-1-61779-142-0 (Online). [link out]

2. "Detection of Pathogens in Water Using Micro and Nano-Technology"

Giampaolo Zuccheri and Nikolaos Asproulis (Eds.) Publication Date: 15 Aug  2012 • ISBN: 9781780401089 Pages: 316 • Paperback [link out]

Book Sections

  1. Daniele Gazzola, Simone Bonetti and Giampaolo Zuccheri (2012) "Electrochemical biosensor strategies for pathogen detection in water security" in "Detection of Pathogens in Water Using Micro and Nano-Technology" G. Zuccheri and N. Asproulis (Eds.) ISBN: 9781780401089.
  2. Alessandra Vinelli, Manuele Onofri and Giampaolo Zuccheri (2012) "Biochemical and Nanotechnological Strategies for Signal Enhancement in the Detection of Nucleic Acids with Biosensors" in "Detection of Pathogens in Water Using Micro and Nano-Technology" G. Zuccheri and N. Asproulis (Eds.), ISBN: 9781780401089.
  3. Passeri, R., Brucale, M., Zuccheri, G. Samorì, B. “DNA-based Parallelograms: a Retrospective or a Perspective?” in DNA-based Nanodevices: International Workshop on DNA-Based Molecular Construction, Jena, D, AIP Conference Proceedings (2008) vol. 1062, pp. 58-64 (ISBN: 978-0-7354-0592-9).
  4. Zuccheri G, Brucale M, Vinelli A, Samorì B, (2006) “DNA-based Artificial Nanostructures” Annual Reviews of Nano Research , 1, 531-572.
  5. F. Valle, G. Zuccheri, B. Samorì, (2006) “Dalle Cellule alle Molecole: alla Scoperta della Struttura delle Molecole Biologiche e delle loro Interazioni con la Microscopia a Forza Atomica” pages 207-218 in “1956-2006 Cinquanta anni di microscopia in Italia tra storia, progresso ed innovazione.” ISBN 978-88-7963-215-7.
  6. Samorì, B., Zuccheri, G., Scipioni, A. and De Santis, P. (2006). Towards an Increase of the Hierarchy in the Construction of DNA-Based Nanostructures through the Integration of Inorganic Materials. Nanotechnology: Science and Computation . J. Chen, N. Jonoska and G. Rozenberg. Berlin Heidelberg, Springer249-259.
  7. Sandal, M., Zuccheri, G. and Samorì, B. (2005). Inside the Small Length and Energy scales of the World of the Individual Biological Molecules. From Cells to Proteins: Imaging Nature across Dimensions . V. Evangelista, L. Barsanti, V. Passarelli and P. Gualteri, Springer, Verlag. 3: 111-137.
  8. Grandi, F., Bergia, A., Giro, A., Zuccheri, G. and Samorì, B. (2003). “Scanning force microscopy studies of the adsorption and desorption of DNA at solid-liquid interfaces.” AIP Conference Proceedings 696: 172-9.
  9. G. Zuccheri, F. Grandi, A. Bergia, B. Samorì (2003) “The Structure and the Interactions of the Biological Macromolecules Studied with the Scanning Force Microscope.” Pag. 399-410 In “Ricordo di Alessandro Bertoluzza” CLUEB Bologna ISBN 88-491-2112-1.
  10. Zuccheri, G. and Samorì, B. (2002). Scanning force microscopy studies on the structure and dynamics of single DNA molecules. Atomic Force Microscopy in Cell Biology . B. P. Jena and J. K. H. Hoerber. San Diego (CA) U.S.A., Academic Press. 68: 357-395.
  11. Zuccheri, G., Bergia, A., Scipioni, A., De Santis, P. and Samorì, B. (2002). “DNA on surfaces: Adsorption, Equilibration and Recognition Processes from a Microscopist's View”. DNA-BASED MOLECULAR CONSTRUCTION: International Workshop on DNA-Based Molecular Construction, Jena, D, AIP Conference Proceedings 640: 23-37.
  12. Zuccheri, G., Bergia, A. and Samorì, B. (2002). Scanning Force Microscopy Studies of the Structure of Biological macromolecules. Seminars in Organic Synthesis . L. Lopez. Milano, Società Chimica Italiana. XXVII: 7-15.

Articles on popular science magazines

Zuccheri, G., Bergia, A. and Samorì, B. (2001). “La Struttura delle molecole biologiche.” (trans: “The structure of biological molecules”) Le Scienze – Quaderni (spin-off publication of the Italian edition of Scientific American)58-62.