Foto del docente

Fabrizio Ponti

Full Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Academic discipline: IIND-01/G Aerospace Propulsion

Director of Organisational Unit (UOS) Forlì of Department of Industrial Engineering

Curriculum vitae

Download Curriculum Vitae (.pdf 413KB )


1996 Mechanical Engineering Degree with points 100/100 cum laude at University of Bologna, 20th of March 1996. Thesis dissertation on: "Model of the intake manifold of an internal combustion engine for control purposes”, in collaboration with Magneti Marelli Powertrain

1998 - 1999 From September 1998 to June 1999 studied at Powertrain Control And Diagnosis Laboratory (PCAD Lab) of Ohio State University (USA), working with Prof. Giorgio Rizzoni on projects related to emissions control and powertrain management.

March-2000 PhD in “Engineering of Machinery”, with maximum evaluation, at Politecnico of Bari.

1 October 2000 Becomes Assistant Professor at the Engineering Faculty of the University of Bologna.

1 November 2002 Founded Alma Automotive srl, a University of Bologna Spin-off active in the field of engine testing and engine control, developing test bench facilities, HiL and RCP systems.

1 October 2007 Becomes Associate Professor at the Engineering Faculty of the University of Bologna.

1 October 2018 Becomes Full Professor at the Engineering Faculty of the University of Bologna, Campus of Forlì.


The research activity can be split into two main categories, the first one conducted at the beginning of the academic career in the field of machineries, and in particular studying diagnostic and control of internal combustion engines. The second part of the research activity, conducted in recent years, has been dedicated to the modelling and simulation of propulsion systems, like for example Solid Rocket Boosters, Aerospike engines and Plasma Thrusters.

Internal combustion engines.

  1. In-cylinder pressure and indicated torque reconstruction using non-intrusive instrumentation for diagnosis and control purposes.
  2. Engine modelling for diagnosis and control (torsional models, intake and exhaust models, combustion models, …).
  3. Misfire diagnosis for high performance and high number of cylinder engines.
  4. In-cylinder pressure measurement systems development.
  5. Low temperature combustion (RCCI, PPC, GDCI) control and management.

Aerospace propulsion.

  1. Internal ballistic modelling for a Solid Rocket Booster.
  2. 3D modelling of the grain burning surface regression.
  3. Propellant casting process modelling finalized to the evaluation of anisotropies and non-uniformities of the produced grain.
  4. Helicon Plasma Thrusters modelling and simulation.
  5. Numerical Characterization of Plasma.
  6. Aerospike modelling and performance prediction.

Teaching Activity

From 1999 Responsible for a short Course for the Master in Vehicle Engineering on “In-cylinder pressure and engine speed measurements” and on “Engine torque control and estimation”. The Master is held by University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and is sponsored by many automotive companies like Ferrari, Lamborghini and VM Motori.

From 2001 Responsible for the Courses reported in the following Table for Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bologna, and currently responsible for the courses in bold in the same Table and dealing with the following topics:

- Turbomachinery.

- Aeronautical Propulsion.

- Aerospace Propulsion.

2009-2015 He gave lectures within the “Mechanical-Plant Engineer" Specialized Training Course within the various editions of the Master in "Design of Oil & Gas Plants", delivered by the University of Bologna.

2013-2014 He gave lectures on issues related to the attitude control of satellites in orbit as part of the ESEO Lecture Courses, under the patronage of the ESA Education Office and organized as part of the European Student Earth Orbiter (ESEO) project.

2014-2017 He has lectured on topics related to aeronautical and space propulsion as part of the B2 Course on atmospheric and space flight, delivered for students of the Collegio Superiore of the University of Bologna.

2014-2018 He has lectured on topics related to the design of the internal combustion engine, its experimentation and calibration as part of training courses organized by various private companies, including Ferrari, Experis, Adecco.

2016-2019 He has lectured on topics related to the maintenance of the internal combustion engine for ultralight aircraft, as part of training courses organized by various private companies, including Isaers, OMA.

2021 He has lectured on topics related to the maintenance of gas turbine engine for aircraft, as part of training courses organized by Isaers.


March-1999 Received the recognition of “excellence in oral presentation” at SAE International Congress & Exposition, for the paper "Fast Algorithm for On-Board Torque Estimation" authors: F. Ponti, G. Rizzoni, N. Cavina.

2002-04 Receives the recognition for excellence in teaching activity by the Rector of the University of Bologna.

Apr. 2007 Recognition from Combustion & Fuel committee of SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) for the Significative contribution to the Technical Program of the SAE 2007 World Congress.

Nov. 2009 Recognition from SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) for the Significative contribution to the Technical Program of the SAE 2009 Powertrains, Fuels & Lubricants Meeting.

Oct. 2013 Nominated Member of the Board of Associates of the Internal Combustion Engine Division (ICED) of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers).

2012-2018 Nominated Session Chair of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Conference within Track 5 – Instrumentation, Controls and Hybrids.

2013-19 Scientific Manager of the Fluidodynamic Department of the CIRI (Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca Industriale) Aeronautica of the University of Bologna.

2015-18 Receives the recognition for excellence in teaching activity by the Rector of the University of Bologna.

2016-2019 Nominated Track Chair of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Conference within Track 5 – Instrumentation, Controls and Hybrids.

Oct. 2019 Receives the Solid Rockets Best Paper Award for the paper “Numerical Simulation of Air Inclusions Using RoBoost Simulation Tool” presented at the AIAA 2019 Propulsion and Energy Forum and Exposition, AIAA 2019-3959, Indianapolis.

2020-2023 Nominated Track Chair of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Conference within Track 4 – Powertrain and Emissions Systems.

GRANTS and REsearch programs

1996-2021 As part of agreements stipulated annually with Magneti Marelli spa, he conducts research aimed at developing methods for estimating the pressure inside the cylinders of an internal combustion engine, monitoring the quality of combustion in the various cylinders for purposes diagnostics, optimal injection control in spark ignition internal combustion engines, definition of the modeling of the intake and exhaust of an internal combustion engine aimed at the control, development and implementation of traction control strategies based on electronic control throttle and modeling of combustion in a diesel engine for control purposes. From the collaboration with Magneti Marelli he is the author of 6 European Patents and 4 US Patents, as well as a series of international patents filed in Brazil, China and Japan, on the diagnosis of misfire and on the analysis of signals for engine control and turbo compressor.

1998-2000 Within a European Grant ESPRIT “Very Robust transient exhaust gas emissions cOntrOl algorithms for a 12-cylinder high perforMance engine” funded by the European Community, in collaboration with Lamborghini Automobili spa, EFI Technologies, and ENEA, he conducts research aimed at developing control algorithms for the reduction of polluting emissions of a high-performance 12-cylinder engine .

1998-2023 As part of the agreements stipulated annually with Ferrari Gestione Sportiva, he conducts as Principal Investigator a research activity on the processing of signals. The activity focused, among other things, on engine control issues at the knock limit, on the modeling of the internal combustion engine for the optimization of the Power-Unit management aimed at minimizing the travel time of one lap track, on modeling the cylinder filling for torque management purposes. Torsional models of the engine-vehicle assembly were also developed for the evaluation of the engine actuations impact on driveability. As part of the relationship, it was necessary to carry out track assistance activities, both through direct presence on the circuit and through remote assistance (Remote Garage). Due to the confidentiality clauses associated with this type of collaboration, no publications have been produced on the topics involved in the research.

2001-2002 He is involved in the Research Program PRIN 2001 on the topic “Studio teorico-sperimentale di sistemi di iniezione ad alta pressione e ad alta velocità di attuazione per motori diesel ad iniezione diretta” (“Theoretical and experimental study on the high pressure and high speed injection systems for Direct Injection diesel engines”).

2001-2012 As part of the agreements stipulated annually with Gruppo Ferrari-Maserati, he conducts a research activity on the diagnosis of misfires in high performance engines with a high number of cylinders.

2007-2008 He is involved in the Research Program PRIN 2007 on the topic “Algoritmi per il controllo e la diagnosi di motori a combustione interna” (Algorithms for the diagnosis and control of Internal Combustion Engines).

2011-2012 Within a collaboration with Lamborghini, he conducts a research activity to model the dynamic behavior of the powertrain in order to develop a Hardware In the Loop system.

2018-2019 He is scientific director of an agreement between CIRI Aeronautics and Aernova Aerospace Industries (AAI) for the development and testing of an automotive engine adapted to operation in the aeronautical field. The research activity carried out within this agreement aims at developing a low-cost engine with a power-to-weight ratio compatible with use on board an airplane for the ultra-light aircraft market.

2012-2022 He is scientific director of a three-year agreement and subsequent annual agreements stipulated with the AVIO company. As part of these conventions, he coordinates a research activity aimed at developing an internal ballistics simulator for solid propellant rockets. The simulator is characterized by the possibility of representing the non-isotropic regression of the combustion surface due to the effects related to the production process of the solid propellant.

2022 He is scientific director of an annual agreement stipulated with Technology 4 innnovation and propulsion (T4i). As part of these conventions, he coordinates a research activity aimed at developing fluid models for plasma within ionization chambers and magnetic nozzles of Helicon Plasma Thrusters.


2003-18 Takes the Responsibility of the Traineeship Office for the Aerospace Engineering at the University of Bologna.

From 2018 Responsible for the Class Time Table definition of the Mechanical and Aerospace degrees at the University of Bologna – Campus of Forlì

From 2018 School Guidance Counselor for the Industrial Engineering Department (DIN) of the University of Bologna

From 2021 Member of the Ph.D. Board of the Ph.D. Programme Aerospace Science and Technology (DAST) active at the Campus of Forlì of the University of Bologna.

2002-2022 He serves as Tutor of 35 theses for Laurea Triennale and 56 theses for Laurea Magistrale of students in Mechanical and Aerospace engineering at Forlì Campus of University of Bologna.

He granted the possibility to many students, thanks to the collaboration with many industrial and research partners, to develop their dissertation work inside important companies and research centers, like for example ESTEC (ESA), Avio, Magneti Marelli, Lamborghini, Ferrari and Maserati.

2008-2020 He has been Tutor of five Ph.D students for the Ph.D programme in “Meccanica e Scienza Avanzate dell’Ingegneria” and “DAST – Aerospace Science and Technology”, on the following topics:

Sviluppo di metodologie per la Stima in Tempo Reale delle Grandezze Indicate in Motori a Combustione Interna.

Modellazione Tridimensionale del Processo di Combustione di un Razzo a Propellente Solido.

Metodologie per la valutazione delle caratteristiche di un propellente solido.

Analysis, modeling and control of standard and alternative combustion strategies in a diesel engine.

Modeling of the ablation process of the thermal protections of a Solid Rocket Booster.

2020-2023 He is Tutor of three Ph.D students on the following topics:

Modeling and optimization of an aerospike engine for space applications.

Development of a Numerical Tool for the Simulation, Design and Optimization of a Helicon Plasma Thruster.

Numerical Characterization of Plasma Thrusters for Micro-satellites.

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