Foto del docente

Francesco Tura

Assistant professor

Department of Legal Studies

Academic discipline: GIUR-17/A Philosophy of Law

Curriculum vitae

1. Academic positions and activities


November 2012/present. Professor of Informatica (Computer Science), Law Faculty, University of Bologna.


November 2011/October 2012. Professor of Informatica e Applicazioni di Informatica Giuridica (Computer Science and Legal Computer Science Applications) Law Faculty, University of Bologna.

November 2011/October 2013. Member or the Board of Teachers of the Joint International Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) in Law, Science and Technology


November 2009/October 2011. Professor of Informatica (Computer Science), Law Faculty, University of Bologna.


November 2009/October 2010. Professor of Abilita'  Informatiche per il Biennio Specialistico (Basic Computer Science), Law Faculty, University of Bologna.


November 2006/October 2008. Professor of Laboratorio Informatico I (Computer Science Laboratory, First Step), Law Faculty, University of Bologna.


October 2006/present. Member of Italian Society of Computer Science and Law, Bologna, Italy.


November 2005/October 2006. Professor of Laboratorio Informatico III (Computer Science Laboratory,  Third Step), Law Faculty, University of Bologna.


November 2001/October 2015. Professor of Laboratorio Informatico (Computer Science Laboratory), Foreign Languages Faculty, University of Bologna.


November 2001/October 2007. Professor of Abilita'  Informatiche (Basic Computer Science Laboratory), Law Faculty, University of Bologna.


November 2001/October 2006. Professor of Abilita'  Informatiche (Basic Computer Science Laboratory), Human Sciences Faculty, University of Bologna.


November 2004/October 2009. Professor of Informatica e Informatica di Base (Computer Science and Basic Computer Science), Law Faculty, University of Bologna.


November 2001/present. Member of the Board of Teachers of the PhD in Legal Computer Science and Computer Law, Law Faculty, University of Bologna.


July 2001/present. Coordinator and Examiner of ICDL (International Computer Driving Licence) Test Centre UB____04 (ALMA AI-University of Bologna), Bologna, Italy.


July 2001/present. Research Assistant in Computer Science and Law at Law Faculty, University of Bologna, Italy.


April/May 1996. Stage at the Brown University Scholarly Technology Group (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) about the applications of the SGML (Standard Generalised Markup Language).


November 1995/June 2001. Assistant in Computer Science and Law at Law Faculty, University of Bologna, Italy.


February 1991/June 2001. Technical Manager of Computer Science Laboratories, CIRSFID, University of Bologna.


September 1988/July 1991. Research Fellowship position at DEIS-Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica (Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems), University of Bologna.


September 1987/July 1988. Research Fellowship position at CINECA-Centro Interuniversitario di Calcolo dell'Italia Nordorientale (Interuniversity Computing Centre of North Eastern Italy).


May 1987/present, Member of the Engineer Association, Bologna district.


April 1986/July 1987. Collaboration with the Bologna branch of Telettra S.p.A. within the European Union ESPRIT Project "CONCORDIA", 1986-87.


December 1985, Degree in Electronic Engineering, University of Bologna.




2. Research Interests


1. Digital Transformation.


2. Electronici Identification and Electronic Trust Services.


3. IT Document and Document Data Banks.


4. eGovernment.




3. Foreign languages


English: good.


French: good.


Spanish: good.


German: elementary