Foto del docente

Federica Zanetti

Associate Professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Academic discipline: PAED-02/A Didactics and Special pedagogy

Curriculum vitae

She has been associate professor at the University of Bologna since 2014, conducting research in the field of didactics and inclusive education. Research interests focus on the following topics: new technologies and inclusive education environments, technologies in the daily life of children, education for citizenship (from intercultural, gender, to digital and active citizenship), artistic and creative languages for social inclusion and cultural accessibility.


Graduated in Pedagogy in 1996 at the Faculty of Magisterium of the University of Bologna, she holds the PhD in Pedagogy in 2002 with a thesis titled "New Technologies and Perspectives of Intercultural Education".

Academic career

In 2004 she became researcher in the disciplinary field M-PED/03 in Didactics and Special Education, at the Department of Education Studies of the University of Bologna. In 2013, she granted the National Scientific Habilitation for the rule of Associate Professor. Since 2014 she has been associate professor at the University of Bologna.

 Main scientific-didactic activities :

- Since the Academic Year 2009-2010: “Adults Didactics and Empowerment and Active Citizenship Strategies”, second level degree course in Science of Lifelong Educational Processes at the Faculty of Education Science of Bologna.

- Since 2009 she has been member of CSGE, Study Centre of Gender and Education, Department of Education Science of Bologna.

- Academic Year 2008-2009: teacher of “Methodology of Group Work“, degree course in Social Education. “General Didactics”, second level degree course in Education and Co-operation at the Faculty of Education  Science in Rimini.

- Academic Year 2007-2008: teacher of “Models and Active Citizenship Educational Strategies”, University of Bologna. “General Didactics”, second level degree course in Education at the Faculty of Education Science in Rimini.

- Since 2006: member of the Summer School “Citizenship Theatre and Education” Scientific Committee.

- Since Academic Year 2005-2006: “General Didactics”, degree course in Social Educator at the Faculty of Education Scinece, University of Bologna.

- Since Academic Year 2004-05 she has been teaching  “Methodology of Group Work”-Laboratory- at the Faculty of Primary Education of the Libera Università  of Bolzano, Bressanone.

- Academic Year 2003-2004: teacher of “Methodologies of Game and Animation”, University of Bologna.

-Since Academic Year 2000-2001: seminars of Citizenship Education; teaching activities in the disciplinary area of Intercultural Pedagogy, Master for operators  working in the field of prevention and reduction of school and extra-curricular discomfort in the preteen age, Department of Education, University of San Marino.

- Academic Year 2000-2001 and 2001-2002: collaboration with Prof. Guerra in General Pedagogy, Faculty of Motor Science, University of Bologna.

Since Academic Year 2000-2001: coordinator of the scientific administrative office of the Master in Educational Dimension of the International Cooperation, promoted by the Faculty of Education Science, University of Bologna.

Activities of Project Research:

- 2009: Coordinator of the project “School Planet – Promotion, Valorisation and Sustainability  of the cultural and educational activities to children of schools and Belorussian Institutes”, promoted by Anpas and Region Emilia-Romagna.

- Since 2009 member of the coordination of the project “Promotion and Development Support of the inclusive school in El Salvador”, promoted by the University of Bologna and the Foreign Ministry.

- Since 2008 member of the Research of the Department of Education Science “Childhood and families as socio-educational resources”, attention at the issue of “Technologies in the  family”.

-Since 2008 member of the FIRB Project “L4A(everyone can learn)a multi-paradigm, multi-channel, multi-technological approach to the Innovative Pedagogy. 2007 Prot RBNE07RCPX"

-  In 2007 counsellor for the evaluational project “Educational  and psycho -social support to children Vitim of the Gaza Strip conflict, 4th PHASE, promoted by the ONG EducAid and by the local partner Remedial Education Center.

- In 2007 she took part as counsellor in the mission in Belarus within the project “A come Accoglienza”(“R as Reception“): analisys and research on the summer reception of the ANPAS association, Emilia-Romagna (2006).

-Since 2006 she has been taking part in the project “SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT FOR SELF-IMPROVEMENT”, in the field of the programme of UNDP Support to the Palestinian Education Programme SPEP in Palestine.

- In 2004 she took part in the project LOGOS, promoted by the Centre Poma-Caritas of Bologna with the research “The social success   of the Albanian  aids”. Surveys carried out in Elbasan and Milot, Albania.

- In 2003 she took part in a research project promoted by the region Emilia-Romagna and The Department of Education of Bologna on the evaluation and monitoring of the reception stays of foreign children in Emilia-Romagna.

- In 2003 she carried out two missions for Ong CRIC, as expert counsellor of the project “Action for Citizenship through Theatre”, funded by the European Agency for Reconstruction, in Skopije, Macedonia.

- In 2002 she took part in research and teaching activities within the project Education Itineraries women Friends in FAD”, promoted by ECAP Emilia-Romagna.

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