Foto del docente

Enrico Santarelli

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche

Coordinatore del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Economia e diritto

Contenuti utili

Top Scientists Ranking

According to the ranking, Enrico Santarelli is ranked 37th among academic economists in Italy:      

How the constitutional protection of economic rights creates a favorable environment for entrepreneurship

Emanuela Carbonara and Enrico Santarelli (2023), "The Impact of Constitutional Protection of Economic Rights on Entrepreneurship: A Taxonomic Survey", Foundations and Trends® in Entrepreneurship: Vol. 19: No. 2, pp 126-223.

Risultato Individuale VQR 2015-2019

Risultato della valutazione dei prodotti di Enrico SANTARELLI presentati da Università degli Studi di BOLOGNA Emanuela, Carbonara, Enrico, Santarelli, Martin, Obschonka, Hienthu, Tran, Jeff, Potter, Gosling, Samuel D. (2018). Agency culture, constitutional provisions and entrepreneurship: a ...

Other positions

Senior extra mural Research Fellow Department of Economics and Management  University of Luxembourg