Foto del docente

Francesca Soavi

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Chimica "Giacomo Ciamician"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHEM-03/A Chimica generale e inorganica

Curriculum vitae

Current position

Associate Professor in Inorganic Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry «Giacomo Ciamician», Bologna University

2018 Co-founder of t UNIBO Spin Off Bettery S.r.l. (

Institutional roles

2024-2026 Secretary General of The International Society of Electrochemistry .

2019-2020 Chair (Vice-Chair in 2015-2016 and Chair Elect in2017-2018) of Division 3 - Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion of The International Society of Electrochemistry .

Delegate of the Department of Chemistry «Giacomo Ciamician» for the Interdepartmental Industrial Research Center for Renewable Energy, Environment, Sea and Energy (CIRI-FRAME: Centro Interdipartimentale per la Ricerca Industriale – Fonti Rinnovabili, Ambiente, Mare ed Energia)

• Member of the “University of Bologna Third Mission” panel of the Department of Chemistry «Giacomo Ciamician» University of Bologna (Delegate to “University of Bologna Third Mission” of the Department of Chemistry «Giacomo Ciamician» in 2017).).

• Member of the “International relations and Outreach” panel of the Department of Chemistry «Giacomo Ciamician» University of Bologna.

• Member of REPRISE, the register of expert peer reviewers for italian scientific evaluation

• Management Board Member of GISEL, Italian group for electrochemical energy storage( )

• Member of the Battery European Partnership Association BEPA Technical Working Group 5 “Sustainability”.

National Scientific Qualifications as Full Professor (2018) : Inorganic chemistry (03/B1-CHIM/03), Principles of Chemistry for Applied Technologies (03/B2-CHIM/07), Physical Chemistry (03/A2-CHIM/02), Chemical engineering (09/D2)

Research Activities

Electrochemistry, chemical physical characterization and synthesis of materials (nanostructured and porous carbons, transition metal oxides, electronically conducting polymers, organic electrolytes including room temperature ionic liquids) for energy storage and/or conversions systems (Supercapacitors, Li-ion batteries, Li/O2 batteries, PEMF fuel cells) for transportation, stationary and portable applications (flexible, thin micro-supercapacitors) and for microbial fuel cells for water treatment. Integration of supercapacitors in electronics and energy harvesters for low- and self-powered devices: electrolyte gated transistors/micro-supercapacitor and microbial fuel cells/supercapacitors.

AAA Researcher UNIBO VRA 2019 Area 3 Classification.

Publications –135 peer-review papers on international Journals and Proceedings, 10 Book Chapters (on invitation), one encyclopedic entry, 2 patents, and by more than 150 participations in Conferences. h-Index 39, more than 4900 citations (Scopus), .

Education and work experience

•1996 Degree in Chemistry (Bologna University, Single cycle degree/Combined Bachelor and Master)

•1997 Chemist National qualification (University of Bologna)

•2002 PhD in Chemical Science with a thesis on “Electrochemistry of materials for energy conversion and storage” (Bologna University).

•2002 Specialization Degree in “Chemical methods of Control and Analysis” with a thesis on “X-ray diffraction for the analysis of capacity fading of spinel lithium manganese oxide electrodes” (Bologna University).

•1997-2008, Msc, PhD and Postdoc Fellowships and Research Contracts on “Lithium-polymer batteries for transportation” (by Arcotronics Italia S.p.A.), “Polymer materials for supercapacitors” (Bologna University) and on “Electrochemistry of materials for energy conversion and storage”

• 2008-2019 Researcher in Inorganic Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry «Giacomo Ciamician».

•2019 Intellectual Property Protection – Module of the Cotuse in Jobleader Innovation Management R&D – 12nd Edition– Fondazione CUOA, Vicenza

•2019 Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English: CEFRL: Level C1.

Periods Abroad

• Since 2013 Visiting periods as Senior Researcher at the Advanced Electroactive Materials Laboratory of the Ecole Polytechnique Montreal (Department of Engineering Physics

• 2015 -016 Visiting periods as Senior researcher at the Chemical & Biological Engineering Department, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

• 2018 and 2019 Visiting Professor at University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa under Erasmus Plus Staff Mobility for Teaching program, OBJECTIVE: Training of Master, PhD and post-doc students on materials and devices for energy storage and conversion within the Water – Energy Nexus.


•2015 Canada-Italy Innovation Award: “TransCapacitor: a new frontier towards self-sustained and low-power electronics” joint project of the University of Bologna (Italy) and the Ecole Polytechnique Montreal (Quebec)

•2015 Springer Poster Prize – GEI 2015 “Giornate dell’elettrochimica Italiana” Poster title “An integrated electrolyte gated-transistor/micro-supercapacitor device” by J. Sayago, C. Santato, F. Cicoira, C. Arbizzani, F. Soavi.

•2018 Awarded by the President of the Senate of the Italian Republic with the “PREMIO DEI PREMI” COTEC-Fondazione per l’innovazione.

StartUp competitions

• Participation with the Battery team to the second edition of UNIBO Launch Pad. As winner we have participated to the acceleration program Technology Venture Launch Program (TVLP), Silicon Valley (10 -28 July 2017);

• 2017 Winner of the 2nd Prize of StartCup Emila Romagna and AlmaCube Specia prize, of the 2nd Prize of Nuove Idee Nuove Imprese – Innovative StartCup contest, winner of the Premio Nazionale Innovazione-PNICube – Category Cleantech&Energy.

• 2018 Winner of the Global Social Venture Competition, of the ASSODEL StartUp Award, and of TERNA Next Energy – Cariplo Factory competition. Mentorship from PoliHub (Milan)

•2018-2019: Climate-KIC Startup Accelerator Italy 2018-2019 – stage 1, stage 2, and stage 3.

• 2019 H2020 SME Instrument Phase 1-NESSOX project.

• 2019 Winner of Raw Material Battery Challenge–EIT Raw Materials, project “RAMBO: Raw Materials for Batteries using Oxygen”.

Projects since 2017

2017-2019 PI of the Research Mobility Project “Electronic properties of nanostructured materials for energetics” under the Executive Bilateral Program Italy-Quebec 2017-2019- Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale .

2018-2020 PI of the Italy/South Africa Joint Research Programm ISARP "Integration of High Power Energy Storage Systems for Sustainable Water and Renewable Sources Management" -Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale – Ministero dell’Ambiente.

2018 PI DUCATI Energia - third party contract “Study of materials and production processes of electrodes for commercial supercapacitors”.

2018-2023 UNIBO Team Member of the FETOPEN-01-2016-2017 Project MAGNIFY (From nano to macro: a groundbreaking actuation technology for robotic systems)

2019 PI Fondazione CARISBO Project (2019) Bando “Ricerca”-“Biomasses and biopolimers

for the development of electrochemical energy storage/conversion systems”

 2019-2021 PI Project “Cathodes of lithium metal batteries” Accordo di Programma Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico – ENEA Piano Triennale di Realizzazione 2019-2021

2020 PI of ENI -UNIBO Research contract 2020 “Study of novel cathodes for next generation lithium batteries”

2020-2023 UNIBO team leader of the LC-BAT-9-2020 Project HyFlow “Development of a sustainable hybrid storage system based on high power vanadium redoxflow battery and supercapacitor – technology”(RIA,Proposal number: 963550,)

2020-2023 UNIBO team leader of the project “In situ diagnosis tools for lithium ion batteries” Subvention de projets de recherche IET – Appel à projets 2020, Polytechnique Montreal – University of Bologna.

2020-2023 UNIBO team member of the Portable Chargers for Soldiers" – THOR, NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, Multi-Year Project Application

2020-2021 PI of “New generation of electrochemical energy storage systems”- Progetto Alte Competenze per la Ricerca e il Trasferimento Tecnologico POR FSE 2014/2020 - REGIONE EMILIA ROMAGNA

2020-2021 Member of the Italian team of the CNR (Italy)- CNRST (Morocco) Biliateral project “Green Supercapacitors”

2020-2021 UNIBO team leader of the Project "Study of ion insertion and evolution of the electric double layer in ion-gated metal oxide transistors operating under different gatingmechanisms" (NSERC: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada,CNMS2020-B-00495) Oak Ridge National Laboratorycenter For Nanophase Materials Sciences - Polytechnique Montreal – University of Bologna.

2022-2024 UNIBO team leader of the Project BattValue : Skilled learners for battery value chain in Europe, EIT Raw Materials KAVA8

2022-2023 UNIBO team leader of the Project CO2CARBON-Upscaling carbon nanomaterial production from CO2 emissions (Nr. 21081), EIT Raw Materials KAVA8

Member of the Organizing Committee of international Conferences on electrochemical energy storage systems, like the Annual meetings of the International Society of Electrochemistry, and, recently, of the Workshops “Waste-Water-Energy as Resource for a Sustainable Future” (2019 and 2021) and of the Symposium Green Electrochemical Energy Storage Solutions: Materials, Processes and Devices MRS Fall Meeting, Boston(2019)

Referee and Editorial Activities

• Referee for international Agencies

• Referee of International Journals of Electrochemistry, Materials Science, and Inorganic and Physical Chemistry with IF

• 2017-2020 Associate Editor of Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy (Springer) and Frontiers in Chemistry (Frontiers, CiteScore 4.36).

Guest Editor and Member of the Editorial Board of Electrochimica Acta



• Since 2009 Courses of General and Inorganic Chemistry

•Since 2012 Supervisor and Co-supervisor of PhD and 2nd level Degree Theses in Chemical Science, Energetic Engineering and Chemical Engineering.

•Since 2016 Member of the examination panels of PhD dissertation at Italian and foreign Universities.

•2017-2018 Co-ordinator of the Course Sustainability: Ambient, Energy and Global Challenges and teacher of the module “Energy sustainability and high efficiency energy conversion and storage systems: a techno-economic perspective”- Institute of Advanced Study.

•Since 2018 “Electrochemical energy storage and conversion” - Advanced Automotive Engineering

•2020 “Physical Chemistry of Devices for the Environment and Energy” - Chemistry and Materials Chemistry.

•2020 “High efficiency technologies for the conversion, storage, use of renewable energy sources and water management” of the Course Environmental Applied Chemistry - Environmental Science.