Foto del docente

Franco Vazza

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-05/A Astrophysics, Cosmology and Space Science


Keywords: cosmological simulations, extragalactic magnetic fields, non-thermal phenomena, galaxy clusters, cosmic web

I am an expert on the physics of large-scales structures, including shocks, turbulence, cosmic ray acceleration and non-thermal radiation processes.

I am the PI of large supercomputing projects, and I have realised the largest simulations of extragalactic magnetic fields. I am collaborating with all most important future radio surveys (with LOFAR, ASKAP, MEERKAT and SKA).

I am undertaking the challenge of understanding the origin of cosmic magnetism, also with my ERC-founded Starting Grant (2017-2022) MAGCOW which will allow me to build a research team around these topics. 

For a list of available Thesis projects, see Thesis Projects.