Foto del docente

Ernesto Salzano

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: ICHI-02/A Chemical Plants

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Chemical and Process Engineering


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Publications prior to 2004

Principali keynote e plenary lectures internazionali

  • Salzano E., Towards disaster resilience: reducing risks from technological accidents triggered by natural hazards (Natech), Public Forum: Towards disaster resilience: reducing risks, United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR), 2015, Sendai, Japan.

  • Salzano E., The vulnerability of oil and gas installation and pipeline to earthquake and tsunamiinternational, Symposium on Oil spills and Chemical accidents triggered by natural disasters, 2015, Osaka, Japan.

  • Salzano E, Combined flammability and explosivity tests for solid materials, 47th ESReDA Seminar: Fire Risk Analysis, European Safety, Reliability and Data Association, Warsaw, Poland, 2014.

  • Salzano E., Natech Domino, Expert Workshop Fostering current practices to a new generation approach dealing with Domino Effects in the Process Industries, Università di Bologna, 2014.

  • Salzano E., Combustion safety issues in the 21st Century, A Think Tank workshop on Process Safety Research Agenda for the 21st Century, Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center, University of Texas A&M, College Station, TX, 2011.


Lavori a stampa su riviste internazionali censite da JCR – ISI, con Impact Factor

  1. Cozzani V., Salzano E., The Quantitative Assessment Of Domino Effects Caused By Overpressure. Part I: Probit Models, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 107, 67-80 (2004). IF 4.529.
  2. Cozzani V., Salzano E., The Quantitative Assessment Of Domino Effects caused by Overpressure. Part II: Case Studies, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 107, 81-94 (2004). IF 4.529.
  3. Cozzani V., Salzano E., Threshold values for domino effects caused by blast wave interaction with process equipment, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 17, 6, 437-447 (2004). IF 1.406.
  4. Salzano E., Picozzi, B., Vaccaro, S., Ciambelli, P., The hazard of pressure tanks involved in fires, Industrial and Engineering Chemical Research, 42, 1804-1812 (2003). IF 2.587.
  5. Salzano E., Iervolino I., Fabbrocino G., Seismic risk of atmospheric storage tanks in the framework of Quantitative Risk Analysis, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industry, 16, 403-409 (2003). IF 1.406.
  6. Salzano E., Marra F.S., Russo G., Lee J.H.S., Numerical simulation of turbulent gas flames in tubes, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 95, 3, 233-247 (2002). IF 4.529.
  7. Maremonti M., Russo G., Salzano E., Tufano V., Post-accident analysis of Vapour Cloud Explosions in fuel storage areas, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 77, 360-365, (1999). IF 2.551.
  8. Maremonti M., Russo G., Salzano E., Tufano, V., Numerical simulation of gas explosions in linked vessels, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 12, 3, 189-194 (1999). IF 1.406.
  9. Tufano V., Maremonti M., Salzano E., Russo G. Simulation of VCEs by CFD Modelling: an Analysis of Sensitivity, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 11, 169-175 (1998).  IF 1.406.
Libri, capitoli di libri, e atti di convegno, con ISB-N 
  1.  Sallzano E., Cozzani V., The use of probit functions in the quantitative risk assessment of domino accidents caused by overpressure, Proc. European Conference on Safety and Reliability (ESREL 2003), A.A: Balkema Publisher, The Netherlands, 2003. ISBN 9058095517.
  2. Fabbrocino G., Iervolino I., Salzano E., Seismic vulnerability of atmospheric storage tanks, Proc. European Conference on Safety and Reliability (ESREL 2003), A.A: Balkema Publisher, The Netherlands, 2003. ISBN 9058095517.
  3. Marra F.S., Salzano E., Russo G., Numerical simulation of gas explosions in complex geometries, 2nd Int. Conf. on Computer Simulation in Risk Analysis and Hazard Mitigation, in: Risk Analysis II, Ed. C.A. Brebbia, WIT Press, Southampton, 2000. ISBN: 1853128309.

 Lavori pubblicati su libri o su atti di congressi internazionali, senza ISBN 

  1. Orlando F., Marra F.S., Salzano E., Russo G., CFD Simulation of Stratified Fuel-Air Explosions, 4th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, City of Derry, Northern Ireland, Editore: University of Ulster, 2003.

  2. Ferrara G., Di Benedetto A., Salzano E. Russo G., Analysis of Venting Through Relief Pipes by Means of CFD Model, 4th International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards, City of Derry, Northern Ireland, Editore: University of Ulster, 2003.

  3. Marra F.S., Russo G., Salzano E., Tamanini F., CFD simulation of stratified fuel-air explosions, 2nd Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, Egypt, January, 2002.

  4. Salzano E., Marra F.S., Russo G., Gas Explosion Consequences in Industrial Environment, European Safety & Reliability International Conference – Towards a safer world (ESREL 2001), Torino, 2001.

  5. Maremonti M., Russo G., Salzano E., Lee, J.H.S., Numerical simulation of turbulent flame acceleration, 17th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosion and Rreactive Systems, ICDERS, Heidelberg, Germany, 1999.

  6. Ciambelli P., Bucciero A., Maremonti M., Salzano E., CFD analysis of gas explosions in tunnels. Mediterraneum Symposium on Combustion, Antalya, Turkey, 1999, VII.11, p. 1343-1350.

  7. Maremonti M., Russo G., Salzano E., Lee J.H.S., The prediction of turbulent flame acceleration in obstacle filled tube, First Mediterranean Symposium on Combustion, Antalya, Turkey, 1999, VII.8, p.1307-1318.

  8. Ciambelli P., Bucciero A., Maremonti M., Salzano E., Masellis M., Modelling BLEVE in road tunnels: a case history, Proceedings 9th Int. Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Barcelona, Spain, 1998, vol. 3, p. 1121-1130.

  9. Russo G., Maremonti M., Salzano E., Tufano V., Ditali S. Vapor Cloud Explosion in a fuel storage area: a case study, Proceedings 9th Int. Symposium on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion in the Process Industries, Barcelona, Spain, 1998, vol. 3, p. 1100-1110.

  10. Ciambelli P., Bucciero A., Maremonti M., Salzano E., Analysis of gas explosions in LPG storage areas, Proceedings of the Combustion Meeting, 21st Event of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, 1998, Ravello (SA), pp.327-330.

  11. Maremonti M., Marra F., Salzano E., Continillo G. Verification of instability effects on flame propagation in closed vessels by CFD codes, Proceedings of the Combustion Meeting, 21st Event of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, 1998, Ravello (SA), pp.147-150.

  Lavori a stampa su riviste nazionali

  1. Andreozzi R., Salzano E., Sicurezza dei processi chimici: stato della ricerca in Europa, Tecnologie Chimiche, 6, 110-117, (1998).
  2. Russo G., Ragno E., Salzano E., Cozzani V., Zanelli S., Applicazione della direttiva Seveso II - Le attività di ricerca del GNDRCIE, La Termotecnica, Ottobre, 39-50 (1999).


Lavori pubblicati su libri e atti di congressi in italiano

  1.  Salzano E., Marra F.S., Russo G., Esperienze di applicazioni CFD nell’analisi del rischio di esplosioni derivante dal rilascio di sostanze infiammabili, Convegno Nazionale Valutazione e Gestione del Rischio negli Insediamenti Civili ed Industriali, VGR, 2002, Pisa.
  2. Salzano E., Marra F.S., Russo G., La propagazione di fiamma attraverso miscele stratificate di metano in aria, Convegno Nazionale Valutazione e Gestione del Rischio negli Insediamenti Civili ed Industriali, VGR, 2002, Pisa.
  3. Ciambelli P., Bucciero A., Maremonti M., Salzano E., L’incidente di Capaci – dinamica e gestione, II° Conferenza sulla Protezione dal rischio di incendio nelle gallerie stradali e ferroviarie, Roma, Italia, 1999.
  4. Ciambelli P., Andreozzi R., Bucciero A., Maremonti M., Salzano E., Analisi di esplosioni gassose in depositi di GPL, Convegno Nazionale Valutazione e Gestione del Rischio negli Insediamenti Civili ed Industriali, VGR, 1998, Pisa.
  5. Ciambelli P., Andreozzi R., Salzano E., Qualità dell’aria: fattori di rischio chimici, V Congresso Nazionale Aria 98, Healthy indoor air, 1998, Napoli.
  6. Ciambelli P., Bucciero A., Maremonti M., Salzano E., Esplosioni da rilasci accidentali di combustibili gassosi e liquidi, CNR – DPC, Atti del Convegno nazionale del Gruppo Nazionale per la Difesa dai Rischi Chimico-Industriali ed Ecologici, Roma, 1998, p. D/31-D/38.





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