Foto del docente

Franco Visani

Associate Professor

Department of Management

Academic discipline: ECON-06/A Business Administration, Accounting & Performance Measurement

Director of First Cycle Degree in Management and Economics


1. Financial and economic impact of supply chain management strategies 

2. Lean Accounting

3. Innovative approaches to cost management and performance measurement.

1. Analysis of financial impact of supply chain management strategies. The target is to asses the relevance of supply chain management for the global financial situation of the company. It also aims to understand frameworks and tools adopted by the companies in the real world and the potential for an evolution in this field of knowledge.

2. Lean Accounting: the target of the project is to understand new frameworks of management accounting and control that better fit with the needs of companies introducing lean management. The project is particularly focused on the definition and analysis of tools to forecast the financial potential of new lean initiatives and on subsequent control of the projects.

3. Innovative cost management and performance measurement systems. The focus is on strategic cost management approaches (value analysis, cost driver analysis, capacity assessment) and business performance analytics.

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