Foto del docente

Giovanni Valenti

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Curriculum vitae

Scopus author ID=57189076968

Dr. G. Valenti received his master degree, summa cum laude, in Chemistry from University of Bologna in 2006 (he spent six months as a “Socrates-Erasmus” fellow at University of Burgos, Spain). He conducted his doctoral studies at the same University, in the electrochemistry group (Prof. F. Paolucci) of Department of Chemistry, reaching the PhD in Chemical Sciences in 2010. From 2010 to 2012 he got research fellowship in the Electrochemistry group, directed by Prof. F. Paolucci, at the department of Chemistry "G. Ciamician". From 2013 to 2020 he has been assistant professor at the University of Bologna, Department of Chemistry "G. Ciamician" and in 2020 he become associate professor. 


He spent different research periods as visiting scientist: at Biomedical Diagnostics Institute in Dublin City University (group of Prof. R. Forster, six months), at University of Texas at Austin (group of A. J. Bard, three months), at the Centre de Recherché Paul Pascal (CRPP), CNRS Bordeaux (group of Dr. Alain Pénicaud ), JAPAN and at the University of California Santa Barbara (Plaxco). In addition, he has also taken part in a number of European research projects collaborating actively with international research groups and coordinating a British-Italian partnership project with University of Sheffield (UK) (group of Prof. Thomas).

During his career, he has gained expertise in different experimental fields, such as molecular and supramolecular electrochemiluminescence and its biosensor application, electrochemistry (voltammetric and amperometric techniques in ultra dry solvents, fast scan rate voltammetry at ultramicroelectrodes, in situ low-temperature UV-Vis-NIR spectroelectrochemistry, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy), micro and nano electrode fabrication, surface functionalization, scanning probe microscopies (AFM, STM and SECM), photophysical techniques (spectrophotometry UV-Vis) and confocal microscopes.


Dr. G. Valenti was awarded with the "Metrohm Italia s.r.l.", prize for his Master degree research, by the Italian Chemical Society, division of Electrochemistry (June 2006) and International Society of Electrochemistry: "ISE Travel Award for Young Electrochemists" (2013).  He also has been supported by various fellowships: Project “Socrate-Erasmus” from University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, project in collaboration between University of Bologna and STMicroelectronic (2007-2008), “Marco Polo” from University of Bologna (2008, 2011), Project SENSTOX from University of Trieste (2009, for this project he also produce a video animation to explain, out of the scientific community, the research results URL:, Project “PRIN” (Italian ministry of University and Research MIUR) Post-doc fellowship from University of Bologna (2010-2011). He is also coordiantor of tw MSCA project: Doctoral network ECLectic(GA 101119951) and Staff exchange NanoImmunoERA (


Dr G. Valenti co-authored 101 published articles (h-index 34) and 2 more have been submitted to high-impact peer-reviewed Journals, including Nature Communication, JACS, Angewandte Chemie, ACS Nano, Chemistry an European Journal, Chemistry an Asian Journal, Inorganic Chemistry, Journal of Physical Chemistry C and B, Journal of Material Chemistry (corresponding author for 6of them).

Schools and international meetings

He presented the results of his scientific activity at several national and international scientific meetings, giving 11 oral presentations and 8 posters . He attended several schools focus on SPM and immunoassay. He was also co-organized three different international conference: “8th ECHEMS” in Bertinoro:  “ChemOnTubes” in Riva del Garda: “ECL 2014: International meeting on Electrogenerate Chemiluminescence” in Bertinoro:

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