Santarelli, Enrico, Evidence-based policymaking and the crisis of Western Democracies, «JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY ECONOMICS», 2025, Forthcoming, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]
Carbonara, E; Focacci, Cn; Santarelli, E, Mitigating the labor displacing effects of automation through a robot tax: evidence from a survey experiment, «ECONOMICS OF INNOVATION AND NEW TECHNOLOGY», 2024, 33, pp. 1145 - 1158 [articolo]
Carbonara, Emanuela; Santarelli, Enrico, Artificial Intelligence and robots: a threat or an
opportunity for SMEs and entrepreneurship?, in: SMEs in the Digital Era, Chelthenham, Edward Elgar, 2023, pp. 104 - 121 [capitolo di libro]
Santarelli, E; Staccioli, J; Vivarelli, M, Automation and related technologies: a mapping of the new knowledge base, «THE JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER», 2023, 48, pp. 779 - 813 [articolo]Open Access
Carbonara, Emanuela; Carbonara, Umberto Michele; Santarelli, Enrico, ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF LAW AND THE PROTECTION OF ANIMAL RIGHTS: JUDGE POSNER AND THE PATH TO SUCCESSFUL LAWMAKING, «HISTORY OF ECONOMIC IDEAS», 2023, 31, pp. 253 - 267 [articolo]
Emanuela Carbonara; Enrico Santarelli, The Impact of Constitutional Protection of Economic Rights on Entrepreneurship: A Taxonomic Survey, «FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP», 2023, 19, pp. 126 - 223 [articolo]Open Access
Wismans, Annelot; van der Zwan, Peter; Wennberg, Karl; Franken, Ingmar; Mukerjee, Jinia; Baptista, Rui; Marín, Jorge Barrientos; Burke, Andrew; Dejardin, Marcus; Janssen, Frank; Letina, Srebrenka; Millán, José María; Santarelli, Enrico; Torrès, Olivier; Thurik, Roy, Face mask use during the COVID-19 pandemic: how risk perception, experience with COVID-19, and attitude towards government interact with country-wide policy stringency, «BMC PUBLIC HEALTH», 2022, 22, Article number: 1622, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]Open Access
Tran, Hien Thu; Santarelli, Enrico; Wei, William X., Open innovation knowledge management in transition to market economy: integrating dynamic capability and institutional theory, «ECONOMICS OF INNOVATION AND NEW TECHNOLOGY», 2022, 31, pp. 575 - 603 [articolo]Open Access
Tran, Hien Thu; Santarelli, Enrico, Successful Transition to a Market Economy: An Interpretation From Organizational Ecology Theory and Institutional Theory, «INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE», 2021, 30, pp. 652 - 677 [articolo]Open Access
Carbonara, Emanuela; Gianfreda, Giuseppina; Santarelli, Enrico; Vallanti, Giovanna, The impact of intellectual property rights on labor productivity: do constitutions matter?, «INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE», 2021, 30, pp. 884 - 904 [articolo]Open Access
Wismans, Annelot; Letina, Srebrenka; Wennberg, Karl; Thurik, Roy; Baptista, Rui; Burke, Andrew; Dejardin, Marcus; Janssen, Frank; Santarelli, Enrico; Torres, Olivier; Franken, Ingmar, The role of impulsivity and delay discounting in student compliance with COVID-19 protective measures, «PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES», 2021, 179, Article number: 110925, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access
Carbonara, Emanuela; Tran, Hien Thu; Santarelli, Enrico*, Determinants of novice, portfolio, and serial entrepreneurship: an occupational choice approach, «SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS», 2020, 55, pp. 123 - 151 [articolo]Open Access
R. Patuelli, E. Santarelli, A Tubadji, Entrepreneurial Intention among High-School Students: The Importance of Parents, Peers and Neighbors, «EURASIAN BUSINESS REVIEW», 2020, 10, pp. 225 - 251 [articolo]Open Access
Wismans, Annelot; Srebrenka, Letina; Thurik, Roy; Wennberg, Karl; Franken, Ingmar; Baptista, Rui; Marin, Jorge; Block, Joern; Burke, Andrew; Dejardin, Marcus; Janssen, Frank; Mukerjee, Jinia; Santarelli, Enrico; Millan, Jose Maria; Torres, Olivier, Hygiene and Social Distancing as Distinct Public Health Related Behaviours Among University Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic, «PSYCHOLOGIA SPOłECZNA», 2020, 15, pp. 1 - 26 [articolo]Open Access
Santarelli, Enrico; Tran, Hien Thu, The Interaction of Institutional Quality and Human Capital in Shaping the Dynamics of Capital Structure, in: Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2020, pp. 63 - 87 [capitolo di libro]