Foto del docente

Federico Fallavollita

Associate Professor

Department of Architecture

Curriculum vitae

He is a associate professor at the Department of Architecture of University of Bologna. In 2005 he graduated with honors in architecture at Sapienza University of Rome. In 2008 he obtained a PhD in Sciences of Representation and Survey at the Department: History, Design and Restoration of Architecture at Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis entitled: The ruled surfaces and developable surfaces, a reading through the virtual lab. He deals with the issues of representation and survey of architecture. In particular he is interested in renewal of descriptive geometry through the new informatics tools. He has participated in many seminars and international conferences presenting several memoirs, including Construction of the three principal axes of quadric ruled surfaces (intervento come relatore nel The 15th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, 2012); and has published several articles including: The extension of the Problem of Apollonius in space and L'Ecole Polytechnique (in Ikhnos 2008). He is the author of a few chapters of the book Descriptive Geometry by Riccardo Migliari, including: Construction on the circle (vol. I) and The ruled surfaces (vol. II). Currently he is involved in the research team led by Marco Gaiani on implementation of computer tools for the study and visualization of architecture at the DA (Department of Architecture) in Bologna.

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