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Federica Tarabusi

Associate Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"


Keywords: Public policies; Second generation immigrants; multiculturalism; identity; decentralized cooperation; development; applied anthropology; gender and migration

Anthropology of International Aid, Project Ethnography, Decentralized Development; Anthropology of Public Policies, Ethnography of welfare institutions; Anthropology of Migration, Multiculturalism, Second Generations Immigrants, Gender identity and sexuality

Anthropology of development processes, ethnography of international aid, decentralized cooperation, project ethnography

-relationship between development policies and practices

- ethnographic analysis of aid project, its social life and effects in local contexts

- anthropological inquiry of development agencies; social practices, institutional  strategies, organizational cultures of powerful institutions,

- decentralized development policies and practices in Bosnia-Herzegovina

- social trajectories of "mobile" development professional communities"

- applied anthropology

Anthropology of public policies, ethnography of migration, multiculturalism

-Local policies toward immigrants

- social construction of migration and local public services

-social production of "differences" and everyday construction of "boundaries" in multicultural contexts  

Second generation immigrants and migrant families

- Children of immigrant's identity construction

- Interactions between teenage immigrants and local public services

- Conflicts between generations and migrant parents

- Young people of migrant background, gender and sexuality