Foto del docente

Francesca Ventura

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-02/A Agronomy and Field Crops

Director of First Cycle Degree in Agricultural Technology

Curriculum vitae

  Address: DISTAL, Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences
University of Bologna, viale G. Fanin 44 40127 BOLOGNA ITALY. Tel. 051/2096658, e-mail: 


University of Bologna, Italy:

1988 Degree in Physics, 1994 specialization in Environmental Science and Technology

University of Sassari, Italy:

1998 PhD in Biometeorology

The PHd thesis was published with the title: VENTURA F., FABER B., BALI K., SNYDER R.L., SPANO D., DUCE P., SCHULBACH K.F., 2001. “A model for estimating evaporation and transpiration from row crops”. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 127, 6, 339-345. The paper won the prize "Best Practice Paper 2001" of the American Society of Civil Engineers (EWRI-ASCE).

Researcher at the Department of Agroenvironmental Science and Technology of the University of Bologna from 1999.

Present position:

She is associate professor at the Department of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Bologna from the 15th of September, 2014.

In 2006 was elected in the Board of the Italian Association of Agrometeorology, from 2018 she is the President. From 2010 is Editor in chief of the Italian Journal of Agrometeorology. She is member of the Italian Society of Agronomy. From a.y. 2001/02 she has been teaching Agrometeorology, Agroclimatology and Experimental methodology in First or Second level degrees of the Faculty of Agricolture of the University of Bologna. From a.y. 2002/03 she is part of the Collegio dei docenti of the PhD school of the University of Sassari. She taught Agrometeorology and Data analysis in the Land and Water Conservation Master and in the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Agricolture of the University of Bologna.

President of the Italian Association of Agrometeorology, AIAM. Member of the Italian Society for Agronomy (SIA), European Society for Agronomy (ESA),  Associazione Italiana di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e Meteorologia (AISAM). Editor in chief of the Italian Journal of Agrometeorology.

She is member of the Executive Committee of INSAM - International Society for Agricultural Meteorology.

Research interests:

She is involved in studies on crops phenology, different scales relations, modellization. Experimental results are used together with seasonal meteorological forecasts to predict wheat yield.

Agrometeorological modelling of Crops Growth and Irrigation Scheduling, Soil-Water-Atmosphere relations.

Studies on evapotranspiration from crops and on evaporation from bare soil, their modellization. Precision agricolture.

Monitoring and modelling of rainfall, runoff and erosion at different time and space scales, of movement of chemicals and nutrients in both surface and ground water, at lysimeter, field and watershed scale.