She achieved her first degree in Ancient History in 1982 at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Bologna.
Academic career
She got a temporary Research-Fellow position in Ancient History on the 16th May 1983 at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of Bologna. Her position (code L02B) became permanent on the 16th May 1986. On the 1st October 2001 she became Associate Professor (code SSD LAnt/03) in the same Faculty (position for which she received confirmation on the 1sh October 2004 at the School of Arts, Humanities and Cultural Heritage in Bologna University). In 2014 she achieved an habilitation as Full Professor (habilitation achieved by unanimous opinion according to the Italian National Scientific Habilitation Procedure ASN 2012; art. 16 of the law 240/2010; 10/D1 Ancient History; SSD: L-ANT/03 – Roman History). She got a position as Full Professor on the 1st February 2016.
Teaching Activity
As a Research Fellow, she performed supplementary teaching duties, acting as seminar tutor and supervisor at applied proofs within institutional modules in the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy in Bologna University (Greek and Roman Antiquities; Epigraphy and Roman Antiquities; Ancient History of Emilia Romagna; History of Religions in the Classical World; Roman History with exercitations in Roman Epigraphy; Social History of the Ancient World). During the academic years 1994/1995 and 1995/1996 she was entrusted a teaching module in History of Ancient Economy (as a replacement to the official module holder) at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of the University of Ferrara. In the same university she held a module in Economic and Social History of the Ancient (academic year 1996-1997). In the academic years 1996-1997, 1997-1998, 1998-1999, 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 she was entrusted the module of Social History of the Ancient World at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy in the University of Bologna. Since the academic year 2001-20002 she has been the official holder of the “Social History of the Ancient World” and “History of Women in the Classical World” modules. Since the academic year 2004/2005 she has also been the official holder of the “Social History of the Ancient World” for the courses of “laurea specialistica” (Italian equivalent of the “Master’s Degree”) and “laurea magistrale” (first degree) in (Ancient) History and Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient world.
Since the academic year 2006/2007 she has been running a seminar on Gender History and Historiography for the degree courses in Art and History. From the academic year 2012-2013 up to 2015-2016 she held the “Epigraphy and Roman Institutions” module for the first degree courses in History and Art, for the master’s degree courses in Historic Sciences, Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World, Philology, Literature, and Classical Tradition. Since the academic year 2012-2013 she has been holding the “Greek and Roman Epigraphy” module for the advanced school in Cultural Heritage; since 2016-2017 she has been holding the “Roman History” module for the three-year degree course in Humanities.
Scientific Activity
Starting from 1998, she took part (as a member of the local unity of research) to several national and international research programmes on the processes of epigraphic acculturation in the Roman world, among which (over the past five years): 1) 2010-2012: “L’officina epigrafica romana: modello d'integrazione” (trans. “The Epigraphic Factory: a Model of Integration”), with prof. A. Donati (University of Bologna) as principal investigator; 2) 2013-2016: “Il Mediterraneo antico da Alessandro Magno a Giustiniano: continuità e discontinuità” (trans. “The Ancient Mediterranean from Alexander the Great to Justinian”), with Prof. G. Bonamente (University of Perugia) as scientific coordinator and Prof. A. Giardina (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) as scientific director.
- Since the academic year 2014-2015 she has been taking part in a research project funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad entitled “Marginación política, jurídica y religiosa de la mujer durante el alto imperio romano (siglos I-III) (trans. “The Political, Juridical and Religious Marginalization of Women in the High Roman Empire”) [HAR2014-52725-P] (Scientific director Prof. P. Pavón, Universidad de Sevilla).
- Since the academic year 2017-2018 she has been taking part in a research project funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad entitled "Maternidades, filiaciones y sentimientos en las sociedades griegas y romana de la antigüedad. Familias alternativas y otras relaciones de parentesco fuera de la norma"(trans. "Maternities, filiations and feelings in the Greek and Roman societies of antiquity. Alternative families and other relations of kinship outside the norm") [HAR2017-82521P] (Scientific director Prof. R.M. Cid, Universidad de Oviedo).
- Since the academic year 2020-2021 she has been taking part in a research project funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad entitled "VULNERABILIDAD INTRAFAMILIAR Y POLITICA EN EL MUNDO ANTIGUO" (referencia PID2020-116349GB-I00) (trans. INTRA-FAMILY VULNERABILITY AND POLITICS IN THE ANCIENT WORLD (reference PID2020-116349GB-I00") (Scientific director Prof. S. Reboreda Morillo, Universidad de Oviedo).
- She took part in the project of inventory, detection and investigation of the epigraphic heritage of the Regio VIII of the “Istituto per i Beni culturali della Regione Emilia-Romagna” (trans. “Institute for the Cultural Heritage of Emilia Romagna”).
- In June 1986 she accepted an invitation for a one-month research stay at the Fondation Hardt pour l'étude de l'antiquité classique in Geneva (June 1986).
- In the years 1986-1990 she took part in the group responsible for the drafting of the “Chronique Adriatique”, in agreement with the University of Bordeaus and the École française de Rome.
- She took part in the scientific committee established for the mounting of the Exhibition "Rimini divina. Religioni e devozioni nell'evo antico in Rimini” (Museo della città di Rimini) (October 2000-May 2001) (trans. “Divine Rimini. Religions and Forms of Devotion in the Ancient Ages in Rimini”)
- From 1983 onwards she took part as invited speaker in many national and international meetings. For a detailed list of her contribution see her publications.
- She organized seminars on the female condition in the epigraphic documentation (Bologna, 2002; Verona, 2004), she presented a paper and edited the related proceedings.
- She organized a conference on Roman Epigraphy in Sardinia (Sant'Antioco (CI), 2007), she presented a paper and she edited the conference proceedings.
- She has taken part in the scientific committee and presented papers in several international conferences in studies of “L'Africa romana", organized by the University of Sassari.
- She has taken part in the scientific secretariat and acted as speaker at the international meetings organized by the “Centro Bartolomeo Borghesi” in Bologna University (Bertinoro (FC)): 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2020.
- She collaborated to the organization of the meeting “Augustae und Politik” / “Augustae e politica” (Zurich (CH), 2008) and she also acted as speaker.
- She acted as speaker in the conferences organized by the Forum of Padua University for politics and gender studies (Padua, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015).
- She took part in the meeting “Moneta e identità territoriale dalla polis antica alla civitas medioevale” (Bologna, September 2013) (trans. “Coin and territorial identity from the ancient polis to the Medieval civitas) with a paper entitled “Donna e città romana: identità civica e genere a confronto” (trans. “Women and the Roman City: a Confrontation between Civic Identity and Gender"). The meeting proceedings have been publisehd in December 2016.
- She took part in the 24-month research project funded by the University Ca' Foscari of Venice in 2012 (scientific coordinator F. Rohr) entitled "Matrone in politica e politica delle matrone. Spazi e modalità dell'azione femminile nella tarda repubblica romana” (trans. “Matrons in Politics and the Politics of Matrons. Spaces and strategies of female agency in Late Roman Republic)”. With regard to this project, she organized the international conference (October 2014) in collaboration with F. Rohr Vio and presented a paper entitled “Matronae tra tarda repubblica e primo impero: un nuovo profilo al femminile” (trans. "Matronae between Late Republic and Early Empire: a new Female profile”). She has co-edited the conference proceedings (published in July 2016) with F Rohr Vio.
- She took part in the group-research project set up by I. Cogitore (University of Grenoble), A. Bielman (University of Lausanne) and A. Kolb (University of Zurich) entitled "Les femmes influentes dans les monarchies, de la Grèce hellénistique à l'Empire romain" (trans. “Influential Women in Monarchies, from the Hellenistic Greece to the Roman Empire”). She took part in two round tables, respectively at the University of Grenoble – January 2014- and the University of Lausanne - June 2014 – and she has presented a paper entitled “Il matrimonio con un’Augusta: forma di legittimazione?” (trans. “Wedding with an Augusta: a form of legitimation?”, contained in the volume “Femmes influentes dans le monde héllénistique et à Rome, IIIe siècle av. J.C. - Ier ap. J.C.”). The conference proceedings have published in September 2016.
- She took part in the international conference “Epigrafia e politica. Il contributo della documentazione epigrafica allo studio delle dinamiche politiche nel mondo romano” (trans. “Epigraphy and Politics. The Contribution of the Epigraphic documentation to the study of the political dynamics in the Roman World”) (Milan, January 2015) with a paper entitled “Donne e politica alla luce della documentazione epigrafica” (trans. “Women and Politics in the light of the Epigraphic Documentation”). The conference proceedings have been published in June 2017.
- She took part in the international conference “‘Fondare’ tra antichità e medioevo” (trans. “Founding between Antiquity and the Middle Age”) (Bologna, May 2015), presenting a paper entitled “Fondare la solidarietà sociale in età romana: il contributo delle testimonianze epigrafiche” (trans. “Founding social Solidarity in the Roman Age. The Contribution of Epigraphic Testimonies”). The conference proceedings have been published in December 2016.
- She took part in the conference "Le curae cittadine nell'Italia romana" (trans. “The City’s Curae in Roman Italy”) (Siena, April 2016), presenting a paper entitled "Le attestazioni delle curae municipali nella regio VIII" (trans. “Attestations of the Municipal Curae in the Regio VIII”). The conference proceedings have been published in June 2017.
- She took part in the international conference "La storiografia tardoantica. Bilanci e prospettive. In memoria di Antonio Baldini” (Trans. “Late Ancient Historiography. Assessments and Perspectives” (Bologna, June 2016), presenting a paper entitled "Faustina Minore, Avidio Cassio e Marco Aurelio" (Trans. “Faustina Minor, Avidius Cassius and Marcus Aurelius”). The conference proceedings have been published in September 2017.
- She took part in the international seminar “Cartografías de género en las ciudades antiguas. Memoria y poder de las mujeres” (trans. “Gender Cartographies in Ancient cities. Memory and the Power of Women”) (Granada, November 2016), presenting a paper entitled “Donne liberte di donne” (trans “Freed-women belonging to Women”). The conference proceedings have been published in December 2017.
- She took part in the international conference “Augustus after the Bimillenary: an assessment” (Milan, November-December 2016), presenting a paper entitled “Iulia Augusta: Livia dopo Augusto” (trans. “Iulia Augusta: Livia after Augustus”. The conference proceedings have been published in June 2018.
- Member of the scientific organizing committee for the interntional conference "Gli Antichi alla corte dei Malatesta. Echi, modelli e fortuna della tradizione classica nella Romagna del Quattrocento" (trans. "The Ancients in the Malatesta’s courts. Echoes, models and reception of the classical tradition in the Romagna of the XVth century” (Rimini, June 2016), and she presented a paper entitled "Usi e abusi delle iscrizioni romane nella Rimini di Sigismondo" (trans. “Uses and abuses of the Roman Inscriptions in the Rimini of Sigismondo”). The conference proceedings have been published in February 2018.
- She took part in the conference “La nuova realtà. Il Principato di Augusto e l'organizzazione del consenso” (trans. "The new reality. The Principate of Augustus and the organization of consent” (Messina, May 2017), presenting a paper entitled “Le donne della domus di Augusto” (trans. "Women of Augustus’ domus").
- She took part in the conference “L'iscrizione nascosta” (trans. “The Hidden Inscription”) (Bertinoro, June 2017), presenting a paper entitled “Le vicende di CIL XI, 408: la ricomparsa di un'iscrizione a lungo nascosta” (trans. “The Events of CIL XI, 408: The Reappearance of an inscription”). The conference proceedings have been published in December 2019.
- She took part in the international SAAME seminar "Vergini sacre, sacerdotesse, sanctimoniales. Donne consacrate e gestione dei patrimoni (secoli I-X)" (trans. "Consecrated Virgins, Priestesses, sanctimoniales. Consecrated Women and Asset Management (Centuries I-X") (Bologna, September 2017), presenting a paper entitled "Dalle Vestali alle Flaminicae: la gestione delle ricchezze femminili in età romana" (trans. "From Vestal Virgins to Flaminicae: The Management of female Wealth in the Roman age").
- She took part in the international conference “Traianus: the Optimus Princeps" (Ferrara, September 2017), presenting a paper entitled "Le donne di Traiano: la sorella Ulpia Marciana e la moglie Pompeia Plotina" (trans."Trajan's Women: his Sister Ulpia Marciana and his Wife Pompeia Plotina"). The conference proceedings have been published in December 2019.
- She took part in the international conference "Marginacion y mujer en el altoimperio romano (siglos I-III) ("Proyecto de I+D HAR2014-52725-P. Conditio Feminae. Marginacion politica, juridica y religiosa de la mujer durante el alto imperio romano (siglos I-III)") (Sevilla, October 2017) (trans. “The Political, Juridical and Religious Marginalization of Women in the High Roman Empire”) (HAR2014-52725-P) (Sevilla, October 2017), presenting a paper entitled "Flaminiche e politica nelle città dell'Italia romana: ruolo attivo o marginale? (trans. "Flaminicae and Politics in the Cities of Roman Italy: active or marginal role?"). The conference proceedings have been published in September 2018.
- She took part in the international conference "Livius noster. Convegno internazionale di studi su Tito Livio" (trans. "Livius noster. International congress on Tito Livio") (Padova, November 2017), presenting a paper entitled "Il ruolo delle donne nella narrazione liviana: alcuni esempi (trans. "The role of women in Livian narrative: some examples"). The conference proceedings have been published in December 2021.
- She took part in the international conference "Couples exceptionnels dans le monde hellénistique et romain" (trans. "Exceptional couples in the Hellenistic and Roman world") (Lausanne, November 2017), presenting a paper entitled "Una coppia eccezionale di lunga durata: Augusto e Livia" (trans. "An exceptional long-lasting couple: August and Livia"). The conference proceedings have been published in April 2019.
- She took part in the International Seminar of the Grupo Deméter "Madres y Familias en la Antigüedad" (trans. " Mothers and Families in the ancient Age") (Zaragoza, November 2018), with the closing conference entitled "I modelli della maternità delle Augustae" (trans. "The Models of the Maternity of Augistae"). The conference proceedings have been published in September 2021.
- She took part in the international conference "Germanico Cesare.. a un passo dall'impero" (trans. "Germanico Caesar... not far from Empire"") (Amelia, May 2019), presenting a paper entitled "Le donne di Germanico" (trans. "The women of Germanicus"). The conference proceedings have been published in December 2020.
- She took part in the international conference " False notizie... fake news e Storia romana. Falsificazioni antiche e moderne" (trans. "Fake news and Roman history. Ancient and modern forgeries") (Gargnano, May 2019), presenting a paper entitled "Messalina e Silio: un falso matrimonio?" (trans. "Messalina and Silius: a fake wedding?"). The conference proceedings have been published in December 2019.
- She took part in the international conference “Germanico nel contesto politico di età giulio-claudia: la figura, il carisma, la memoria” (trans. "Germanicus in the political context of the Julio-Claudian age: the figure, the charism, the memory" (Perugia, November 2019), presenting a paper entitled "Messalina e Silio: un falso matrimonio?" (trans. "The figure and the memory of Germanicus in female action"). The conference proceedings have been published in September 2020.
- She took part in VI SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL DEL GRUPO DEMÉTER. MATERNIDADES EXCÉNTRICAS Y FAMILIAS AL MARGEN DE LA NORMA EN EL MEDITERRÁNEO ANTIGUO 19 de noviembre - 2020 - online presenting a paper entitled "Famiglie complicate: la maternità delle schiave e delle liberte in età romana" (trans. "Complicated families: the maternity of slaves and freedwomen in Roman times"). The conference proceedings have been published in September 2022.
- She took part in the international conference "Percorsi interdisciplinari della ricerca storico-religiosa sul mondo antico: temi, concetti e prospettive" (trans. "Interdisciplinary paths of historical-religious research on the ancient world: themes, concepts and perspectives" (Bologna, May 2021), presenting a paper entitled "The role and representation of the Vestal Virgins in Roman political history" - currently in publication.
- Component of the scientific committee of the International Seminar DECONSTRUYENDO ESPACIOS: MUJERES, MEMORIA Y PAZ EN LA ANTIGÜEDAD (March 3-4, 2022) and speaker with a paper entitled "La scrittura su pietra delle donne romane: innovazione e tradizione? (trans. "The stone writing of Roman women: innovation and tradition?") - currently in publication.
- She took part in the international conference "Umbria nunc revocat. Paesaggio, storia ed archeologia di un territorio nell'antichità" (trans. "Landscape, history and archaeology of a territory in antiquity") (Perugia, March 2022), presenting a paper entitled "Le madri delle città umbre in età romana: qualche nuovo spunto di riflessione" (trans. "The mothers of Umbrian cities in the Roman age: some new points for reflection") - currently in publication.
- She took part in the 4th AIPH National Conference as a member of Panel 46: "Roman Women's Voices in the Society of Our Time. Roles and models of women in the ancient world in communicative initiatives of our contemporary times" (Venice-Mestre, May 27-31, 2022).
- She took part in the international Conference 'Poverty and Vulnerability from the Past to Globalisation. Family Religion Law Economy Environment (Naples, 3-4 October 2022), with a paper entitled 'The Vulnerability of Claudia Octavia in the Court of Nero' - currently in publication.
- She took part in the Round Table 'Frères et sœurs dans l’Antiquité grecque et romaine. Analyse d’une relation complexe', Université de Lausanne (on line November 11, 2022), with a paper entitled 'Octavia, the sister of the Emperor Augustus' - currently in publication.
- She took part in the international Conference 'The power of the word: orators and rhetoricians in the Roman world' (Palermo, April 12-14, 2023), with a paper entitled 'Some examples of Tacitician rhetoric on the Augustae: politics or misogyny? - currently in publication.
- The paper “La rappresentazione epigrafica dell’infanzia servile nella regio VIII” (trans. “The Epigraphic Representation of the Menial Childhood in the regio VIII”) has been accepted for publication in the “Atti della XXe Rencontre franco-italienne sur l’Epigraphie du Monde Romain: Esclaves et maîtres dans le monde romain. Expressions épigraphiques des liens et relations” (trans. “Proceedings of the 20th French-Italian meeting on the Epigraphy of the Roman World: Slaves and Masters in the Roman World. Epigraphic Expressions of Bonds and Relationships”), which took place in Poitiers in September 2014; the publication "Esclaves et maîtres dans le monde romain" (trans. “Slaves and Masters in the Roman World”), directed by Monique Dondin-Payre and Nicolas Tran, is currently on line ( ). The print version has been published in 2017.
- She co-edited with I.G. Mastrorosa (University of Florence) the miscellaneous volume “Donne, istituzioni e società fra tardo antico e alto medioevo” (“trans. Women, Institutions, and Society between the Late Ancient Period and the Dark Ages”), published in December 2016, with essays by F. Cenerini, A. Molinier Arbo, B. Girotti, D. Motta, H. Ménard, A. Canellis, R. Mentxaka, M. Cassia, I.G. Mastrorosa, M. Coumert, F. Roversi Monaco, L. Di Paola Lo Castro, S. Giorcelli Bersani.
- She is supervisor for the regio VIII of the EDR (Epigraphic Database Roma).
- She co-promotes the International Group of Studies on Women and Family in Ancient Rome (GIEFFRA). This net of researchers ( aims to bring together scholars of the Roman World working on different fields of study (epigraphists, jurists, papyrologists, numismatists, archaeologists, historians of art, philologists) with a view to promoting through the analysis of the ancient sources the studies on women and family in the roman world (from the republican period up to late antiquity, in Italy as well as in the Provinces). Promoters of the initiative are: Francesca Cenerini (University of Bologna), François Chausson (Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), Isabelle Cogitore (Université de Grenoble-Alpes), Francesca Rohr Vio (University Ca’ Foscari Venezia).
- Referee for national and international journals and international projects in the field of ancient history. In particular, she is official referee of the “XV. Internationalen Kongresses fuer Griechische und Lateinische Epigraphik” (trans. “Fiftheenth International Conference for Greek and Latin Epigraphy”), Wien, 28th August – 1st September 2017 and chair of the session "Society in the Roman world".
- She has been responsible for the setting-up and the re-setting (due to the acquisition of new material by the “Soprintendenza Archeologica” (Archeological Commission) of the provinces of Cagliari and Oristano) for the Roman lapidarium of the archaeological museum “Ferruccio Barreca di Sant'Antioco” (CI). She has also studied the inscriptions of the private collection “Biggio” (Sant’Antioco).
- In the years 2011-2012-2013 she took part in the Summer School organized by the University of Sassari, the Province of Carbonia-Iglesias and the city of Sant’Antioco with a series of conferences and lectures for the public understanding of ancient history, the latter on the Roman Lapidarium of the Museum of Sant’Antioco.
- She took part in the press conference “Recupero e ricontestualizzazione dei Beni culturali,” (trans. “Recovery and re-contextualization of the Cultural Heritage”, in agreement with the “Comando carabinieri for the protection of the cultural heritage” (Sant’Antioco, November 2008). She also took part in the “Settimana della Cultura” (Cultural Week) and the initiative “Musei aperti” (Open Museums) undertaken by the city of Sant’Antioco (April-May 2012) with a lacture on the new epigraphic acquisitions of the Archaeological Museum of Sant’Antioco.
- In the years 2011-2012-2013 she took part in the archaeological digs in the area of the cd. Cronicario (Sant’Antioco, CI).
- She took part in the Public Round Tables (organized by the Commission for the Cultural Heritage of Emilia Romagna, the Educational service of the Pinacoteca of Bologna and the “House of Women against violence in Bologna”, on the occasion of the International Day against violence on Women) on the subject “Donne nell’antichità: le radici della civiltà del rispetto” (trans. “Women in Antiquity: the Roots of the Culture of Respect”) with two conferences: 23rd November 2012: “La matrona romana e le molteplici facce del rispetto” (the Roman Matron and the manifold aspects of respect”); 22nd November 2013: “Lo stupro di Lucrezia: le conseguenze politiche della violenza del figlio del re” (trans. “The Rape of Lucretia. The Political Consequences of the Violence Perpetrated by the Son of the King”).
- She took part in the meetings of history and art at the "Teatro Argentina" in Rome presenting a paper entitled "Dive e donne. Le donne di 'potere' nella Roma imperiale" ("Divae and Women. The Women of power in Imperial Rome") (April 2015); presenting a paper entitled "Verso l'Egitto" ("To Egypt") (April 2018); presenting a paper entitled "Le donne dei Romani al tempo delle guerre di conquista" ("Roman Women during the wars of conquest") (January 2019); presenting a paper entitled "I luoghi delle donne nelle città degli uomini" (Women's places in men's cities) (March 2022).
- She took part in the public meeting of the “Pontifcia Accademia Romana di Archeologia” with a paper entitled "Storia e archeologia di Sant'Antioco: dai Nuraghi all'Alto Medioevo" (trans. “History and Archaeology of Sant’Antioco: from the Nuraghi to the Dark Ages”) (April 2016).
- She took part in the series of lectures “From Historic Reality to the Historiographical rewriting”, organized by the Department of Cultural Heritage and the Department of History Cultures and Civilizations (Ravenna-Bologna, 3rd-5th May 2017), with a paper entitled “Terenzia e il giudizio degli uomini tra antico e presente” (trans. “Terenzia and the Judgment of Men from ancient to present times”).
- She took part in the public meeting organized by the Museo della Tonnara (MUT) (Stintino, SS), with a paper entitled "Nascere donna tra ideale e realtà: la condizione femminile nel mondo antico" (trans. "Born to be woman between ideal and reality: the female condition in the ancient world") (13rd August 2017); "Sante o prostitute. Le mogli degli imperatori romani: qualche storia esemplare" (trans. "Saints or prostitutes. The wives of the Roman Emperors: some exemplary history") (5th August 2018).
- She took part in the series of lectures "Lecturae Livi" at the University of Padua, with a paper entitled "Assenza e presenza delle donne in Tito Livio" (trans. "Absence and presence of women in Titus Livius") (26th October 2017).
- She took part in the series of lectures "Diálogos con el mundo clásico" [], organized by the Comunidad de Madrid (Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural) and by the Museo Arqueológico Nacional e coordinated by the prof. Carmen Fernandez Ochoa (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and by the dr. Javier Salido Domínguez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) with a paper entitled "La partecipazione della donna romana alla vita civica. Molto più che "imperatrici" e matrone / La participación de la mujer romana en la vida cívica. Mucho más que "emperatrices" y matronas" (trans. "The partecipation of the Roman woman in civic life. Much more than "Empresses" and matrone) (presentation by the d.ra Rosa Cid, Universidad de Oviedo) .
- She took part in the public meeting organized by the Museo civico archeologico (Bologna), with a paper entitled "Come, dove e perché scrivevano i Romani" (trans. "How, where, why did the Romans write?") (23rd February 2018).
- She took part in the public meeting organized by the Museo della civiltà villanoviana (MUV) (Villanova di Castenaso, Bo), with a paper intitled "Tra lecito e illecito: il lavoro femminile in età romana" (trans. "Between lawful and illicit: female jobs in Roman times") (19th April 2018).
- She took part in the public meeting "Festival della scienza medica: il tempo della cura" (Bologna, 3-6 maggio 2018) (trans. "Festival of medical science: the time of cure") (Bologna, 3rd-6th May 2018), with a paper entitled: "La menopausa: aspetti storici e sociali" (trans. "The menopause: historical and social aspects" (5th May 2018).
- She took part in the project "Trame identitarie" (trans. "Identity frames"), with a paper entitled: "I ritratti delle Augustae e le loro vicende politiche" (trans. "The portraits of the Augustae and their political events (Museo Casa Frabboni, San Pietro in Casale, Bologna) (May 9th, 2018).
- She gave a lesson at the Summer School organized by the Universities of Bielefeld and Bologna (BiBoG) entitled: "Il genere come modalità di inclusione e di esclusione nel mondo professionale romano" (Bologna, 15 maggio 2018) (trans. "Gender as a means of inclusion and exclusion in the context of the Roman professional world (Bologna, May 15th, 2018).
-She took part to the Editing of the Catalog of the Exhibition "Traiano: Costruire l'impero, creare l'Europa" (trans. "Trajan: Building Empire, Creating Europe"), Rome, Trajan's Markets - Museum of Imperial Holes, from 29th November 2017 to 16th September 2018 and of the Exhibition "On the road. Via Emilia 187 a.C. >> 2017", Reggio Emilia, Palazzo dei Musei, from 25th November 2017 to 1st July 2018.
- She took part to the Editing of the Catalog of the Exhibition "Claude. Un Empereur au destin singulier" (trans. "Claudius: An Emperor with a singular destiny"), Lyon - Musée des Beaux-Arts, from 1st December 2018 to 4th March 2019; Roma - Ara Pacis, from 6th April to 27th October 2019.
- She gave a lesson at the Department of Humanities (University of Catania) entitled: "La condizione femminile nell'età romana" (Catania, 10 novembre 2018) (trans. "The female condition in the Roman period") (Catania, 10th Novembre 2018).
- She took part in the project "Trame identitarie" (trans. "Identity frames"), with a paper entitled: "Che cosa sappiamo delle donne al tempo dei Romani? Modelli e ritratti tra letteratura e realtà" (trans. "What do we know about women in Roman times? Models and portraits between literature and reality") (Museo Casa Frabboni, San Pietro in Casale, Bologna, April 7th, 2019).
-She took part in the project "Radici classiche: alle origini del femminile" (trans. "Classic roots: the origins of the female", with a paper entitled "Madri, moglie e cittadine esemplari" (trans. "Exemplary mothers, wives and citizen women") (Rome, Colosseum Archaeological Park, September 12th, 2019).
- She presented the book "La donna greca" (trans. "The Greek woman") written by M.P. Castiglioni at the University of Siena (October 24th, 2019).
- She gave a lecture for the cycle of seminars on "Memoria 'ufficiale', scrittura storica e processi identitari in età contemporanea tra rimozione e ipertrofia" (trans. “Official memory, historical writing and identity processes in the contemporary age between removal and hypertrophy”) organised by P. Colla and F. Roversi Monaco and entitled "Il mito di Roma" (trans “The myth of Rome)” (25th March 2021).
- She took part in the X Cycle of archeology (Camnes Academy) with a paper entitled: "La condizione femminile in età romana tra false credenze e realtà” (trans. "The female condition in Roman times between fake news and reality") (23rd June 2021).
- She took part in SIS with a paper entitled: "La condizione femminile in età greca e romana" (trans. "The female condition in Greek and Roman times") (5th October 2021).
- She took part in the third Festival della Storia (Naples, 7-10 October 2021) with a paper entitled: "Politica del lusso, le donne, la lex Oppia" (trans. "Luxury policy, women, lex Oppia") (10th October 2021).
- She took part in the History Lectures: "La guerra dei sessi" (trans. "Gender War) (Editore Laterza) with a paper entitled: “Politiche matrimoniali: l'onore e il sangue di Claudia Livia Giulia” (tans. "Marriage policies: the honour and the blood of Claudia Livia Julia) (Roma, 5th December 2021).
- She took part in the IV cycle of "Seminars of Europe" (a.y. 2021-2022) University of Parma) with a lecture entitled "Roma e le donne" (trans. "Rome and women"). (15th February, 2022).
- She took part in the Roman Storia Festival (Editore Laterza) entitled: "The East in Rome: The Fascination of Cleopatra" (Rome, 1st October 2022); "The Porticus of Octavia. The role of women in Rome" (Rome, 30th September 2023); "Messalina meretrix Augusta" (Rome, 19th September 2024).
- She gave lectures for the University of Bologna course "States, Empires, Nations" (referee Prof. F. Cammarano) entitled "The Role of Women in the Cities of Men in Ancient Rome" (7th October 2022); "The Role of Women in the Roman Empire: Women's Difficult Path to Visibility" (6th October 2023); "Patriarchal society in Roman times and violence against Roman women" (27 October 2024).
- She gave a lecture for the seminars "It's always the same history! Ancient Rome between scientific research and public history", edited by F. Rohr Vio and A. Valentini entitled: 'The difficult job of the Roman woman historian' (Venice, Ca' Foscari, October 26, 2022).
- She gave a lecture entitled "Cleopatra and the Orient in Rome" for the cycle Ribelli - Lessons in History by Edizioni Laterza (Brescia, Teatro Grande, February 2, 2024).
- She gave a lecture entitled "Cleopatra and the Seduction of the Orient" for the cycle The War of the Sexes - Lessons in History by Edizioni Laterza (Udine, Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine, February 11, 2024).
- Since 2021 participates as historian in the RAI Cultura format "Passato e Presente" ("Past and Present").
- She has engaged in various forms of scientific collaborations with universities (Firenze, Genova, Milano Statale, Molise, Parma, Roma Tre, Sassari, Siena, Torino, Trento, Trieste, Venezia Cà Foscari, Verona), cities (Carpi, Mirandola, Rimini, San Lazzaro di Savena, Sant'Antioco), provinces (Carbonia-Iglesias), regions (“Istituto per i Beni artistici, culturali e naturali della regione Emilia Romagna” (“Institute for the Artistic, Cultural and Natural Heritage of Emilia Romagna”)), primary, secondary, and high schools (Bologna, Reggio Emilia, Cento), Cultural Co-ops (Modena), Museums (Civic museums of Albano and Nemi; Ferruccio Barreca, Sant'Antioco; archaeologic civic museum of Bologna), universities "liberae aetatis" or “of the third age” (Bologna, Finale Emilia, Imola, Mirandola), archaeological associations (Isola della Scala, Roma), archaeological festivals and festivals of history (Bologna, Rimini), Italian association of classical culture “Atene e Roma” (delegation of Pordenone), the Bolognese Archaeological Group, the Rotary Club of Rimini, Municipal council of San Pietro in Casale and Unione Reno Galliera, in collaboration with the Archaeological commission of Emilia Romagna, on the occasion of the exihibition “Villa Vicus Via. Archeologia e storia a San Pietro in Casale” (trans. “Villa, Vicus, Via. Archaeology and History in San Pietro in Casale”), through lectures, seminars, or series of meetings on various issues linked to classical antiquity.
- She has been member of the honorary committee of the “Artecom-onlus award for culture” (Rome) in the editions 2012, 2016, 2018 and 2020.
- She has been member of the selection committee of the fifth edition of the “Susini award” (2020).
- Member of the scientific committee of the VIII SIS Congress: Gender history: paths, twists, perspectives (June 2021)
Institutional Activities and Academic Offices
- a.a.2013/14 - 2020/21 she has been member of the expert panel of the CUN area (Sciences of Antiquity, philological, literary and historic-artistic sciences) of the ”Osservatorio della Ricerca” (OR) (“Research Observatory”) in the University of Bologna; since 2014, due to the shutting down of the Observatory, she has been member of the expert panel in the area CUN 10 of the University Research Evaluation (Italian “VRA”) in the same university.
- In the academic years 2013-2014 she has been coordinator of the cds (Course of Study) in History.
- From November 2013 to June 2016 has been member of the Quality Assurance (QA) Commission of the course of study in History and from November 2015 to March 2017 she has been member of the Quality Assurance Commission of the course of study in Historic Sciences and Oriental Studies.
- She took part in the teaching board (“Collegio docenti”) from 2006 to 2012 (sessions XXII-XXVIII) of the Doctorate in History (previously "Ancient History ") in the University of Bologna; since 2013 (sessions XXIX-XXXII) she has been taking part in the teaching board of the Doctorate in “History, Cultures, Civilizations” of the University of Bologna and she has supervised post-graduate students; since 2017 (sessions XXXIII-XXXIX) she has been taking part in the teaching board of the Doctorate in History and Archeology. Studies on Heritage, Memory and Cultures.
- Member of the Final Selection Committee for the Doctorate in History in the Universities of Pisa (December 2009), Sassari (February 2010), Milano Cattolica (March 2010), Roma La Sapienza (September 2012); Venezia (May 2013), Genova (May 2016), Pavia-Grenoble (July 2016); Castellón - Universitat Jaume I (Spain) (September 2017), Sevilla (Spain) (December 2018); Milano Statale (December 2019), Uppsala (Sweden) (February 2021), Sevilla (Spain) (April 2021).
- Member of the Final Selection Committee for the stipendiary fellowship (“assegno di ricerca”): “from the City State to the Mediterranean Empire”: political, institutional, administrative transformations following the expansion of Rome in the Mediterranean” (Università Statale of Milan; July 2016).
- Member of the Selection Committee for Rtd-a L/Ant 03 at the University of Turin (2020), at the University of Bologna (2021) and at the University of Sassari; for Rtd-b L/Ant 03 at the University of Genua (2017), at the University of Bologna (2019), at the University of Cassino (2022), at the University of Venice Ca' Foscari (2023) and at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (2024); for Associate Professor at the University of Parma (2019), at the University of Genua (2020), at the University of Foggia (2021) and at the University of Bologna (2022); for Full Professor at the University of Turin (2017), at the University of Bologna (2018), at the University of Pisa (2019), at the University of Naples Federico II (2020) and at the University of Molise (2021).
- She has been co-tutor (2010) for the Master "Genero y Divérsidad" (Gender and Diversity) of the 'University of Oviedo (Spain); coordinator prof. R.M. Cid Lopez.
- She has been tutor of for a stipendiary fellowhip from the 1st October 2013 to 30th September 2014 (University of Bologna).
- She has been member of the Committee appointed for the procedures of the National Scientific Habilitation (ASN 2016-2018) for the SC/SSD 10/D1 of ANCIENT HISTORY.
- Since 2021/2022 Delegate of the Rector to the postgraduate.
Membership in scientific and editorial committees
- Since February 2009 she has been co-directing (with Gabriella Poma) the Editorial Book Series "Itinerari di Storia antica", Patron Editor.
- 2012-2018; 2020- she has been member of the scientific committee of the journal “Epigraphica. Periodico internazionale di epigrafia".
- 2012-2014 she has been member of the scientific committee of the Editorial Book Series “Epigraphy and Antiquity”, Fratelli Lega editors, Faenza.
- Since March 2013 she has been member, for the election of the Rector of Padua, of the “Comitato permanente di consulenza del Forum d’Ateneo per le politiche e gli studi di genere” (“Permanent Advisory Committee of the University Forum for Gender Politics and Studies” (University of Padua).
- Since June 2013 she has been member of the “Consejo Asesor de la Collección Deméter”, which promotes the publication of academic studies on women and gender issues (hitory, philosophy, right) of the University of Oviedo (ES). Director Prof. R.M. Cid López.
- Since June 2015 she has been member of the scientific committee of the journal “Sardinia, Corsica et Baleares Antiquae", Fabrizio Serra Editor, Pisa.
- Since October 2019 she has been member of the management committee of the series "Studies and Research" published by Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere Economia Diritto - LED (Milano).
- Sice January 2020 she has been member of the scientific committee of the journal "Rivista Storica dell'Antichità".
- Sice June 2020 she has been member of the scientific committee of the journal "Quaderni del Ramo d'Oro on line".
The scientific activity and relative publications of Prof. Cenerini revolves on the following themes:
- Prosopographical research, inviduation of municipal leading classes, analysis of the corresponding forms of economic production and social groupings
- Cult-organization and epigraphic expression of female, slave and libertine cults; social and iconographic aspects; investigations on the religious expression through the epigraphic tool;
- Administrative, social and economic history in the Roman age: forms and lines of development of the land control; techniques and tools of government; social and cultural programmes; education in the ancient world;
- Investigation and detection of the epigraphic heritage of the VIII and VI regios: analysis and classification of the officinae lapidariae. The outputs of the research have been edited also in the official publication of the “'Unione Accademica Nazionale”, series: Supplementa Italica;
- History of women in ancient times. More specifically: research on the female condition in the ancient world, through analysis of documentary sources. The research aims at shedding light on the extent to which women match the “ideal model of female” put up by literary sources. Inspection on the relationship between Augustae and society.
- Research on the relationship between spaces and social life: the research aims to underscore the function of the place of social representation and its communicative worth. Study on the functioning of ancient institutions though the epigraphic inquiry: the research aims at bringing into light the municipal impact of some imperial measures;
- Problems inherent in the romanization of the Punic centres of Sardinia and Northern Africa: study and analysis of the epigraphic heritage of the Roman Age in the Sulcis-Iglesiente region. These documents allow the study of the transition from the Punic to the Roman age, as well as the one concerning the policies addressed to the cultural integration.