Foto del docente

Ernesto Salzano

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Director of Second Cycle Degree in Chemical and Process Engineering

Curriculum vitae

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Ernesto Salzano is Full Professor of Chemical Plant Design at the University of Bologna, Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering.

From 1995 he has been a permanent researcher at the Institute of Research on Combustion of Italian National Research Council, after his degree at the Industrial Chemistry of the University of Napoli Federico II, and three years in an industrial engineering company working worldwide on the start-up of new chemical plant.

From 2007 he teaches at several courses at University of Bologna, Napoli, Eni Corporate University, Stuttgart University (Germany), Universidad Los Andes (Colombia) and others, following several PhD and master degree theses. From 2012 to 2015 he was Adjunct Professor at University of Napoli "Federico II", Industrial Chemistry.

In 2005 he was Visiting researcher at Baker Engineering and Risk Consultants, Inc., Texas (USA), one of the most important engineering company in the world. In Italy, CNR awarded him with the National Price for Scientific Excellence.

Research activities are addressed to combustion science, process safety and risk assessment, with specific reference to external events (natural events, domino effects, security).

He is member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industry of Elsevier, and has published more than 200 papers on international journal and conference proceeding indexed on ISI (WoS) or Scopus (Bibliographic index: Scopus®: h = 38 @2022).

He has been Expert member of EU commission from the 5th FP (General research, NMP, SME, Industrial research, Security) to the 7th FO and has led several research projects financed by EU, Italian government or by private companies.

On-going and recent large-scale projects, as project leader, include:

Adrion, Adriatic-Ionian Programme INTERREG V-B Transnational 2014-2020, Project: SuperLNG SUstainability PERformance of LNG-based maritime mobility, 2017-2022.

DPC/ReLUIS – Industrial Plant Vulnerability, Unit: Unibo, 2014-2022.

KT-Kinetics Technology S.p.A., Definition of explosive parameter for the H2S/Oxygen mixture, Project: Selective Oxidation of H2S to Sulphur”, 2015-2017. 

ENI SpA, Development of methodologies for Vulnerability Security Assessment for oil&gas facilities in Italy, open contract, 2014-216

7th FP CP, STREST: Harmonized approach to stress tests for critical infrastructures against natural hazards, 2013-2016.

7th FP, EU Project INTEG-RISK: Early Recognition, Monitoring and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology Related Risks, 2009-2013.

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