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I am a numerical astrophysicist who studies the origin of extragalactic magnetic fields and the evolution of cosmic structures (from galaxy clusters to cosmic filaments) using very big numerical simulations. Please see my external homepage for timely updates on my research and to check the ongoing activities of my group MAGCOW, funded by the European Research Council (ERC).
From September 20120 I have started my contract as Associate Professor at the Physics & Astronomy Department (DIFA) of the University of Bologna.
After I graduated at the University of Padova and I got my PhD from the University of Bologna, I worked for nearly 7 years in Germany (Jacobs University Bremen and Universität Hamburg) under the funding of the Deutsche Forschung Gemenischaft. I won an Astrofit2 grant (INAF-H2020), which I spent until August 2017 at the Radio Astronomy Institute in Bologna.
I have being granted an ERC Starting Grant for my project MAGCOW (The Magnetised Cosmic Web) which will study until 2022 the origin and observational signatures of extragalactic magnetic fields, combining advanced numerical simulations and radio observations.
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