Foto del docente

Francesca Roversi Monaco

Associate Professor

Department of History and Cultures

Academic discipline: HIST-01/A Medieval History

Curriculum vitae

Born in Bologna, 1968/12/12

Associate Professor of Medieval History since 2014, she works on Historiography, Politics and Institutional History, Medievalism with a focus on historical narration as construction and invention of shared memory and identity. The past seen as a cultural creation, rebuilt and re-organized with a political function as well as the past as text, are the leading themes of her scholarly analysis, together with the interest for medievalism and for the use of the Middle Ages as a myth-engine in the contemporary age.


1993: Master’s Degree in Lettere, Medieval history, Faculty of Lettere e Filosofia Bologna University

1997: PHD in Uomo e ambiente, Padova University

1999-2000: Research fellow in Medieval history , Department of Palaeography and Medieval Studies, Bologna University

2000: Assistant Professor Department of Palaeography and Medieval Studies, Bologna University

2014: Associate Professor, Department of Palaeography and Medieval Studies, Bologna University


· 2009-2012 member of the Teaching Commission of the Faculty of Lettere e Filosofia Bologna University

· 2014-2020 Director of the History Programme, Department of History and Cultures,Bologna University

· She is in charge for several Erasmus+ agreements exchanges

· Since 2021 Delegate for Education and Orientation of the Department of History and Cultures

· She is a member of the national commission for the admission test for the humanities. (TOLC SU)


· Since 2015-16: Medieval History, First cycle degree programme in Anthropology, Religions, Oriental Civilizations

· Since 2018-19: Storiografia e cronache di viaggio in età medievale, Second cycle degree programme in Geography and Territorial Processes and History and Oriental Studies

· Since 2019/20: Middle Ages and Medievalism: Historiography and Methodology, First cycle degree programme in Anthropology, Religions, Oriental Civilizations,
First cycle degree programme in History

Previously she taught: History of Medieval Historiography (2001-2019), History of Medieval Political Thought, Late Medieval Civilisation, Medieval Latin Historiography, Sources for the Study of Landscape and Territory


· Since 2021 academic board member PhD History and Archaeology. Studies on Heritage, Memory and Cultures


· 2015- 2019: member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Istituto di Studi Superiori, Bologna University

· She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo.

· She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board Medievalismo. Centro Studi e ricerche, Istituto Storico Italiano per il Medioevo

· She is a member of Istituto per la Storia dell’Università di Bologna

· She is correspondent member of Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Province di Romagna

· She is a member of Società Italiana degli Storici Medievisti (SISMED)

· She is a member of Associazione Il Chiostro dei Celestini. Amici dell'Archivio di Stato di Bologna

· She is a member of RAM (Ricerche e Analisi Manoscritti,Study Center of the University of Bologna

· She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Fondazione Federico II Hohenstaufen, Jesi


· She is a member of the Management Committee of the series Medievalismi. Collana di studi storico-letterari, filologici e culturali, Edizioni dell'Orso,

· She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the series ISEM Europa e Mediterraneo. Storia e immagini di una comunità internazionale

· She is a member of the Management Committee of the series Proposte di storia, Pàtron editore

· She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the series Chiaroscuro. Ricerche di storia e storia dell’arte, Gangemi editore

· She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the series Studi e memorie per la storia dell'Università di Bologna

· She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the review TECA Testimonianze, editoria, cultura, arte- Rivista internazionale di arte e di storia della scrittura, del libro, della lettura

· She is reviewer of the Rivista del Collegio araldico