Francesca Gatta: Master's degree at the University of
Bologna with thesis (supervisor Maria Luisa Altieri Biagi) on
the language of a Sicilian novelist of the Seventeenth Century
(Semantica e sintassi dell'attribuzione in Horcynus orca
di Stefano D'Arrigo).
Studies on musical literature and history of music in Venice
(1987-1989) at the Fondazione Levi and the Fondazione Cini, working
on a project for cataloguing the opera librettos of the Regione
1991. Assistant to Prof. Pietro Bellasi for the exibition
Ipotesi Helvezia – Un certo espressionismo (Locarno 1991) and for
a project on art under totalitarian regimes financed by the
Fondazione Lingotto (1992-93).
1995. Tenured position as Researcher in Italian Linguistics at
the Advanced School in Modern Languages for Interpreters and
Translators (SSLMIT) of the University of Bologna.
2005. Tenured position as Associate Professor of Italian
Linguistics at the SSLMIT.
Courses in Analysis of Dialogue for the Master's course in
Multimedial translation (2002,2007, 2008); in Methodology of
Teaching Italian for the SISS at the Faculty of Letters
and Philosophy of the University of Bologna (1999, 2001, 2002); in
History of the italian language (march 2007 at the UniversitÃ
Complutense, Madrid).
Teacher of Italian Linguistics and in Italian for Translators at
the SSLMIT (since 2002).
2000. Collaborator in the Italian Foreign Ministry's project for
the Universities of Annaba and Blida (Algeria), jointly with the
University of Bologna to allow Algerian professors to obtain
Italian degrees. Is currently supervisor of the doctoral thesis of
Prof. Messous Ottoman (University of Blida) on Dubbing in the
Arab countries. Translation and sub-titling of Roberto Benigni's
film La tigre e la neve (The tiger and the snow).
Current lines of research: the language of music; the literary
language of the twentieth century; the Italian of the mass media;
methodology of teaching Italian.