Foto del docente

Federica Zanetti

Associate Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: PAED-02/A Didactics and Special pedagogy


Collaboration with:
University of Korca, University of Elbasan
The University of Elbasan, Korca and Bologna and their educational departments and faculties have developed a three-year experience, starting in 2014, as part of a project funded by Save the Children, entitled "INCLUSIVE EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS IN ALBANIA ". The project has made important progress in some important areas, including, in particular: - the innovation of university curricula in the perspective of inclusive education. There has been a review of the syllabus of the various disciplines focusing more on the theory and practices of inclusive education. - Teaching innovation, in a collaborative and active approach, to encourage students to practice internships and research in inclusive education. - Promoting the inclusion of all children in regular schools through new competent professional teachers. - The development of actions to activate internationalization processes for exchange in research, as well as for new university cooperation projects. - The promotion of a cultural process capable of supporting and understanding the inclusive and social function of the school, the enhancement of territory and society as places of difference and inclusion. The project's main goal is to build an idea and practices of "community education", in a collaborative perspective and in order to identify in the educational dimension the fundamental factor of coexistence, participation and development.
Collaboration with:
Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)
Collaboration is carried out under a convention that involves exchanges of teachers and students and research activities in order to build partnerships for possible international research projects, as well as training for research for Master and PhD students. The areas of priority interest are: gender, citizenship, international cooperation in the field of education, social inclusion, community work and community development. In 2017 the collaboration between the two partner institutions will extend to the project, funded by "FIBRA-Innovative Projects in the framework of international cooperation agreements", in order to build an international network of research and intervention on violence culture, aggressive behaviors , promoting well-being and social inclusion in adolescence, together with the Federal University of Espirito Santo (UFES), Brazil.
Collaboration with:
Université Paris Ouest – Nanterre La Défense
Collaboration, starting from 2015, with the international research project entitled "Les nations et l'Europe: deux mémoires en parallele" funded within the LABEX (Laboratoire d'éxcellence) University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense: Les passés dans le présent. This is a three year project to which the Department of Education Science "GM Bertin" collaborates as a scientific partner and partly as a researcher funding project on the basis of a research collaboration agreement between the Department and the University of Paris Ouest. Within this project, thanks to the research grant held by Dr. Musiani, some international initiatives have been made: - International conference held at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre on February 5 and 6, 2015 about "La Nation entre Histoire et Mémoire XIX-XX siècle". - International conference titled "Europe: un autre nation?" which took place on 18 and 19 February 2016 at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. - International conference titled "Du Grand Tour à Erasmus: Europe au but du voyage", organized in collaboration with the Department of Educational Sciences of Bologna, with the Archives of the European Union and with the European University Institute of Florence. The conference took place on 6 and 7 April 2017 at the headquarters of the European Union archives in Florence.

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