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Instructions for on-line exams
Examination with online mode – Practical instructions for the students following the courses held by prof. Fabrizio Ponti:
- 73348 - AEROSPACE PROPULSION SYSTEMS – Aerospace Engineering
- Examination conducting method
The test is oral and takes place with the help of the Teams platform; it is therefore necessary to install in advance on your device (pc/smartphone/tablet) the Teams application and verify that you have audio, microphone and a working webcam.
- Preparing of the workstation
It is essential to set up the workstation in a room that is free from other people; before the start of the test, a panoramic view of the room will be requested.
During the entire duration of the test, no other people shall be allowed in the room, and the use of any messaging client (Whatsapp web, Telegram web, Twitter, etc.) and headphone or bluetooth earphones is prohibited.
During the exam, the webcam must be positioned in such a way that the student's face, hands and work desk are framed at the same time. The student will position the paper on the desk on which he will have to draw and write graphs, diagrams and equations necessary to answer the question asked; it is advisable to move beforehand any private elements (photos, messages, etc.) that you do not want to show to the examiner.
During the oral presentation of the answer, the student will be asked to show what is written on the worksheet by exposing it to the webcam; if this mode is not effective for the comprehension of what is written, the student will be asked to send a photograph of the worksheet to the examiner through his institutional mail. It is therefore advisable for the student to use an A4 worksheet, drawing and writing graphs, diagrams and equations of a size that is easy to read (adequate size, comprehensible handwriting, etc.).
- Online connection
Make sure you have a stable connection, preferably via cable. Be sure to block other uses that may slow down your network (software updates, video and media downloads, etc.). We recommend that you keep your smartphone ready to use directly or in hot-spot mode to share the connection, as a backup plan in case of loss of the main connection.
The student must be online for all the duration of his/her examination: this is essential to ensure the correctness of the examination.
Short, occasional disconnections due to connection loss will be tolerated if limited in number and duration.
In case of student’s incorrect behaviour, the exam will be considered cancelled and must be repeated in one of the following exams.
- What to do on exam day
- Occupy the prepared workstation as described in section 2 "Preparing the workstation".
- Access the Teams application from the relative link adequately in advance before the exam’s start time (at least 15 minutes); in case of problems contact the examiner at fabrizio.ponti@unibo.it. [mailto:fabrizio.ponti@unibo.it]
- The university ID card (or other document) shall be readily available to show to the examiner; any document must be the same as that contained in the Unibo database and to which the teacher has access.
- Take note of the timetable and the sub-commission that the professor will assign to each student and the relative link that will be made available on the Teams chat.
- To begin the examination the candidate shall be in the indicated subcommittee-room, adequately in advance before the indicated time (at least 15 minutes).