In 2002 I obtained my high school diploma at the "R. Franchetti" High School di Mestre (VE). In 2005 I graduated in Modern Literature at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice with a thesis on the poet Mario Luzi; then in 2008 I graduated in Italian Linguistics and Literary Civilization at the University of Bologna with a thesis on Giorgio Manganelli's poetic work (supervisors: Prof. Niva Lorenzini and Prof. Stefano Colangelo).
In 2012 I obtained my PhD at the University of Bologna with a thesis entitled Rhetoric as dissimulation. The rhythm of Manganelli's prose (supervisors: Prof. Niva Lorenzini and Marco Antonio Bazzocchi).
From 2013 to 2015 I was Research Assignment at the Department of FICLIT for the research project proposed by Prof. Bazzocchi entitled La cultura bolognese degli anni Trenta vista dalla prospettiva della rivista "L'Orto" (1931-1939). From 2015 to 2016 I was Research Assignment at the FICLIT Department for the research project directed by Prof. Bazzocchi entitled Forma, informe e informale: un dibattito tra arte e letteratura.
I published 3 monographs: in 2015 Giorgio Manganelli. Emblems of dissimulation (Bologna, Pendragon); in 2018 Le forme della luce. Francesco Arcangeli e le scritture di "tramando" (Bologna, BUP), which contains unpublished letters by the Bolognese art critic and writers Giuseppe Raimondi, Attilio Bertolucci, Giovanni Testori and the painter Ennio Morlotti; in 2021 Il pittore come personaggio. Itinerari nella narrativa italiana contemporanea (Roma, Carocci).
The main research interests concern prose and poetry of the second half of the 20th century and in particular the works of Giorgio Manganelli, Carlo Emilio Gadda, Giuseppe Raimondi, Francesco Arcangeli, Gianni Testori, Piero Camporesi, Gianni Celati, Tiziano Scarpa, on which I have written several articles in Italian and international magazines: Autografo, Poetiche, l'Ulisse, Between, Arabeschi, The Edinburgh Journal of Gadda Studies.
I collaborated in the realization of the collective volumes: two chapters for Itinerari nella letteratura italiana: da Dante al Web (Carocci, 2013); a chapter for Poesia e Storia (Bruno Mondadori, 2013); a chapter for Sergio Atzeni e le voci della Sardegna (BUP, 2017).
During my PhD I carried out research activities at the "Fondo Manoscritti Autori Moderni" of the Univiersità of Pavia, and in 2011 I spent a period of study abroad at the Université Paris8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis. I was visiting professor in 2014 at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and in 2019 at Al-Minya University and Sorbonne Université.
I participated as a speaker at the following conferences: ADI (Foggia 2009; Genova 2010; Napoli 2016); Giorgio Manganelli's study day at the University of Pavia (2010); MOD (Sassari 2013; Perugia 2015; Catania 2016; Bologna 2017; Campobasso 2019); AAIS (Oregon 2013; Zurich 2014).
Since 2008 I have worked as a tutor for the support of didactics, first at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, now at the School of Letters and Cultural Heritage. From the academic year 2013/2014 to 2017/2018 I held grammar and writing workshops for students with OFA debt.
In the academic year 2017/2018 I was contract lecturer for a module (30 hours) of the course of Contemporary Italian Literature (A-F) for the CdL in DAMS and for the two courses of the Italian Language Laboratory for LM - Bologna 1 and 2 Oral (40 hours).
Since May 2018 I have been RTDa at the FICLIT Department of the University of Bologna and I deal with the relationship between contemporary Italian literature and the arts and I am the holder of the course of Contemporary Italian Literature (A-F) for the CdL in DAMS.
In 2020, I was awarded the Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale per la II fascia in SSD L-FIL-LET/11 Letteratura italiana contemporanea (valid until 2029).
From May 2021 to May 2023, I have been RTDb at the FICLIT Department of the University of Bologna, maintaining tenure of the course in Contemporary Italian Literature (A-F) for the CdL in DAMS.
Since May 2023, I have been Associate Professor in Contemporary Italian Literature at the FICLIT Department of the University of Bologna, holding the tenure of the course in Contemporary Italian Literature (A-F) for the CdL in DAMS and the course in Contemporary Italian Literature (M-Z) for the CdL in Italianistics. Since May 2021 I have been RTDb at the Department of FICLIT of the University of Bologna, holding the course of Contemporary Italian Literature (A-F) for the CdL in DAMS.
Among the institutional roles: since October 2021 I have been coordinator of the Curriculum in Italian Studies of the Master's Degree in Italianistics, European Literary Cultures, Linguistic Sciences of the FICLIT Department of the University of Bologna; since May 2021 I have been an elected member of the Board of the FICLIT Department of the University of Bologna, as representative of the researchers.
I am a member of the following research groups: since 2013 of the research group Literature, Modernity and Visual Arts, at the FICLIT Department of the University of Bologna; since 2017 member of the research group CRPM - Espace, Déplacement, Mobilité, at Université Paris-Nanterre; since 2019 of the CRDI - Research Centre for the Teaching of Italian, at the FICLIT Department of the University of Bologna.
From 2021 to 2022 I will be responsible for the FICLIT Department of the regional project L'Emilia-Romagna si racconta. Storie, memorie e identità nella narrazione migrante (Emilia-Romagna is told. Stories, memories and identities in migrant narratives), winner of the 2021-2022 call for proposals for grants from the Legislative Assembly for research activities on the migratory phenomenon in Emilia-Romagna conducted by universities based in Emilia-Romagna (the grant was used to set up a one-year research grant in the SSD L-FIL-LET/11).
In 2022 I am Project Coordinator for the FICLIT Department of the European project ILIO - Italian Literature International Observatory, winner of the 2021 call for Seed Funding of the UNA Europa consortium (partners involved: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, University of Edinburgh, KU Leuven).