2021 - 2024
Vice-Director of the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism - CAST.
2021 - present
Member of the Council of the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism - CAST University of Bologna.
2021 - present
Member of the Research Seminar Committee of the Department of Management - University of Bologna.
2021 - present
Member of the Coordination Committee of the Strategic Plan BIM 2040 of the Municipality of Bellaria Igea Marina.
2019 - present
Contact person for students with disabilities, School of Economics and Management at Rimini.
2017 - present
Delegate for university admissions counseling, School of Economics and Management at Rimini.
2014 - present
Responsible for Erasmus exchanges with the University of La Rochelle (France, F LA-ROCH07), disciplinary areas: 041 - Business and administration; 0311 - Economics.
2012 - present
Member of the technical-scientific committee of the “Nuove Idee Nuove Imprese” business plan competition for new ventures, Associazione Nuove Idee Nuove Imprese.
2010 - present
Managing Editor of the TAO Digital Library monograph series, "An international, multidisciplinary publication on organizational action, organizational change, organization and well-being". To date, 50 scientific monographs have been published, involving 71 authors, and generating over 140,000 downloads. The TAO Digital Library monograph series is accredited by AIDEA.
2021 - 2022
Member of the "Training and Employment Table" of the Patto per il Clima e il Lavoro, Province of Rimini.
2019 - 2021
Member of the Judging Commission for the evaluation of applications for admission to the Master's Degree Course in Tourism Economics and Management (TEaM) (Code 8609 / LM-56).
2018 - 2020
Member of the Information Commission (CoPI), appointed by the Beach Identity Committee for coordination among the parties involved in activities related to research on the intangible cultural heritage linked to beach practices: CAST, Municipality of Riccione, Riccione Beach Managers Cooperative.
Chair of the examining commission for the verification of competencies acquired by students at the end of the training course of the ITS Foundations: Tecnico Superiore per la gestione di strutture turistico-ricettive Sede Rimini. Fondazione ITS Tecnologie innovative per beni e le attività culturali - Turismo - Turismo Benessere.
2017 - 2018
Member of the Technical-Scientific Committee of the project "Tecnico per l’uso dei big data nel turismo", Iscom E.R. Rimini.
Years: 2021 - Present
Project: NUDGE MY TOUR (2021-FR01-KA220-VET-000025093)
Funding Program: Erasmus+ KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Scientific coordinator of the University of Bologna unit in the Nudge My Tour project, which aims to develop the skills to behavioral science and nudge-based actions in the management of tourist flows and the promotion of sustainable behaviors in tourism destinations. The project involves seven partners from five European countries (France, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Croatia).
Years: 2022 - Present
Project: Inclusive4all
Coordination of the CAST project aimed at promoting the design of “inclusive jobs” to facilitate the process of employment inclusion in tourism enterprises for people with intellectual disabilities. The project is in the start-up process. The project will involve hotel managers associations, associations of parents of people with intellectual disabilities, cooperatives, and associations involved in promoting employment inclusion.
Years: 2011 - 2015
Project: CHTMBAL - Network for Post Graduate Masters in Cultural Heritage and Tourism Management in Balkan Countries 517471-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-IT-TEMPUS-JPCR (2011-2717/01-001)
Funding Program: Tempus IV
Scientific coordinator of the University of Bologna unit in the three-year project (October 2011 - October 2014, then extended until October 2015). The project aims to the development and homogenization of master programs (by taking care of the educational offer, syllabus, and curricula) in the Western Balkans for the training of managerial professionals in the tourism-cultural sector. The project involves universities and research centers from Italy, Spain, Poland, Albania, and Kosovo.
Years: 2021 - 2022
Project: FABROUTES - The Fab Routes: Digital Skills To Promote EU Cultural Routes
Funding Program: Erasmus+ KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training project
Member of the research group of the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism.
The aim of the FABROUTES project is to contribute to the improvement of Cultural Routes by designing (1) an innovative educational module to enable members of Cultural Routes and their networks to improve their skills and knowledge on various topics such as cultural heritage management; (2) a new development model aimed at promoting and including Cultural Routes activities in the cultural and tourism services system.
Years: 2019 - 2021
Project: RECOLOR - Reviving and Enhancing artworks and Landscapes Of the adRiatic
Funding Program: Interreg Italy - Croatia
Member of the research group of the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism.
The project aims to develop the tourism potential of urban and natural landscapes in Croatia and Italy. The project aims to leverage relevant artworks, but also lesser-known ones, through the creation of specific itineraries that retrace the landscapes represented in these artworks. An important aspect of the project is the involvement, through a participatory process, of local communities in decisions regarding the development of new cultural attractions.
Years: 2018 - 2021
Project: EXCOVER - Experience, discover & valorise hidden treasure towns and sites of the Adriatic area
Funding Program: Interreg Italy - Croatia
Member of the research group of the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism.
The project aims to develop sustainable tourism in destinations usually excluded from traditional tourism flows. The project aims to develop new models and solutions to increase the accessibility and attractiveness of less-known areas, favoring a better spatial and temporal distribution of tourist flows. The project also aims to better use existing space and structures, exploiting recent technological tools and the increasingly widespread sharing economy.
Years: 2015 - 2018
Project: HERITAG - Higher Education Interdisciplinary Reform In Tourism Management And Applied Geoinformation Curricula
Funding Program: Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building, Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education
Member of the research group of the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism.
The project aimed to reform the academic programs (master's and vocational training) of Georgia and Armenia in the field of cultural heritage management, tourism management, and entrepreneurship.
Years: 2013 - 2014
Project: Danube Limes Brand (Extension of the Danube Limes - UNESCO World Heritage in the Lower Danube)
Funding Program: SEE
Member of the research unit of the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism that collaborated with the Province of Rimini on the SEE Danube Limes Brand project (Extension of the Danube Limes - UNESCO World Heritage in the Lower Danube). The activity involved the definition of policies for the organization and coordination of a transnational cultural site network and the definition of a detailed Action Plan.
Years: 2012 - 2013
Project: ATRIUM (Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes in Urban Managements)
Funding program: Transnational Cooperation Programme “South East Europe”
Member of the research unit of the Higher School of Tourism Sciences of the Scientific-Didactic Pole of Rimini, which collaborated with the Municipality of Forlì (international project coordinator) on the ATRIUM project (Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes in Urban Managements – co-financed by the European Commission under the Transnational Cooperation Programme “South East Europe”) aimed at identifying efficient methods for the governance of a network of institutions within an international tourist itinerary.
Years: 2012
Project: Valortur - Touristic Enhancement of Environmental and Cultural Resources.
Funding program: Erasmus Llp Intensive Programme
Member of the research group of the Scientific-Didactic Pole of Rimini - UniBo.
The project was carried out in collaboration with Spanish and French universities and aimed to promote in-depth learning on topics related to the enhancement of tourism potential of environmental and cultural resources. The activities mainly consisted of curriculum development and teaching activities.
Years: 2002 - 2004
Project: FAIRSNET (On-Line Solutions for Trade Fairs IST-34290)
Funding program: FP5-IST
Member of the research group CeRSI - Luiss.
The research project (take-up action type) was co-financed by the European Commission and aimed at refining and testing on a large scale the results of the previous FAIRWIS project (Internet-based information systems to support real and virtual fairs). The research activities included the analysis of the business processes of trade fair organizers, the modeling of such processes, and the analysis of possible organizational changes. The research activities were carried out in close collaboration with the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft - Integrated Publication and Information Systems Institute in Darmstadt, the Galicia Trade Fair Organization, and Inmark, the Spanish lead partner.
Years: 2000 - 2001
Project: FAIRWIS (Trade Fair Web-based Information Services IST-12641)
Funding program: FP5-IST
Member of the research group CeRSI - Luiss.
This Spanish-coordinated project had German, English, and Italian partners. The project investigated the organizational characteristics and technologies that could make virtual trade fairs new points of encounter and knowledge exchange for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Years: 1999 - 2000
Project: MEDIMEDIA (Medical Images Integration for Multimedia European Databases Interconnection and Common Access HC-4013)
Funding program: FP4-TELEMATICS 2C
Member of the research group CeRSI - Luiss.
Research aimed at identifying user requirements and formulating the use specifications of new medical information systems. The research activities were also directed at analyzing the problems related to the integration of databases in distributed environments and investigating the possible organizational consequences resulting from the application of the MediMedia system in hospitals, hypothesizing new inter-company configurations.
2003 - present
Research program: L’Officina di Organizzazione (The Organization Workshop)
Participation in the activities of the Research Program on organizational change “L’Officina di Organizzazione” (The Organization Workshop), based on the Theory of Organizational Action (TAO), and coordinated by Professor B. Maggi at the Department of Management - University of Bologna. “L’Officina di Organizzazione” refers both to a workshop of business practitioners and university researchers and to a work of reflection and research. Participation in the Research Program consists of organizing debates and writing real cases (through interaction with managers who are architects of organizational choices) and reflections on organizational change.
2004 - present
Research program: Organization and Well-being
Participation in the Interdisciplinary Research Program on the relationship between organized work and health, “Organization and Well-being”, based on the Theory of Organizational Action (TAO) and coordinated by Professor B. Maggi at the Department of Management - University of Bologna. The Research Program aims to identify the links between work organizational processes and the health of the people involved. The Research Program promotes activities of work situation analysis, ergonomic design, and training.
2018 - present
Project: Processes of training and composition of founding teams of new entrepreneurial initiatives
Member of the research group of the Department of Management.
Project aimed at understanding and explaining the process of formation and composition of the entrepreneurial team in nascent firms.
The research activity is divided into four fundamental directions: the first two research strands are oriented to investigate how the homogeneity (in terms of training or professional experience) of the founders impacts the initial heterogeneity/homogeneity of the entrepreneurial team. The third strand of research focuses on the process of formation of the entrepreneurial team and analyzes the social dynamics that guide the evolution of the entrepreneurial team during the gestation phase of the nascent firm. Finally, the fourth strand aims to evaluate whether and how the homogeneity/heterogeneity of the team impacts the success of the gestational activities of the new firm.
2020 - 2022
Project: The resilience of hospitality systems put to the test of Covid
Member of the research group in the project carried out by the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism in collaboration with Federalberghi Rimini and aimed at understanding the decision-making processes and organizational choices that characterized the reaction of hotel managers to the first epidemic wave and the consolidation of the crisis.
2019 - 2021
Project: Human capital and corporate welfare in the industrial and service system in Emilia-Romagna: changes underway and development prospects
Member of the research group of the Department of Management in the project, co-financed by Confindustria Romagna, aimed at understanding and explaining (qualitatively and quantitatively) how organizational welfare can be fostered and supported by innovative approaches to people management.
2018 - 2020
Project: Beach identity. The use and management of the beach as a social and economic practice that provides a sense of identity to the community
Member of the research group of the Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism.
The research and analysis on the use and management of the beach in Riccione aims to highlight how this social practice and associated know-how have taken on the aspect of an intangible cultural heritage. Further focus is given to safeguarding practices that have enabled the economic use of the beach, ensuring its ecological cycle. Research funded by: Riccione Beach Identity Committee.
2017 - 2018
Project: Organizational Models in Family Businesses from a Historical Perspective
Member of the research group CAST UniBo.
The research is aimed at analyzing the evolution of organizational models in small and medium-sized hotels during the second half of the 20th century. To this end, a database of 70 interviews was created to obtain qualitative information on the organizational and strategic models adopted over time. Geographically, the entire national territory was covered, with a particular focus on the Rimini and Trento areas.
2013 - 2016
Project: Tourism Entrepreneurship: Organizational Models and Business Start-Ups within the Tourism Table Coordinated by Uni.Rimini
Member of the research group CAST UniBo.
The objective is the organizational analysis of hospitality businesses in Rimini. The project involves the Rimini Hotel Manager Association, the Rimini Chamber of Commerce, the Rimini Trade Fair, and the Rimini Strategic Plan. The research activity started with an analysis of the composition and characteristics of hotels in Rimini, followed by a quantitative survey on organizational characteristics and human resource management choices.
2011 - 2012
Member of the research group of the Scientific-Didactic Pole of Rimini UniBo in the MiBAC project "Survey, Analysis, and Evaluation of Territorial Enhancement Models in Italy and Abroad, Identification and Collection of Best Practices", carried out in collaboration with the Italian Geographical Society. The research is oriented towards the analysis of formal and informal networks activated or participated in by museums, with a focus on non-formal networks to understand the social impact museum institutions. The research activity required the analysis of real-world case studies and interviews with the operators involved.
2010 - 2011
Member of the research group of the Scientific-Didactic Pole of Rimini UniBo in the research on cooperation and non-profit "Work as a Service: Organizational Processes, Development Paths, and Management Control Tools," in collaboration with the Mosaico Consortium of Rimini. The research allowed the analysis of organizational choices and human resource management policies in the non-profit companies belonging to the Consortium.
2001 - 2003
Member of the CeRSI Luiss Guido Carli research group in the Cofin (now PRIN) project "Organization and Management of Information Systems in Virtual Enterprises Operating in Digital Markets," co-financed by MIUR. The lead partner was CeRSI-Luiss (Prof. Alessandro D'Atri), in collaboration with Catholic University of Milan and the University of L'Aquila. The research activity focused on the enabling role of information systems and computer technologies in the creation and development of dynamic cooperation among firms.